Lecture: Automated Nanohandling(Microrobotics II)

Lecture: Automated Nanohandling(Microrobotics II)

Automated Nanohandling (Microrobotics II)

3 LE, 1 TU, 6 CP

Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil.  S.Fatikow

Smart and versatile microrobots; microactuators (piezo-, ferrofluid- and SMA-actuators) for microrobots; real-time image processing in the micro world (SEM, optical microscopy); micro force sensors and tactile sensors for microrobots; microrobot control systems, e.g. neural networks and fuzzy logic; haptic interface for the control of microrobots; neural speech interface for the control of microrobots; robot-based micro- and nanohandling (SEM, optical microscopy); applications: microassembly, nano-testing, cell handling; Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs); multi-robot systems: team behavior, communication, control issues

After having given an established introduction in the module “Microrobotics and Microsystem Technology” this lecture offers a further specialisation in microrobotics. Within the course, all relevant areas (among others the research topics of the division “Microrobotics and Control Engineering (AMiR)”) will be presented and analysed. The student will be provided with an insight into current research projects of AMiR and of other research institutes of microrobotics worldwide; here mainly the requirements of industry to microrobots will be discussed. The lecture will be enhanced by practical courses in the research laboratories of AMiR.


  • Lecture notes (can be obtained in our secretariate, A1-3-303)
  • Fatikow, Sergej (Ed.): Automated Nanohandling by Microrobots, Springer, London, 2008

Pre-requisites: Module "Microrobotics and Microsystem Technology"

Co-requisites: -

Assessment: oral examination and course attendance
Methods of Assessment for Ratings 0-100: course attendance: 20%,oral examination: 80%

Specialisation: Embedded Systems and Microrobotics

Computer Science Area Choice: Systems Engineering

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