Dr. Danai Tembo
Dr. Danai Tembo
Dr. Danai Tembo
Guest lecturer from Nelson Mandela University (South Africa)
Lecturer and programme coordinator in the Department of Development Studies at Nelson Mandela University.
Research Interest
Marine living resource management
Small-scale fisheries
Science to policy transfer
Maritime governance and security issues
Tembo, D. (2024) Bridging the gap between legislation and implementation: Strategies for improved implementation of South Africa’s marine living resource legislation. In Jones, C (Ed), Governing Oceans: Policy Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Musasa, G., Tembo, D.J., Mago, S. (2023). Approaches to safeguarding livelihoods during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Submitted to African Journal of Democracy and Governance.
Phiri, A and Tembo, D. (2022). Ecological based environmental Kuznets curve for Africa: evidence from the fishery sector at continental, regional and country-specific levels. https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2023.2225917
Haas, B., Daly, J., Tembo, D. (2022). Fisheries Governance. In B.M. de Oliveira, J.C.F Pardo and A. Turra (Eds). Challenges in Ocean Governance in the Views of Early Career Scientists. Sao Paulo. Instituto de Estudos avancados da Universidade de Sao Paulo. https://www.livrosabertos.sibi.usp.br/portaldelivrosUSP/catalog/book/930