Curriculum Vitae


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Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner



Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
School II of Computing Science, Business Administration, Economics and Law: Succesful mid-term evaluation as assistant professor

1996 - 2000

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Business School: PhD about  "Action-theoretical approaches in economics in the sustainability context"

1988 - 1995

Freie Universität Berlin
Department of Political Science. Graduate Political Scientist

1988 - 1994

Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Economics: Studies in Economic. Graduate Diplom-Volkswirt


Abitur at Goethe-Oberschule (Gymnasium), Berlin

Professional Career

May 2017

Gothenburg University: Offer of a Professorship in Environmental Social Sciences, declined

Jan. 2023 – July 2023
Oct. 2014 - March 2015
Nelson Mandela University, Porth Elizabeth, South Africa
Visiting professor at the Faculty of Science
Aug. 2006

Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen: Offer of an Associate Professorship in Social and Political Sciences of the Environment, declined

Since June 2002

Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg, School of Computing Science, Business Administration, Economics and Law:
Vice-President for Graduate Education and Quality Management (2010 - 2015)
Vice-Dean and Head of the Department for Economics, Business Administration, and Law (2009 - 2010, 2018 – 2019)
Professor (W2) for Ecological Economics (between 2002 and 2006: Assistant Professor)
Head of the Master’s programmes “MA Sustainability Economics and Management”, “MSc Water and Coastal Management”

Feb. 2002 - Dec.. 2007

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Global Change & Social Systems Department, Global Governance Project:
Project leader within the Global Governance Project

April 1996 - Nov. 2001

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Dept. of Economics, Institute for Business Administration; Corporate Environmental Management:
Research Scientist and Junior Lecturer  in the fields of environmental policy, environmental economics, ecological economics, and corporate environmental management

Sep. 2000 - Sep. 2001

Harvard University
John F. Kennedy School of Government: Post-doctoral Fellow in the Global Environmental Assessment Project

Aug. 1999

German-Italian Centre "Villa Vigoni"
Scholar in the context of the Villa Vigoni Summer School

April - July 1996

Berlin School of Economics and Law
Contract teacher

Sep. 1995 - Feb. 1996

Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Rechtspflege, Berlin
Contract teacher

Sep. 1994

Berlin Social Science Centre (WZB)
Research Assistant

Juli 1993 - March 1996

Institute for Environmental Vocational Training, Berlin:
Research Scientist for several projects on environmental vocational and professional training in Germany

Teaching Experience

Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law:

Lecture in study program Business Adminiatration (Dipl.) Corporate environmental strategies (annually)
Seminars in study program Business Adminiatration (Dipl.) Instruments of Environmental Management (annually)
  Human Image in Corporate Governance (WT 2002/03)
  Sustainability and Economics (ST 2003)
  Sustainable Product and Service Development (ST 2003)
  Management of Organisational Learning Processes (WT 2003/04)
  Needs Analysis (ST 2004)
  Sustainability-oriented learning processes in organisations (project seminar) (WT 2004/05, ST 2005)
  Change Management (ST 2005)
  Evolutionary Ecological Economics (WT 2005/06)
  International Organisations in Environmental Governance (WT 2005/06)
  Long-term management in the energy sector) (WT 2006/07, ST 2007)
  Sustainability and Environmental Ethics (ST 2007, 2008, 2009)
Module in study program Sustainability Economics & Management (M.A.) International Sustainability Management (annually since WT 2007/08)
  Practical Project in Sustainability Economics and Management (annually since WT 2007/08)
  Selected Topics in Sustainability Economics and Management (International Environmental Governance, Ecological Economics, Qualitative Research Methods for Sustainability Science, Energy and Society) (since ST 2007)
Module in study program Business Administration and Law (B) Corporate environmental strategies (annually)


University Lüneburg, Centre for Sustainability Management:

Lecture / Seminar Instruments and Strategies of Sustainabilty Economics (ST 2005)
  Integrative theories and concepts of sustainability economics (WT 2005/06)


Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Dept. of Economics, Institute for Business Administration:

Exercice in basis studies Introduction ito Business Admininstration (WT 1998/99, ST 1999, WT 1999/2000, WT 20001/02)
Exercice in advanced studies Corporate environmental management I: Foundations and framework conditions (ST 1997, WT 1998/99, ST 2000)
Seminars in advanced studies Ecological Corporate Governance (WT 1996/97)
  Introdcution of an environmental management system  (Simulation Game) (WT 1997/98)
  Sustainability and its managerial implementation (ST 1998)
  Sustainability-suitable corporate ethics (ST 1999)
  Ecological Economics (ST 2000)
  E-Business (WT 2001/02)


University of Applied Sciences , Berlin:

Lecture on corporate environmental management: Ecological opportunities for actions in the area of communications and information (ST 1996)


University of applied sciences for public administration and legal affairs, Berlin:

Lecturer on ecological strategies in public administration: The greening of public administration: Limitations and opportunities (WT 1995/96)


Office for Environmental Education, Halle:

Events for advanced education about various topics of Business Administration


  • Chairman of the German Association for Ecological-Economic Research (Vereinigung für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung, VÖW),since  11/2004
  • Member of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE)
  • Member of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)
  • Member of the Greening of Industry Network (GIN)
  • Member of the union for social politics
  • Member of the board of trustees of the German Federal Foundation for the Environment

Reviewer activities

  • Reviewer for the following Journals: Ecological Economics, Environmental Science and Policy, Journal of Consumer Policy, Global Environmental Politics, Global Environmental Change, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal for Peace Research, Journal for Policy Studies, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Journal for Ecological Economis and Statistics, Journal of Social Science Education, Business Strategy and the Environment
  • Reviewer for the European Commission, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Norwegian Research Council, Volkswagen Foundation, Belgian Science Policy Office, Böll Foundation, German Federal Environmental Foundation, German Research Foundation, MIT Press
  • Managing Editor of the book series Scientific Sustainability Research (Metropolis Verlag)
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