
University of  Oldenburg
Institute of Physics - ForWind
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Avila
Küpkersweg 70 
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel: +49 (0)441 / 798-5070
Fax: +49 (0)441 / 798-5099

Recent Announcements

May 3rd 2023
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Avila presents a keynote lecture “Particle dynamics and flow instabilities in particle-laden pipe flow” at the closing workshop of the SPP 1881 (Turbulent Superstructures), organized by Prof. Jörg Schumacher. Kerstin’s 6-year-old daughter and a nanny accompany her to the workshop.

April 27th 2023
Girl’s day! Kerstin Avila takes a quiz with the pupils about wind energy and answers many questions. Aga takes the students for a walk inside the wind tunnel and introduces them to 3D dsign construction.

April 12th 2023
The semester has started, and Prof. Dr. Kerstin Avila offers a new lecture “Fluid Dynamics: Onset of instabilities and turbulence” for master students of physics, engineering physics or related studies. It takes place in W04 1-172 on Wednesdays at 14:15. More information are provided in StudIP.

March 15th 2023
Agnieszka Hölling supports us in part-time as an engineer to design new experiments and modify our existing setups. We are happy to learn from you about the active grid from the wind tunnels and to introduce you to our “super-sensitive” setups. Aga, welcome to our group!

March 15th 2023
Our sloshing experiment that arrived a week before from Bremen has been set up in Oldenburg. Many thanks to the technical staff from the ZARM of the University of Bremen to bring the experiment back to live so quickly. Now we are seeking for students to work with this nice setup.


March 13th 2023
Prof. Kerstin Avila becomes a member of ForWind. She is especially looking forward to strengthening the cooperation with the University of Bremen, where she worked before.


March 6th 2023
Kick-Off-party with antipasti and Spanish ham

March 3rd 2023
Dr. Mike Hölling and other members of the group of Prof. Peinke help out to clear lab space for our experiments. Thank you, all a lot!

March 1st 2023
MSc Wilke Trei has joined our group to support scientists using the High-Performance-Computing Cluster. New machines have arrived recently, so Wilke is rather busy. However, we support you to finish your PhD in mathematics. Wilke, welcome to the group!

March 1st 2023
MSc Sonja Steinbrück has joined the group as a PhD student. As a PhD-student of Jun. Prof. Laura Lukassen she has been working on coupling atmospheric simulations of the flow (PALM) to engineering models of wind turbines (FAST). We are happy that she chose our group to continue her PhD and we are looking forward to the close cooperation with Dr. Bernhard Steovesandt (IWES). Sonja, welcome to our group!

March 1st 2023
MSc Bastian Bäuerlein becomes the first PhD student of the group. Already as an engineering student at the University of Bremen he has worked with Kerstin. He is an expert in time-resolved Lagrangian Particle Tracking (or 3D3C Shake-The-Box) and nonlinear resonances. Bastian, welcome to Physics and to Oldenburg

March 1st 2023
Prof. Kerstin Avila was appointed as Professor at the University of Oldenburg, Institute for Physics and the group “Fundamentals of Turbulence and Complex Systems” was established. Press release of Oldenburg University


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