


Journal Articles

Drews, A., Lorenz, E., Hammer, A. and Heinemann, D.: Long-term accuracy assessment of satellite-derived global irradiance time series with respect to solar energy applications. Submitted to Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2007).

Suselj, K., Sood, A. and Heinemann, D.: The influence of large scale circulation patterns on the North Sea surface wind field. Submitted to Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2007).

van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., de Keizer, A.C., Drews, A., Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., Heinemann, D., Wiemken, E., Heydenreich, W., Beyer, H.G., Prignitz, O., Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Schneider, M., Bofinger, S. and Heilscher, G: Automated performance control for grid-connected photovoltaic systems employing satellite data. Energy And Buildings, accepted for publication (2007).

Drews, A., de Keizer, A.C., Beyer, H.G., Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., Heydenreich, W., Wiemken, E., Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Bofinger, S., Schneider, M., Heilscher, G. and Heinemann, D.: Monitoring and remote failure detection of grid-connected PV systems based on satellite observations. Solar Energy, 81, 548–564 (2007).

Girodo, M., Müller, R. W. and Heinemann, D.: Influence of three-dimensional cloud effects on satellite derived solar irradiance estimation – First approaches to improve the Heliosat method. Solar Energy, 80, 1145–1159 (2006).

Ohsawa, T., Kataoka, A. and Heinemann, D.: Study on Annual Mean Wind Speed Distribution at Hub Heught in the Japanese Coastal Waters. J. of JWEA, 30, 109–112 (2006).

Peinke, J., Barth, S., Böttcher, F., Heinemann, D. and Lange, B.: Turbulence, a challenging problem for wind energy. Physica A, 338, 187–193 (2004).

Müller, R. W., Dagestad, K. F., Ineichen, P., Schroedter, M., Cros, S., Dumortier, D., Kuhlemann, R., Olseth, J. A., Piernavieja, C., Reise, C., Wald, L. and Heinemann, D.: Rethinking satellite based solar irradiance modelling - The SOLIS clear sky module, Remote Sensing of Environment, 91, 160–174 (2004).

Sempreviva, A.M., Barthelmie, R., Landberg, L., Larsen, X., Mann, J., Motta, M., de Paus, T., Focken, U., Heinemann, D., Durante, F., Strack, M., Christensen, L.C., Danielan, R., Muri, H., Perstrup, C., Stefanatos, N., Lavagnini, A., Gregow, E., Tammelin and B.: WindEng – Research Activity in an European Training Network. Wind Engineering, 28, 325-337 (2004).

Hammer, A., Heinemann, D., Hoyer, C., Kuhlemann, R., Lorenz, E., Müller, R. W. and Beyer, H. G.: Solar Energy Assessment Using Remote Sensing Technologies, Remote Sensing of Environment, 86, 423–432 (2003).

Heinemann, D., Parisi, J., Waldl, H.-P. and Beyer, H.G.: Energiemeteorologie. Physikalische Blätter, 55 (4), 47–50 (1999).

Hammer, A., Heinemann, D., Lorenz, E. and Lückehe, B.: Short-Term Forecasting of Solar Radiation: A Statistical Approach using Satellite Data, Solar Energy, 67, 139–150 (1999).

Beyer, H. G., Heinemann, D. and Singh, R.: Cosine, Air Mass and Clearness Index Fits for the PV Matrix 1G Sensor, Journal of the Solar Energy Society of India, 9, 41–52 (1999).

Beyer, H. G., Hammer, A. and Heinemann, D.: Satellite Derived Irradiance Statistics for Africa, Solar Energy, 59, 233–240 (1998).

Beyer, H. G., Costanzo, C. and Heinemann, D.: Modifications of the Heliosat Procedure for Irradiance Estimates from Satellite Images, Solar Energy, 56, 207–212 (1996).

Schmitz-Pfeiffer, A., Heinemann, D. and Hasse, L.: The Ageostrophic Method - An Update, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 39, 269–281 (1987.)

