Dr. Leena Karrasch


Dr. Leena Karrasch

PostDoc in the interdisciplinary Ecological Economics Group and COAST – Centre for Environment and Sustainability Research.


Guidelines for ecosystem service-based urban planning in Tanzania

These guidelines provide planning tools to identify and utilize the benefits of ecosystems in the range of cities for urban communities in Tanzania. The puplication provides some of the major outcomes of the ECOSOLA project. It is addressed to urban planners, landscape planners and environmental consultants from government authorities, the private sector and non-governmental organisations.

Petzold, M., Bass, J., Karrasch, L. & Kleyer, M. (2021): Guidelines for ecosystem service-based urban planning in Tanzania. ISBN: 978-3-00-070396-6

IPCC picks up article by Dr. Leena Kararsch

In the IPCC Special Report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate, which deals in particular with the impacts of climate change on low-lying islands, marine ecosystems, coasts and communities as well as risk management and adaptation, research of the University of Oldenburg gets a hearing. In the chapter 'Integrative Cross-Chapter Box on Low-lying Islands and Coasts', an article by Dr. Leena Karrasch, Martin Maier, Michael Kleyer and Thomas Klenke is cited.

A significant role to include society in the development of future adaptation measures in low-lying coastal areas play participatory processes, collective landscaping and a co-design of ecosystem-based management, as examples at the North Sea coast show (Karrasch et al. 2017, S. 666).



Research interests

Combining knowledge of natural and social sciences, her research interests are in social-ecological systems, stakeholder engagement, governance and social learning processes, ecosystem services and climate adaptation. She is an expert in inter- und transdisciplinary participatory planning processes to design sustainable land use and water management in coastal areas. Her current research focuses on groundwater salinisation and innovative approaches to strengthen flood resilience in North Sea coastal areas.

Core competences

Stakeholder-participation and inclusive decision guidance.

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae [German]

She holds a Dr.rer.nat from the University of Oldenburg, and M.Sc. degrees in Water and Coastal Management (University of Oldenburg) and in Environmental and Infrastructure Planning (University of Groningen).


Cases in Coastal Zone Management (Masterstudiengang Water and Coastal Management), European Virtual Seminar on Sustainable Development).

Finished Projects:

Publications (peer-reviewed & others)


  1. Karrasch, L., Restemeyer, B., & Klenke, T. (2021). The ‘Flood Resilience Rose’: A management tool to promote transformation towards flood resilience. Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12726.

  2. Gould, I., De Waegemaeker, J., Tzemi, D., Wright, I., Pearson, S., Ruto, E., ... & Vellinga, P. (2021). Salinization Threats to Agriculture across the North Sea Region. Future of Sustainable Agriculture in Saline Environments, 71-92.

  3. Karrasch, L., Klenke, T, Kleyer, M. (2019) Land use elements and attributed ecosystem services: An archetype approach to land use evaluation at the German North Sea coast, Ecology and Society, in press.
  4. Karrasch, L., Maier, M., Kleyer, M., & Klenke, T. (2017). Collaborative Landscape Planning: Co-Design of Ecosystem-Based Land Management Scenarios. Sustainability, 9(9), 1668.
  5. Cebrián-Piqueras, M. A., Karrasch, L., & Kleyer, M. (2017). Coupling stakeholder assessments of ecosystem services with biophysical ecosystem properties reveals importance of social contexts. Ecosystem Services 23, 108-115.
  6. De Puydt, L., Gladytz, A., Karrasch, L. (2016). Developing sustainable coastal areas: A comparison between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Aegean Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24-55.
  7. Karrasch, L., Klenke, T., 2016. Aligning local adaptive land use management in coastal regions with European policies on climate adaptation and rural development. In: Grabski-Kieron, U., Mose, I., Steinführer, A., Reichert-Schick, A. (eds.), European rural peripheries revalued. Governance, actors, impacts. Münster et al.: LIT, pp. 296-312.
  8. Karrasch, L., 2016. Matching an ecosystem services approach with social impact assessment. In: Geneletti, D. (ed.), Handbook on biodiversity and ecosystem services in impact assessment. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, pp. 86-112.
  9. Karrasch, L., Klenke, T., Woltjer, J., 2014. Linking the ecosystem services approach to social preferences and needs in integrated coastal land use management. Land Use Policy 38, 522-532.


  1. Petzold, M., Bass, J., Karrasch, L. & Kleyer, M. (2021): Guidelines for ecosystem service-based urban planning in Tanzania. ISBN: 978-3-00-070396-6. URL: ecolution-africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Guide-ES-based-urban-planning-TZ_211001.pdf

  2. Karrasch, L. and Schaper, J., 2018. Forschungsregion Ostfriesland. Brochure.

  3. Karrasch, L., 2017. Die Schatzkiste der Baroness Comtess. ISBN: 978-3-00-055487-2

  4. Karrasch, L., 2017. COMTESS – Nachhaltige Landnutzung von Küstenräumen: Empfehlungen der Regionalgruppe Krummhörn. ISBN: 978-3-00-055260-1

  5. Karrasch, L., 2014. Forschungsprojekt COMTESS – Nachhaltiges Landmanagement in Küstenräumen. Tagungsbeitrag BfN Skriptenreihe „Biodiversität und Klima – Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland X“, 41-43.

  6. Karrasch, L., 2014. Sichere Zukunft für Deutschlands Küsten. Umweltmagazin für die Region Braunschweig 21, 12 – 13.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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