Lecture: Control Engineering

Lecture: Control Engineering

Control Engineering

3 LE, 1 TU, 6 CP

Prof. Dr.-Ing. S.Fatikow


Basics; analog transfer elements: linear time invariant (LTI-) systems; action diagrams; simulation and modeling; step response; frequency response; frequency response locus; differential equations and transfer function; control loop stability; types of controlled systems; type of linear contollers; linear control loops: reference and disturbance reaction of the controlled system; rules for control loop optimization; methods of analysis and synthesis, implementation; computerbased control MATLAB/Simulink

Instruction of theoretical and mathematical basics of control engeneering


  • Unbehauen, H.:Regelungstechnik I, Klassische Verfahren zur Analyse und Synthese linearer kontinuierlicher Regelsysteme
  • Lutz, H. und Wendt, W.:Taschenbuch der Regelungstechnik
  • further reading will be announced at lecture


  • Module Differential Equations
  • Module Basics Electrical Engeneering

Co-requisites: -

Assessment: written examination
Criteria for Assessment of Ratings 0-100: At written examination overall 100 points can be obtained.

Specialisation: Embedded Systems and Microrobotics

Area of Choice: no

Application Date: 4th week

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