Contributions to Books

Beyer, H. G., Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., Drews, A., Heinemann, D., de Keizer, C., van Sark , W., Feige, S., Bofinger, S., Schneider, M., Heilscher, G., Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Wiemken, E. and Heidenreich, W.: Monitoring of Solar Energy Systems in Large Scale - The Project PVSAT-2. In: E.D. Dunlop, L. Wald, M. Šúri (Eds.): Solar Energy Resource Management for Electricity Generation from Local Level to Global Scale. Nova Science Publishers, New York (2006).

Heinemann, D., Lorenz, E. and Girodo, M.: Forecasting of Solar Radiation. In: E.D. Dunlop, L. Wald, M. Šúri (Eds.): Solar Energy Resource Management for Electricity Generation from Local Level to Global Scale. Nova Science Publishers, New York (2006).

Schroedter-Homscheidt, M., Delamare, C., Heilscher, G., Heinemann, D., Hoyer, C., Meyer, R. , Toggweiler, P., Wald, L. and Zelenka, A.: The ESA - ENVISOLAR Project: Experience on the Commercial Use of Earth Observation Based Solar Surface Irradiance Measurements for Energy Business Purposes. In: E.D. Dunlop, L. Wald, M. Šúri (Eds.): Solar Energy Resource Management for Electricity Generation from Local Level to Global Scale. Nova Science Publishers, New York (2006).

Gabler, H., D. Heinemann und J. Luther: Klimaänderungen und ihr Einfluß auf ein zukünftiges Energieversorgungssystem. In: H.-J. Schellnhuber und H. Sterr (Hrsg.): Klimaänderung und Küste. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 317-332 (1993).

Conference Papers

J. Betcke, T. Behrendt, J.Kühnert, A. Hammer, E. Lorenz, D. Heinemann: Spectrally resolved solar irradiance derived from meteosat cloud information - Methods and validation, EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Cordoba 20-24 Sept 2010.

T. Behrendt, J. Kühnert, A. Hammer, E. Lorenz, J. Betcke, D. Heinemann: 'Spectrally resolved solar irradiance from satellite data to investigate the performance of thin film photovoltaics', 25th EPVSEC Valencia, 6-10. 9. 2010. 

Zolitschka, M., Drews, A., Schaal, P. und Heinemann, D.: Bestimmung regionaler Solarstrompotenziale für freistehende Photovoltaik-Kraftwerke an Beispielen aus Baden-Württemberg und Niedersachsen. Proc. 25. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, 5–7 March 2008, Staffelstein (2010).

T. Behrendt, A. Hammer, E. Lorenz, D. Heinemann: 'Spektrale Solarstrahlung aus Satellitendaten zur Bewertung des Leistungsverhaltens von Dünnschicht-Solarzellen', 24. Symposium Photovoltaische  Solarenergie, Staffelstein, Germany, March 2009.

Hammer, A., Lorenz, E., Kemper, A., Heinemann, D., Beyer, H.G., Schumann, K., Schwandt, M.: 'Direct normal irradiance for CSP based on satellite images of Meteosat Second Generation', SolarPACES 2009, 15-18.9, Berlin (2009).

Lorenz, E., Heinemann, D., Wickramarathne, H., Beyer, H.G. and Bofinger, S. (2007): Forecast of Ensemble Power Production by Grid-connected PV Systems, Proc. 20th European PV Conference, September 3-7, 2007, Milano (2007). Steinberger-Wilckens, R., Ballhausen, A., Heyen, E., Heinemann, D., Kröger, H., Lange, M. and Waldl, H.-P.: Hydrogen As A Means To Control And Integrate Wind Power Into Electricity Grids. Proc. 3rd European Hydrogen Energy Conference, Maastricht, 18 - 22 June 2007 (2007).

Sood, A. and Heinemann, D.: Extended Methodology for Offshore Wind Resource and Site Assessment: Wind distribution and extremes at short and long time scales. Proc. European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Milan (2007).

Sood, A., Suselj, K. and Heinemann, D.: High Resolution NWP North Sea Wind Forecasts in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Proc. European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Milan (2007).

Sood, A., Suselj, K., Schmidt, M. and Heinemann, D.: The influence of the specific wind field characteristics of the marine atmospheric boundary layer on offshore wind power production. Proc. European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Milan (2007).

Sood, A., Suselj, K. and Heinemann, D.: Wind resource and site assessment in the German Bight: Extreme Winds at Meso- to Microscale. Proc. European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Milan (2007).

Ohsawa, T., Hashimoto, A., Shimada, S., Yoshino, J., de Paus, T., Heinemann, D. and Lange, B.: Evaluation of Offshore Wind Simulations with MM5 in the Japanese and Danish Coastal Waters. Proc. European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Milan (2007).

Kariniotakis, G., Heinemann, D., Tambke, J. et al.: Next Generation Short-Term Forecasting of Wind Power – Overview of the ANEMOS Project. Proc. European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Athens (2006).

de Keizer, A.C., van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Lorenz, E., Drews, A., Heinemann, D., Wiemken, E., Heydenreich, W., Heilscher, G., Schneider, M. and Beyer, H. G.: PVSAT-2: Results of field test of satellite-based PV system performance check. Proc. 21th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Dresden (2006).

Jiménez, B., Lange, B. and Heinemann, D. (2006): Tidal influence on offshore and coastal wind resource predictions at North Sea. Proc. European Wind Energy Conference EWEC, Athens (2006).

Drews, A., Rindelhardt, U. und Heinemann, D.: Solarstrahlungskarten und Erträge von PV-Anlagen: Ergebnisvergleich in Sachsen. Proc. 21. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, 8–10 March 2006, Staffelstein (2006).

Drews, A., Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., de Keizer, A.C., van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., Beyer, H.G., Heydenreich, W., Wiemken, E., Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Bofinger, S., Schneider, M.m Heilscher, G., Heinemann, D.: Remote performance check and automated failure identification for grid-connected PV systems – results and experiences from the test phase within the PVSAT-2 project, EUROSUN2006 (ISES Europe Solar Congress), 27 –30 June 2006, Glasgow, UK, (2006).

Beyer, H.G., Prignitz, O., Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Wiemken, E., Heydenreich, W., de Keizer, C., van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., Schneider, M., Heilscher, G., Lorenz, E., Drews, A. and Heinemann, D.: Performance Control for Grid Connected PV Systems. Proc. 13th Sede Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 31.10.–1.11.2005, Sede Boquer, Israel (2005).

Drews, A., Lorenz, E., Hammer, A. und Heinemann, D.: Langjährige Strahlungszeitreihen aus Satellitendaten - Validierung und Anwendungspotenzial für die Solarenergie, Proc. 20. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, 9–11 March 2005, Staffelstein (2005).

Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., Drews, A., Heinemann, D., Heilscher, G., Schneider, M., Toggweiler, P., van Sark, W., Wiemken, E. und Beyer, H.G.: Automatische Ertragsüberwachung von Photovoltaikanlagen auf der Basis von Satellitendaten: Evaluierung des PVSAT-2 Verfahrens. Proc. 20. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, 9–11 March 2005, Staffelstein (2005).

Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Wiemken, E., Heydenreich, W., van Sark, W., Feige, S., Schneider, M., Heilscher, G., Lorenz, E., Drews, A., Heinemann, D. and Beyer, H.G.: Failure detection routine for grid connected PV systems as part of PVSAT2 project. Proc 19th European Photovolatic Solar Energy Conference, 6–10 June 2005, Barcelona (2005).

Beyer, H. G., Schondorf-Rother, M., Betcke, J., Drews, A., Hammer, A., Heinemann, D. und Lorenz, E.: Ertragsberechnung für PV-Anlagen in Brasilien über das PVSAT Verfahren, Proc. 19. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Staffelstein (2004).

Beyer, H. G., Betcke, J., Drews, A., Heinemann, D., Lorenz, E., Heilscher, G. and Bofinger, S.: Identiification of a General model for the MPP Performance of PV Modules for the Application in a Procedure for the Performance Check of Grid Connected Systems, Proc. 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Paris, 3073–3076 (2004).

Drews, A., Betcke, J., Lorenz, E., Heinemann, D., Toggweiler, P., Stettler, S., Rasmussen, J., van Sark, W., Heilscher, G., Schneider, M., Wiemken, E.,. Heydenreich, W. and Beyer, H.G.: Intelligent Performance Check of PV System Operation Based on Satellite Data, Proc. EuroSun, 20–23 June 2004, Freiburg, 3–079–085 (2004).

Heilscher, G., Schneider, M., Betcke, J., Drews, A., Heinemann, D., Lorenz, E., Toggweiler, P., van Sark, W., Wiemken, E., Heydenreich, W. und Beyer, H.G.: Satellitengestützte Ertragsüberwachung mit automatischer Fehlererkennung für Photovoltaikanlagen, Proc. 19. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Staffelstein (2004).

Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., Drews, A., Heinemann, D., Toggweiler, P., Stettler, S., van Sark, W., Heilscher, G., Schneider, M., Wiemken, E., Heydenreich, W. and Beyer, H. G.: PVSAT-2: Intelligent Performance Check of PV System Operation Based on Satellite Data, Proc. 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Paris, 3069–3072 (2004).

Lorenz, E., Hammer A. and Heinemann, D.: Short Term Forecasting of Solar Radiation Based on Satellite Data, Proc. EuroSun 2004, Freiburg, 3–841–848 (2004).

Schroedter-Homscheidt, M., Gesell, G., Holzer-Popp, T., Betcke, J. and Heinemann, D.: Energy-specific Solar Radiation Data from MSG: Current Status of the Heliosat-3 Project. Proc. 2nd MSG RAO Workshop, Salzburg, Austria, 9–10 September 2004. ESA SP-582. (2004)

Tambke, J., Focken, U., Heinemann, D., et al.: The ANEMOS Project: Next Generation Forecasting of Wind Power, Proc. Deutsche Windenergiekonferenz DEWEK, Wilhelmshaven (2004).

Tautz, S., Lange, B. and Heinemann, D.: Correction of the Heat and Momentum Flux Measurements with the Ultrasonic Anemometers at the FINO1 Offshore Meteorological Mast for Flow Distortion and Mounting Effects, Proc. Deutsche Windenergiekonferenz DEWEK, Wilhelmshaven (2004).

Wald, L., Albuisson, M., Best, C., Delamare, c., Dumortier, D., Gaboardi, E., Hammer, A., Heinemann, D., Kift, R., Kunz, S., Lefèvre, M., Leroy, S., Martinoli, M., Ménard, L., Page, J., Prager, T., Ratto, C., Reise, C., Remund, J., Rimoczi-Paal, A., Van der Goot, E., Vanroy, F. and Webb, A.: SoDa: A Web Service on Solar Radiation, Proc. EuroSun 2004, Freiburg, 3-921–927 (2004).

Focken, U. and Heinemann, D.: Influence of Thermal Stratification on Wind Profiles for Heights up to 140m, Proc. European Wind Energy Conf. EWEC, Madrid (2003).

Hoyer, C. and Heinemann, D.:Improving Surface Irradiation Calculation with Meteosat Rapid Scans, Proc. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users Conf., Dublin, 228-233 (2002).

Lange, M. and Heinemann, D.. Relating the Uncertainty of Short-term Wind Speed Predictions to Meteorological Situations with Methods from Synoptic Climatology", Proc. European Wind Energy Conf. EWEC, Madrid (2003).

Kariniotakis, G., Focken, U., Lange, M., Heinemann, D., Chevallaz, R., Perez, I. M., Madsen, H., Poitevin, J., Waldl, H.-P., Halliday, J., Landberg, L., Giebel, G., Kallos, G., Ancin, J., Tofting, J., Odonell, P., Collmann, M., Stefanakis, J., Gonzales, G., Barquero, C. G., Hatziargyriou, N., Usaola, J. and Ottavi, J.: ANEMOS: Development of a Next Generation Wind Resource Forecasting System for large-Scale Integration of Onshore & Offshore Wind Farms, Proc. European Wind Energy Conf. EWEC, Madrid (2003).

Müller, R. W., Heinemann, D., Hoyer, C., Kuhlemann, R., Dagestad, K. F., Olseth, J. A., Skartveit, A., Cros, S., Wald, L., Schroedter, M., Dumortier, D., Ineichen, P. and Piernavieja, C.: A new generation of satellite based solar irradiance calculations schemes, Geoinformation for European-wide Integration (2003).

Müller, R.W., Dagestad, K.F., Olseth, J.A., Reise, C., Wald, L., Schroedter, M., Kuhlemann, R., Heinemann, D.: Rethinking satellite based solar irradiance modelling, Proc. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users’ Conf., Weimar, 596ff (2003).

Sempreviva, A. M., Barthelmie, R. J., Højstrup, J., Landberg, L., Heinemann, D., Focken, U., Strack, M., Christensen, L. C., Stefanatos, N., Svenson, J., Lavagnini, A. and Tamelin, B.: WINDENG - a new network in Europe, Proc. European Wind Energy Conf. EWEC, Madrid (2003).

Sempreviva, A. M., Barthelmie, R. J., Højstrup, J., Landberg, L., Heinemann, D., Focken, U., Strack, M., Christensen, L. C., Svenson, J., Stefanatos, N., Lavagnini, A. and Tamelin, B.: WINDENG – A New Network in Europe. Proc. OWEMES Conference 2003 (2003).

Tambke, J., Lange, M., Focken, U. and Heinemann, D.:PREVIENTO meets HORNS REV - Short-Term Wind-Power Prediction – Adaptation to Offshore Sites, Proc. European Wind Energy Conf. EWEC, Madrid (2003).

Müller, R. W., Beyer, H. G., Cros, S., Dagestad, K. F., Dumortier, D., Ineichen, P., Hammer, A., Heinemann, D., Kuhlemann, R., Olseth, J. A., Piernavieja, C., Reise, C., Schroedter, M., Skartveit, A. and Wald, L.: The Use of METEOSAT Second Generation Satellite Data within a New Type of Solar Irradiance Calculation Scheme, Proc. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users Conf., Dublin (2002).

Müller, R. W., Heinemann, D., Kuhlemann, R., Hoyer, C., Dagestad, K. F., Olseth, J. A., Skartveit, A., Cros, S., Wald, L., Schroedter, M., Dumortier, D., Ineichen, P. and Piernavieja, C.: A new generation of satellite based solar irradiance calculation schemes, Proc. 22nd EARSeL Symposium (Geo-Information for European-Wide Integration), Prague (2002).

Hoyer, C., Schillings, C., Heinemann, D., Magnusson, M., Mannstein, H., Toernkvist, K. K. and Trieb, F.: Solar Resource Assessment And Site Evaluation Using Remote Sensing Methods, World Renewable Energy Conf., Köln (2002).

Focken, U., Lange, M. and Heinemann, D.: Previento - Regional Wind Power Prediction with Risk Control, Proc. Global Windpower Conf., Paris (2002).

Lange, B., Waldl, H.-P., Barthelmie, R. J., Guerrero, A. G. and Heinemann, D.: Improvement of the wind farm model FLaP for offshore applications, Proc. Global Windpower Conf., Paris (2002).

Lange, M. and Heinemann, D.:, Accuracy of short term wind power predictions depending on meteorological conditions, Proc. Global Windpower Conf., Paris (2002).

Lange, B., Waldl, H.-P., Barthelmie, R. J., Guerrero, A. G. and Heinemann, D.: Improvement of the wind farm model FLaP for offshore applications, Proc. World Wind Energy Conf., Berlin (2002).

Lange, B., Waldl, H.-P., Barthelmie, R. J., Guerrero, A. G. and Heinemann, D.: Improvement of the wind farm model FLaP for offshore applications, Proc. German Wind Energy Conf. DEWEK, Wilhelmshaven (2002).

Lange, M., Focken, U., Heinemann, D. and Waldl, H.-P.: Previento - Regional Wind Power Prediction with Risk Control, Proc. 6th German Wind Energy Conf. DEWEK, 23.-24.10.2002, Wilhelmshaven, 11-13 (2002).

Focken, U., Lange, M., Heinemann, D., Kariniotakis, G., Chevallaz, R., Marti, I., Madsen, H., Poitevin, J., Waldl, H.-P., Halliday, J., Landberg, L., Giebel, G., Kallos, G., Ancin, J., Tofting, J., Odonell, P., Collmann, M., Stefanakis, J., Gonzales, G., Barquero, C. G., Hatziargyriou, N., Usaola, J. and Ottavi, J.: 2002, ANEMOS - Comparison and Improvement of Existing European Wind Power Prediction Models, Proc. German Wind Energy Conf., Wilhelmshaven (2002).

