Object of research
In the future energy system with 100% renewable energies, it is essential to efficiently network the decentralized sector coupling of electricity, heat and electromobility at district level. This is particularly relevant for the utilization and realization of local grid-supporting flexibility potential for system stability, as well as for secure digital communication and the acceptance and consistent application of the concepts beyond pilot projects.
The project "ENaQ Phase II - Operational optimization, monitoring and transfer in the energy neighborhood Helleheide" (EnaQ-II) builds on the results of the predecessor project "Energy Neighborhood Fliegerhorst Oldenburg" (ENaQ) funded by the BMWK and BMBF, which was carried out from 2018 to 2024 under the motto "Energy from neighbors for neighbors". The aim of this project was to develop and implement a climate-friendly and forward-looking energy concept for the Helleheide district.
The core of the ENaQ approach is the concept of covering the majority of energy requirements from locally generated energy. As part of the ENaQ project, Helleheide was established as a real-life laboratory to test innovative approaches in practice.
The EnaQ-II project focuses on the further development and optimization of the energy concept as well as the scientific evaluation of operating methods. The project offers the opportunity to investigate what happens after the conceptual design, the construction in the neighbourhood and the first commissioning, e.g. to what extent planned synergies are realized and how the trusting and constructive cooperation established in ENaQ between the project team and stakeholders in the neighbourhood (residents, planners and developers, craftsmen, scientists) can be further developed in the long term.
Method / Approach:
In the sub-project "Evaluation of participation" in EnaQ-II - as in the previous ENaQ project - the ecological economics team focuses primarily on participation and addresses four challenges for participation in the Helleheide district in particular:
- Representativeness and diversity
- Digital participation
- Transparency and communication
- Research ethics in participation practice
Specifically, research is being conducted into how the business models developed and implemented in the neighborhood and technologies currently being tested (e.g. energy traffic lights) can be evaluated and improved together with the users in comprehensive participation processes. Furthermore, participation and cooperation of residents is used for building cohesion and a sense of community in the neighborhood.
In addition, the overall participation process at the Helleheide district since 2015 is analyzed in order to develop findings for future participatory urban planning projects and guidelines for more effective participation strategies.
Project Duration
01.02.2025 - 31.12.2029
The sub-project "Evaluation of participation" in the EnaQ-II project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) with around €289,000.
- OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology (project coordination)
- German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Networked Energy Systems
- City of Oldenburg
- Olegeno - Oldenburger Energie-Genossenschaft eG
- GSG Oldenburg Bau- und Wohngesellschaft mbH
- GSG Energie GmbH
- Electric-Special Photronicsysteme GmbH
- Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg