Heat turn north west – ROPE
Passing the Agenda 2030 in 2015, the Federal Government of Germany called time on the national sustainability politics. The climate protection law 2021 substancially raises the climate protection goals compared to the climate protection law 2019. In addition to the expansion of renewable energies, the reduction of CO2 emissions is stringently required.
The climate protection program 2030 and the climate protection plan 2050 devide the fields of action (or sections) by the principle of sources. The section buildings is positioned 4th on the ranking list of emission sources. This includes only direct emissions. Indirect emissions arise by firing fossil energy sources to generate electricity or heat. Adding indirect emissions to the buildings sector would double the emissions and therefore raise the section to around 25 percent of the overall emissions. There are also grey emissions which corresponds to the industry section. They arise in the process of production, construction and renovation of buildings.
Thsi shows the relevance and the potential of the buildings section. The project ROPE (Regional Online-Platform for Energy efficiency optimization and business models), as part of the joint project Wärmewende Nordwest (WWNW), is dedicated to this section. The goal of the project is to establish an online platform that allows real estate owners low threshold access to informations and providers of energetic renovations. The users provide photos and building data of their property and the platform gives an estimation of the costs and possibilities on this topic. The usage of modern technologies, like Augmented Reality for visualization of possible energy saving measures, are intended.
Project start: