Contact Family Service

Claudia Batisweiler

Neele Henkenberens

A14 0-039 and 0-040 Auditorium Center
W02B 02-299 Campus Wechloy

Counseling appointments (telephone, video and presence) by appointment.

Caring relatives

Caring for relatives is a valuable task that requires time and organization - especially if it has to be combined with studies or work. But you don't have to manage this task alone.

Our aim at Family Service is to help you with the organization and access to relevant information. We understand that every care situation is unique and tailor our support to your specific needs. Whether you are a student or work here, our services are aimed at anyone who has caring responsibilities.

With the University of Oldenburg's emergency folder , we provide you and your relatives with preventative support for unexpected emergency situations. It works like a guide that helps you to compile all the information and documents for your family. This means that the most important information is immediately available in an emergency.

The University's Family Service offers you competent initial advice on the topic of care and supports you in reconciling care responsibilities with your career or studies.

Information and offers for students with care responsibilities

Leave of absence from studies - semester off

Students with caring responsibilities can take time out from their studies to concentrate fully on their family. For students, the semester of leave is an option. As the financial situation should also be secured before applying, we recommend that you first seek advice on financing from the Studierendenwerk. Once the finances have been clarified, nothing stands in the way of applying for a semester of leave.

Financial advice Studierendenwerk
Leave of absence from studies - information and application

Compensation for disadvantages

Students who require support due to caring responsibilities have the opportunity to apply for compensation for disadvantages. This allows them to take examinations under adapted conditions.

The application should detail the desired adjustments and a corresponding justification. Please enclose the necessary evidence to support your situation. The Faculty's Examination Board will decide on the applications.

Find out more about the different options and get the support you need to successfully achieve your academic goals. The Examinations Office will be happy to answer any questions and provide personal advice on compensation for disadvantages.

Explanatory video on compensation for disadvantages from the Academic Examinations Office
Advice from the Academic Examinations Office

Hardship regulation

When allocating places in courses, students who report and prove one of the so-called hardship reasons are given priority. An informal application (with the corresponding proof, e.g. of caring for a child up to the age of 14 or caring for a relative) is sufficient to claim a so-called hardship reason.

However, it is also important to note that hardship applications do not serve to shorten the standard period of study, but are a means of ensuring equal opportunities, i.e. the standard period of study should be made possible. There is no general entitlement to consideration of the hardship application; it depends, among other things, on the available capacities in the courses.

The coordinators for studies and teaching and the Didactic Center for internships can provide more detailed information on the hardship regulations for students.

Hardship regulations for degree courses
Hardship regulations for internships

Part-time study

Part-time study can be a good way to reconcile the time demands of family responsibilities and studying. Further information on part-time study at the University of Oldenburg, the application process and the part-time study regulations can be found in the InfoPortal Studies.

Study InfoPortal

Attention: Part-time study excludes the receipt of BAföG. Information on child benefit and health insurance contributions during part-time studies can be obtained from the Social Counseling Service of the Studierendenwerk.

BAföG effects

If you receive BaföG: Since 2019, however, caring for a close relative in need of care has only been recognized as a reason for extending the BaföG funding period if you have at least care grade 3.

We recommend that you seek advice from the

BaföG office.

Exceptional application for long-term tuition fees and Endspurt program

There may be delays in your studies due to caring for a close relative. To ensure equal opportunities, you can apply for an exemption from the long-term tuition fees.

You can obtain further information from the

Long-term tuition fees department of the Admissions Office. Application for exemption from long-term tuition fees

Endspurt program - finishing your studies

The Endspurt program supports you with individual and group coaching sessions to help you finish your studies.

Program Endspurt

Information and offers for employees with care responsibilities

Short-term leave of absence and care support allowance

Short-term leave of absence

Employees can take up to 10 days off work to ensure or organize the care of a close relative in an acute care situation. During this time, pay is suspended.

Please note: Within the scope of the TV-L, there is only an obligation to continue to pay remuneration for this short-term leave of absence for one day per calendar year and only if the relative to be cared for lives in the employee's household (Section 2 (1) PflegeZG in conjunction with Section 29 (1) (e) (aa) TV-L).

Information for tariff employees on part-time employment, leave of absence, parental leave, care leave and family care leave (from 4.1. in the information sheet)

Application for short-term leave of absence to organize a care situation

If you have any questions, please contact the Family Service or the Personnel Service for tariff employees.


Care support allowance

As compensation for lost wages during such a "short-term absence", employees are entitled to care support allowance for up to ten working days per calendar year and per person in need of care if they cannot claim continued remuneration from their employer or sickness or injury benefit in the event of a child's illness or accident for this period. The care support allowance must be applied for immediately from the care insurance fund or the private care insurance company of the close relative in need of care.

Long-term leaves of absence

Care leave

Employees can be released from work for up to six months to care for close relatives at home (Section 3 (1) sentence 1 PflegeZG). This care leave must be taken in one go. During this care leave, however, there is no entitlement to continued payment of salary by the employer. Furthermore, contributions to pension, long-term care and health insurance must be clarified before you apply for care leave.



Family care leave

Employees can reduce their working hours to up to 15 hours per week for up to 24 months in order to care for close relatives (Family Caregiver Leave Act). During this time, health, care and pension insurance cover remains in place.

Information for tariff employees on part-time employment, leave of absence, parental leave, care leave and family care leave (from 4.1. in the information sheet)
Application for care leave/family care leave

If you have any questions, please contact the Family Service or the Personnel Service for tariff employees.

Flexible working hours - time off in lieu and flexitime

Flexible working hours apply at the University of Oldenburg. Exceptions to this can be found in the service agreement.

When taking time off in lieu, employees who perform family work have priority. Family work within the meaning of the service agreement refers to the care and nursing of children, grandchildren, partners, parents and grandparents. Proof is required.

Service agreement Agreement on the regulation of flexible working hours

Flexible work location

With mobile working and teleworking, the University of Oldenburg promotes modern and flexible working time models that enable employees to reconcile work, family and private life.

Service agreement on mobile working and teleworking

Application for mobile working and teleworking

University workshops and events for family caregivers

Exchange and networking for family caregivers at the university

For students and employees with care responsibilities, we offer up-to-date information and opportunities for exchange in the Stud.IP group "Family Service Care Information" and in our moderated discussion group "Care".

You are very welcome - whether you are studying or working with us!

Further information and contact points

Exchange and networking for family caregivers at the university

For students and employees with care responsibilities, we offer up-to-date information and opportunities for exchange in the Stud.IP group "Family Service Care Information" and in our moderated discussion group "Care". You are very welcome - whether you are studying or working with us!

Contact points for family caregivers

Oldenburg's support center for senior citizens and care in Lower Saxony
Confidential, neutral and free advice on all questions relating to care for people with statutory health insurance - the Oldenburg Senior Citizens and Care Support Center.
Overview of all care support centers in Lower Saxony

Compass - free care advice for privately insured persons
Telephone number: 0800 - 101 88 00

Social Service of Catholic Women e.V. in Oldenburg,
Advice on legal precautions, such as health care proxy, care directive, living will.

Lecture on health care proxy, living will and care directive

Ways to care
Telephone advice and quick help on all aspects of care:
Care telephone number 030 20179131

Federal Ministry of Health
Here you will find a well-structured online guide on the topic "In need of care - what now?", which will guide you through the individual topics and pending applications in a well-structured manner. Federal Ministry of Health-Care

Palliative and hospice care in Oldenburg and the surrounding area
Palliative care centers of the districts

Care hotlineof the Lower Saxony Social Association
The care hotline advises people in need of care, relatives and carers on all questions and problems relating to care, provides support in resolving conflicts and arranges further help: SoVD care hotline and 0511 70148-148

Contact points for family caregivers of dementia patients

Karl Jaspers Clinic for Geriatric Psychiatry
Gerontopsychiatric Institute Outpatient Clinic (GIA) with outpatient treatment and memory consultation hours

Diko - Dementia Information and Coordination Center Oldenburg
The Diko is a first point of contact for people seeking advice and help on the subject of dementia and offers advice and support to give you an overview of existing help and support services and will work with you to find the right services for you in the Oldenburg area. The service is independent and free of charge.

DementiaHelp Oldenburg e.V.
DemenzHilfe Oldenburg offers advice and services for those affected, relatives and anyone interested in the topic of dementia.

Contact points for parents of children in need of care

Lower Saxony Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Equality
Help for families with disabled, chronically and seriously ill children and young people in need of care can be found here.

Federal association for people with physical and multiple disabilities
The bvkm's guide "My child is disabled - what help is available" provides an easy-to-understand overview of the benefits to which people with disabilities and their families are entitled.

Intensive care children Lower Saxony
Everyday family life with disabled children and children in need of care presents parents with special challenges time and again. This makes it all the more important for parents to seek support when caring for their children. You can find information and relief options here.dersachsen


Aktion Mensch guide
Single parents of children with disabilities:
Information, advice and addresses for people with disabilities and their relatives can be found here: Single parents of children with disabilities.

Siblings of children with disabilities:
Parents need a lot of strength and time for the child with disabilities. What situations are stressful for siblings without disabilities? What advice centers and self-help groups are there for adult siblings of people with disabilities?

Pension entitlements for family carers

You can benefit from important advantages in pension insurance if the following conditions are met:

  • You care for a close relative (with at least care level 2) for at least 10 hours per week in a home environment.
  • The care is provided at least two days a week.
  • The care is provided free of charge and
  • You do not work more than 30 hours per week

This applies to both employees and students. Additional pension points and periods cannot be claimed retrospectively - so it is all the more important that the person in need of care applies for a care degree.

The experts at the German Pension Insurance (DRV) will be happy to provide you with individual advice.
DRV - advice and further information

(Changed: 09 Dec 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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