Sören Sanders

Sample publications

  • S. Sanders and M. Holthaus, "Hypergeometric continuation of divergent perturbation series: I. Critical exponents of the Bose–Hubbard model" New Journal of Physics, vol. 19, iss. 10, p. 103036.
  • S. Sanders and M. Holthaus, "Hypergeometric continuation of divergent perturbation series: II. Comparison with Shanks transformation and Padé approximation" Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 50, iss. 46, p. 465302.

Ph.D. Thesis

  • [phdthesis] bibtex
    S. Sanders, "Hypergeometric analytic continuation: A novel approach to the quantum phase transition from a Mott insulator to a superfluid" PhD Thesis , 2018.

Master/Bachelor Thesis

  • [mastersthesis] bibtex
    S. Sanders, "Reflected Brownian Motion and Local Time" Master's Dissertation , 2012.


Analytical Continuation of Perturbation Series in the Context of Phase Transitions,
DPG Spring meeting,
March 2016, Regensburg, Germany

Hypergeometric Extrapolation of the Strong Coupling Perturbation Series of the Bose-Hubbard model in 2d,
DPG Spring meeting,
March 2015, Berlin, Germany


Sören Sanders and Christoph Heinisch: Dimensional Crossover of the Phase Diagram within a Layered Bose-Hubbard System, Frontiers of Condensed Matter Summer School in August 2014, San Sebastian, Spain.

Sören Sanders: Critical exponents from a Landau-like approach, DPG Spring Meeting in March 2018, Berlin, Germany.



  • Tutorial to Quantum Structure of Matter (Summer 2018)
  • Colloquium to the Introduction into Theoretical Physics (Summer 2017)
  • Tutorial to Mathematical Methods for Physicists (Winter 2016/2017)
  • Tutorial to the Classical Fields and Particles Lecture (Winter 2014/2015)
  • Tutorial to the Introduction into Theoretical Physics (Summer 2014)
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