Focken, U., Lange, M., Heinemann, D., Moehrlen, C., Joergensen, J., McKeogh, E., Gallachoir, B. O., Collmann, M., Zeisler, C., Bruyerre, P., Javerzac, J. L., Joergensen, A. M., Orfila, B., Madsen, H., Moya, J. A. G., Morris, C. and Mortensen, P.:Honeymoon - A High Resolution Numerical Wind Energy Model for On - and Offshore Forecasting using Ensemble Predictions Honeymoon, Proc. German Wind Energy Conf. ((2002).

Lange, B., Waldl, H.-P., Barthelmie, R. J., Guerrero, A. G. and Heinemann, D.: 2002, Improvement of the wind farm model FLaP for offshore applications, Proc. ENDOW Workshop on offshore wakes: Measurement and modelling (2002).

Hammer, A., Heinemann, D., Hoyer, C. and Lorenz, E.: Satellite Based Short-Term Forecasting of Solar Irradiance - Comparison of Methods and Error Analysis, Proc. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users Conf., Antalya (2001).

Betcke, J. W. H., Dijk, V. A. P. v., Wiezer, F., Reise, C., Wiemken, E., Dufner, H., Toggweiler, P. and Heinemann, D.: PVSAT: Remote Performance Check for Grid-Connected PV Systems Using Satellite Data: Evaluation of One Year of Field-Testing, Proc. 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Munich (2001).

Beyer, H. G., Heinemann, D., Hoyer, C., Reise, C. and Wiemken, E.: Accuracy of the Estimation of Monthly Performance Figures of Grid Connected PV Systems Based on Remote Data Sources, Proc. 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Munich (2001).

Beyer, H. G., Heinemann, D., Hammer, A., Hoyer, C. and Lorenz, E.: Satellite-Based Techniques for the Retrieval of Solar Radiation Data – A Review of Current European Activities, Proc. ISES Solar World Congress, Adelaide (2001).

Heinemann, D. and Beyer, H. G.: Energy Meteorology - An Important Topic in Renewable Energy Systems Research, Proc. ISES Solar World Congress, Adelaide (2001).

Feck, T., Heinemann, D., Sanderhoff, P., Steinberger-Wilckens, R. and Stolzenburg, K.: Eco-Balances for Supply PathsOf Hydrogen Fuel, Proc. HYPOTHESIS IV: Hydrogen Based Traffic – An Option for Introducing Wind Energy to the Transport Market, Stralsund (2001).

Beyer, H. G., Heinemann, D., Lorenz, E., Lückehe, B., Mönnich, K., Focken, U. and Waldl, H.-P.: Vorhersagen der Stromerzeugung aus Sonnen- und Windenergie, 6. Symposium Energieinnovation im liberalisierten Markt, Graz (2000).

Beyer, H. G., Heinemann, D., Focken, U., Lorenz, E., Lückehe, B., Luig, A., Mönnich, K. and Waldl, H.-P.: Short Term Predictions for the Power Output of Ensembles of Wind Turbines and PV Generators, Proc. EuroSun 2000, Kopenhagen (2000).

Hammer, A., Heinemann, D., Hoyer, C., Toggweiler, P., Brügger, U., Reise, C., Wiemken, E., Beyer, H. G., van Dijk, V. A. P. and Bethge, J.: Surveillance of Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems Using METEOSAT Derived Irradiances, Proc. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users’ Conf., Bologna, 613-618 (2000).

Reise. C., E. Wiemken, P. Toggweiler, V. van Dijk und D. Heinemann: PVSAT: Satellitengestützte Ertragskontrolle für netzgekoppelte PV-Anlagen. Proc. 15. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Staffelstein (2000).

Reise. C., E. Wiemken, P. Toggweiler, V. van Dijk and D. Heinemann: Remote Performance Check for Grid Connected PV Systems Using Satelite Data. Proc. 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Glasgow, 2618-2621 (2000).

Hammer, A., D. Heinemann, C. Hoyer, C. Reise and E. Wiemken: Meteosat Derived Irradiance Data for the Remote Surveillance of Photovoltaic Systems. Proc. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conf., Bologna (2000).

Beyer, H. G., Heinemann, D., Focken, U., Lorenz, E., Lückehe, B., Luig, A., Mönnich, K. and Waldl, H.-P.: Short Term Predictions for the Power Output of Ensembles of Wind Turbines and PV Generators. Proc. EuroSun 2000, 19-22 June 2000, Kopenhagen (2000).

Rigollier, C., Albuisson, M., Delamare, C., Dumortier, D., Fontoynont, M., Gaboardi, E., Gallino, S., Heinemann, D., Kleih, M., Kunz, S., Levermore, G., Major, G., Martinoli, M., Page, J., Ratto, C., Reise, C., Remund, J., Rimoczi-Paal, A., Wald, L. and Webb, A.: Exploitation of Distributed Solar Radiation Databases Through a Smart Network: The Project SoDa. Proc. EuroSun 2000, Kopenhagen (2000).

Hammer, A., D. Heinemann, A. Westerhellweg, D. Dumortier, M. Fontoynont, J. A. Olseth, A. Skartveit, P. Ineichen, H. G. Beyer, C. Reise, L. Wald, J. Page: Daylight and Solar Irradiance Data Derived from Satellite Observations - The SATELLIGHT Project. Proc. ISES Solar World Congress, July 1999, Jerusalem (1999).

Hammer, A., D. Heinemann, E. Lorenz and B. Lückehe: Short-Term Forecasting of Solar Radiation Based on Image Analysis of Meteosat Data. Proc. 1999 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference, 6-10 September 1999, Copenhagen, 331-335 (1999).

Reise, C., Fontoynont, M., Dumortier, D., Heinemann, D., Hammer, A., Olseth, J. A., Skartveit, A., Ineichen, P., Page, J., Roche, L., Beyer, H. G. and Wald, L.: 1999, SATELLIGHT: Daylight data for Europe in the Internet, Proc. 2nd Renewable Energy Database Workshop, Munich, Germany.

Beyer, H. G. und D. Heinemann: Datenbasen und Modelle zur Gewinnung von Tageslichtdaten. Proc. 5. Symposium Innovative Lichttechnik in Gebäuden, Staffelstein (1999).

Reise, C., Fontoynont, M., Dumortier, D., Heinemann, D., Hammer, A., Olseth, J. A., Skartveit, A., Ineichen, P., Page, J., Roche, L., Beyer, H. G. and Wald, L.: SATELLIGHT: Tageslichtdaten für Europa im Internet, Proc. 5. Symposium Innovative Lichttechnik in Gebäuden, Staffelstein (1999).

Heinemann, D. and H. G. Beyer: Current and Future Data Streams from Meteosat Geostationary Satellites for Solar Energy Applications. Proc. 2nd Workshop on Satellites for Solar Energy Assessment, 3-4 February 1999, Golden, U.S.A. (1999).

Beyer, H. G. and D. Heinemann: Surface Solar Irradiance Components from Satellite Information – Assessment of Limitations using Standard Radiative Transfer Calculations. Proc. 2nd Workshop on Satellites for Solar Energy Assessment, 3-4 February 1999, Golden, U.S.A. (1999).

Beyer, H. G., D. Heinemann, H. Mellinghoff, K. Mönnich und H.-P. Waldl: Forecast of Regional Power Output of Wind Turbines. Proc. European Wind Eneregy Conf., Nice, 1070-1073 (1999).

Heinemann, D., H.-T. Mengelkamp, M. Strack and H.-P. Waldl: Experiences with the Application of the Non-Hydrostatic Mesoscale Model GESIMA for Assessing Wind Potential in Complex Terrain. Proc. European Wind Eneregy Conf., Nice, 1169-1172 (1999).

Focken, U., D. Heinemann und H.-P. Waldl: Wind Assessment in Complex Terrain with the Numeric Model AIOLOS - Implementation of the Influence of Roughness Changes and Stability. Proc. European Wind Energy Conf. Nice, 1173-1176 (1999).

Möller, J., D. Heinemann und D. Wolters: Integrerte Betrachtung der Umweltauswirkungen von Photovoltaik-Technologien. Proc. 13. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Staffelstein, 549-553 (1998).

Giese, H., M. Viotto, D. Heinemann, D. