

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jorge Marx Gómez


Secretary Julia Franke

+49 (0) 441 / 798 - 44 78

+49 (0) 441 / 798 - 44 72 

A4 - 3rd floor

All Contact Details



MSC.ESE TEMPUS Joint Project

Exporting Master Programme in Enterprise Systems Engineering to Jordan, Syria, Tunisia and Egypt.

Project Summary

Today, there is a major lack of knowledge and experiences in the field of ESE and Business Informatics in the EU southern neighboring region. The overall aim of this project is to create a master’s curriculum in ESE at JO/SY/TN/EG universities to be taught in a new master’s programme that will be established through the project at one university in each country (4 in total) where the lectures will take place. The curriculum will include also single-subject courses which target professionals and employees from interested companies.

The project will ensure the ability of targeted universities to offer an advanced curriculum in ESE based on successful course materials, teaching methods and faculty expertise available at EU universities. Courses will be adapted to JO/SY/TN/EG teaching practices and business environment. Five individual experts will be involved for evaluating the project. This proposal had been submitted last year with 2 JO and 5 SY partners and had been placed in group I (proposals of very good quality).

The project's specific objectives are:

  • Create 5-6 new courses and update 6-8 available ones in a way that conforms to ECTS and Bologna Process
  • Incorporate ICT through a Web-based E-learning, course management and admission system
  • Apply new teaching methods, PBL and PGL, that are based on comprehension rather than memorization, and obtain case studies from real industrial problems in JO/SY/TN/EG
  • Explore the possibility for this programme's graduates to continue their studies at EU universities based on performance and availability
  • Eight ESE labs in the targeted universities equipped with advanced software and E-Learning tools
  • Organize ESE concluding scientific conference on an international level
  • Re/-training of staff from JO/SY/TN/EG universities for the new curriculum, E-Learning and teaching methods
  • Explore the possibility to have regular video conferences among EU/target universities to form an inter-university scientific cooperation

Project Partner

Partner Countries

  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Syria
  • Tunisia

Partner List

  1. Oldenburg University (Applicant)
    Oldenburg, Germany
  2. Magdeburg University (Partner)
    Magdeburg, Germany
  3. Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (Partner)
    Barcelos, Portugal
  4. Pompeu Fabra University (Partner)
    Barcelona, Spain
  5. Royal Institute of Technology (Partner)
    Stockholm, Sweden
  6. Princess Sumaya University (Partner)
    Amman, Jordan
  7. German-Jordanian University (Partner)
    Amman, Jordan
  8. Damascus University (Partner)
    Damascus, Syria
  9. Aleppo University (Partner)
    Aleppo, Syria
  10. University of Sfax (Partner)
    Sfax, Tunisia
  11. Tunis University (Partner)
    Tunis, Tunisia
  12. Sinai University (Partner)
    Sinai, Egypt
  13. Ahram Canadian University (Partner)
    6th of October City, Egypt

project Timeline

Start date

  • 15.10.2012

End date

  • July 2016



Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez and Waad Assaad

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