Contact Family Service

Claudia Batisweiler

Neele Henkenberens

A14 0-039 and 0-040 Auditorium Center
W02B 02-299 Campus Wechloy

Counseling appointments (telephone, video and presence) by appointment.

Expectant Parents

Welcome to our page for parents-to-be! Whether you are a student, employee or academic - if you are expecting a child, we can provide you with important information about maternity protection, parental allowance, parental leave, compensation for disadvantages and semester leave. As a family service, we offer you a clear overview and direct you to the right contact person. Together we will support you on your way into this exciting phase of your life!

We are happy to answer any individual questions you may have with our advisory service.

Pregnancy and maternity protection

Maternity protection protects you as a pregnant employee, trainee or student against health risks and dismissal. It ensures that mother and child are protected in the best possible way before and after the birth.

General information on maternity protection
Family portal of the BMFSFJ*
*Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth


Specific information on pregnancy and maternity protection


Notification of pregnancy

Financial matters - parental allowance, child benefit & co

Parental allowance

Parental allowance supports you financially as parents if you take a career break or work less after the birth of your child. It helps to secure the first time with the child and offers flexible options for both parents.
Information on parental allowance from the BMFSFJ family portal*
Detailed parental allowance calculator with planner
*Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth


Advice on parental allowance

Detailed advice on parental allowance is available from the respective local authority.
Elterngeldstelle Stadt Oldenburg


Applying for parental allowance

Applications for parental allowance are submitted to the respective municipality and not to the employer.
Applying for parental allowance at the City of Oldenburg


Child benefit

Child benefit provides you as a family with financial support for the care and support of your children. It helps to reduce monthly costs and gives parents long-term planning security.
General information on applying for child benefit


When money is tight

There are a large number of support services for expectant parents with limited financial resources. The Family Service for Students and Employees provides a brief overview.

We recommend that students and parents-to-be obtain detailed financial advice on financial support options from the social counseling service of the Studierendenwerk.
Contact persons and further information

Time off from work/studies - Parental leave/leave semester

Parental leave for employees and a semester of leave for students offer parents the opportunity to take time out from their career or studies to concentrate fully on their family. Both options create space to spend the first important months with your child without losing sight of your career or studies.

Time out from work - parental leave

Employees of the University of Oldenburg can take parental leave and thus take full or partial leave from work. The Family Service can provide you with general information about parental leave in a personal meeting.

Advice on parental leave for tariff employees
Advice on parental leave for civil servants

Applying for parental leave


Special features for academics

Under certain circumstances, academics can make use of special contractual options under the German Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz). Under certain circumstances, the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act allows you to extend fixed-term contracts by the period of parental leave and to apply for an extension of the qualification period. The personnel officer will check whether you meet the contractual requirements for this. Advice is strongly recommended in this case. An application for parental leave is independent of the special features of the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act. In most cases, however, parental leave can only be planned after a comprehensive consultation with the HR department.


Time off from studies - the semester off

Students can also take time out from their studies to concentrate fully on their family during the initial period. Students can take a semester off for this purpose. As the financial situation should also be secured before applying, we recommend that you first seek advice on financing from the Studierendenwerk. Once the finances have been clarified, nothing stands in the way of applying for a semester of leave.
Financial advice Studierendenwerk
Leave of absence from studies - information and application

When the child arrives - information obligations

Congratulations on the birth! Despite all the joy, please remember to inform us of the birth of your child.

Employees notify us of the birth of their child by submitting a notification of change. Please send the completed notification of change to your personnel officer in Dec. 1

Notification of a change

Students, notify the birth of your child and the associated questions about breastfeeding via Stud.IP.
Instructions for registering pregnancy in Stud.IP

(Changed: 09 Dec 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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