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Zhongkai Li, Jorge Marx Gómez, Alexandra Pehlken. A systematic review of environmentally conscious product design. Accepted by EnviroInfo & ICT4S 2015, University of Copenhagen, 7-9 September, 2015.

Zhongkai Li, Jorge Marx Gómez. Modeling for sustainable product development strategies with general morphological analysis. Accepted by BUIS-TAG conference in Cottbus 29 September - 2 Oct., will be published in Lecture Notes in Informatics, 2015.

Zhongkai Li, Guangdong Tian, Gang Cheng, et al. (2014). An integrated cultural particle swarm algorithm for multi-objective reliability-based design optimization. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 228(7), 1185-1196.

Zhongkai Li, Zhihong Cheng, Yixiong Feng, et al. (2013). An integrated method for flexible platform modular architecture design. Journal of Engineering Design, 24(1), 25-44.

Zhongkai Li, Zhencai Zhu, Yan Song, et al. (2012). A multi-objective particle swarm optimizer with distance ranking and its applications to air compressor design optimization. 34(5), 546-556.

Zhongkai Li, Yixiong Feng, Jianrong Tan, Zhe Wei. (2008). A methodology to support product platform optimization using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 30(3/4), 295-312.

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