Chahin, Rami (2023): Music Education in Primary Stage in Syria Before and During the Current Crisis. International Journal of Music Education. Manuscript in preparation.
Chahin, Rami (2023). Microtonal Music Classifications in Theory and Education. Manuscript in preparation.
Chahin, Rami; Shahd Alshammari (2022): Hip-Hop in the Arab World and Kuwait. New Middle Eastern Studies 11 (2), pp. 74-86.
Chahin, Rami (2021). حـــــديـــــثة عـــــربـــــية مـــــوســـــيقى نـــــحو Towards Arab Contemporary Music. Cairo Congress of Arab Music 30.
Chahin, Rami (2021). Sacred of Beginning The الــموســیقى فــي بــدایــة الإســلام بــین الاقــتباس والــتألــیف والــتعل
Islamic Music in the Levant between Education,
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Chahin, Rami (2019): The History of Music-Therapy in the Arab World. 12th International
Scientific and Public Event ’Raising Awareness for Rare Diseases’. Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Tunisia
Chahin, Rami (2017): Towards a Spectral Microtonal Composing: Bridge between Western
and Arabic Music Vol.1, Schott, mains.
Stroh, Wolfgang Martin, interview: Chahin, Rami (2016): Irgendwie bin ich Immer im Exil...Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, Schott, mains.
Chahin, Rami: Peng, Bei; Reale, Roberto (2009). Mathematische Prinzipien hinter den
musikalischen Kompositionen für die Eröffnung der Tagung, Gesellschaft für Didaktik der
Mathematik, BIS-Verlag, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg.
Chahin, Rami (2005): Instrumentation and Orchestration for Oriental and Musical Instruments, Al-Baath University Press, Homs/Syrien.