2010 - 2012



Prof. Dr. Niklas Nilius

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät V - Institute of Physics
D-26111 Oldenburg


Room: W2 3-327a


Meike Hurling


Room: W2 1-133

2010 - 2012


69. Structural and electronic characterization of the MgO/Mo(001) interface using STM
H. M. Benia, P. Myrach, N. Nilius*, H.-J. Freund
Surf. Sci. 604 (2010) 435

70. Ultradünne Oxidschichten auf Metallsubstraten: eine interessante Materialkombination
H.-J. Freund, N. Nilius, T. Risse, S. Shaikhutdinov, M. Sterrer
Jahresbericht der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2009

71. Electronic properties and charge state of gold monomers and chains adsorbed on alumina thin films on NiAl(110)
N. Nilius*, V. Ganduglia-Pirovano, V. Brazdova, M. Kulawik, J. Sauer, H-J. Freund
Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 045422

72. Stabilizing Monomeric Iron Species in a Porous Silica/Mo(112) Film
J.-F. Jerratsch, N. Nilius,* D. Topwal, U. Martinez, G. Pacchioni, H.-J. Freund
ACS-Nano 4 (2010) 863

73. CO Adsorption on thin MgO films and single Au adatoms: An STM study
B. Yang, X. Lin, H. J. Gao, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
J. Chem. Phys. C 114 (2010) 8997

74. Characterizing the periphery atoms of Au islands on MgO thin films
X. Lin, N. Nilius,* M. Sterrer, P. Koskinen, H. Häkkinen, H.-J. Freund
Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 153406

75. Electron trapping in dislocation lines of an MgO/Mo(001) film
H. M. Benia, P. Myrach, A. Gonchar, T. Risse, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 241415(R)

76. Charge-mediated adsorption behavior of CO on MgO-supported Au clusters
X. Lin, B. Yang, H.-M. Benia, P. Myrach, M. Yulikov, A. Aumer, M. A. Brown, M. Sterrer, O. Bondarchuk, E. Kieseritzky, J. Rocker, T. Risse, H-J. Gao, N. Nilius,* H-J. Freund
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132 (2010) 7745

77. Li-doped MgO: Temperature dependent morphology, magnetic and optical properties
P. Myrach, N. Nilius,* S. V. Levchenko,* A. Gonchar, T. Risse, K.-P. Dinse, L. A. Boatner, W. Frandsen, R. Horn, H.-J. Freund, R. Schlögl, M. Scheffler
ChemCatChem 2 (2010) 854


78. New Measurement Techniques in Surface Science
H.-J. Freund, N. Nilius, T. Risse, S. Schauermann, T. Schmidt
ChemPhysChem 12 (2011)

79. Photon mapping of individual Ag particles on MgO/Mo(001)
P. Myrach, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011) 035416

80. Model Studies in Catalysis
N. Nilius, T. Risse, S. Schauermann, S. Shaikhutdinov, M. Sterrer, H.-J. Freund
Top. Catal. 54 (2011) 4

81. Strain-induced formation of thin mixed-oxide films
X. Shao, P. Myrach, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund, Umberto Martinez, Stefano Prada, Livia Giordano, Gianfranco Pacchioni,*
Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011) 245407

82. Growth and Morphology of Calcium-Oxide Films grown on Mo(001): An STM study
X. Shao, P. Myrach, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (2011) 8784

83. Electron localization in defective ceria films: An STM and DFT study
J.-F. Jerratsch, X. Shao, N. Nilius,*H.-J. Freund, C. Popa, M. V. Ganduglia-Pirovano, A. M. Burow, J. Sauer,*
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (2011) 246801

84. Oxidation of Au by surface OH – Nucleation and electronic structure of gold on hydroxylated MgO(001)
M. A. Brown, Y. Fujimori, F. Ringleb, X. Shao, F. Stavale, N. Nilius, M. Sterrer, H.-J. Freund
J.Amer. Chem. Soc. 133 (2011) 10668-10676

85. Role of the V2O3(0001) defect structure on the adsorption characteristics of Au adatoms
Bing Yang, Xiao Lin, Niklas Nilius,* Hans-Joachim Freund
J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (2011) 3404

86. Growth and Morphology of Metal Clusters on MgO/Mo(001): A comparative STM and diffraction study
S. Benedetti, P. Myrach, A. di Bona, S. Valeri, N. Nilius, H.-J. Freund
Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011) 125423

87. Spontaneous oxidation of Mg adatoms at defect sites in the MgO surface
S. Benedetti, N. Nilius,* I. Valenti, P. Myrach, S. Valeri, H.-J. Freund
J. Phys. Chem. C115(2011) 3684

88. Tailoring the electronic structure of a metal by a monolayer oxide film: MgO on Au(111)
Y. Pan, S. Benedetti, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 075456

89. Tailoring the Shape of Metal Ad-particles by Doping the Oxide Support
X. Shao, S. Prada, L. Giordano, G. Pacchioni, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50 (2011) 11525

90. Competition between Polar and Nonpolar Growth of MgO Thin Films on Au (111)
S. Benedetti,* N. Nilius,* P. Torelli, G. Renaud, H.-J. Freund, S. Valeri
J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (2011) 23043

91. Probing the f states of Ceria by tunneling spectroscopy
X. Shao, J.-F. Jerratsch, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 12646 – 12651


92. Polar step edges in a CeO2 (111) surface
N. Nilius, S. M. Kozlov, J.-F. Jerratsch, M. Baron, X. Shao, S. Shaikhutdinov, H.-J. Freund, F. Viñes, K. M. Neyman
ACS Nano 6 (2012) 1126–1133

93. Li/Mo co-doping of CaO films: A means to tailor the equilibrium shape of Au deposits
X. Shao, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (2012) 2532-2534

94. Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of near-surface centres in Cr doped MgO(001) thin films by Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
F. Stavale. Niklas Nilius,* Hans-Joachim Freund
New J. Phys. 14 (2012) 033006

95. Compensating edge polarity: A means to alter the growth orientation of MgO nanostructures on Au(111)
Y. Pan, S. Benedetti, S. Valeri, C. Noguera, L. Giordano, J. Goniakowski,* N. Nilius*
J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012) 11126–11132

96. Stabilizing gold adatoms by thiophenyl derivates: A possible route towards metal redispersion
B. Yang, X. Lin, Y. Pan, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund, C. Hulot, A. Giraud, S. Blechert, S. Tosoni, J. Sauer
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (2012) 11161–11167

97. Crossover from 2D to 3D Au particle-shapes on CaO films of different thickness
X. Shao, N. Nilius, H.-J. Freund
Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 115444

98. Absolute Surface Step Energies: Accurate Theoretical Methods Applied to Ceria Nanoislands
S. M. Kozlov, F. Viñes, N. Nilius, S. Shaikhutdinov, K. M. Neyman
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2012, 3, 1956 −1961

99. Role of lattice-gas atoms on the adsorption behaviour of thioether molecules
Y. Pan, B. Yang, C. Hulot, S. Blechert, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 31 (2012) 10987 – 10993

100. Donor Characteristics of Transition-Metal-Doped Oxides: Cr-Doped MgO versus Mo-Doped CaO
F. Stavale, X. Shao, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund, S. Prada, L. Giordano,* G. Pacchioni
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 (2012) 11380–11383

101. Model Systems in Catalysis for Energy Economy
N. Nilius, S. Shaikhutdinov, M. Sterrer, D. Menzel, H.-J. Freund
Chemical Energy Storage, R. Schlögl (Ed.), De Gruyter Verlag 2012

102. From embedded nano-islands to thin films: Topographic and optical properties of europium-oxide on MgO(001) films
F. Stavale, L. Pascua, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012) 085448

103. Probing the luminescence of single Eu2O3 nanoislands on MgO (001) with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
F. Stavale, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 (2012) 013109

104. Two-dimensional lithium islands grown on CaO(001) thin films
X. Shao, Y. Cui, W.-D. Schneider, N. Nilius,* H.-J. Freund
J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012) 17980- 17984

105. Probing the properties of metal-oxide interfaces: Silica films on Mo and Ru supports
L. Lichtenstein, M. Heyde, S. Ulrich, N. Nilius*, H.-J. Freund
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 354010

 (* Corresponding Author)

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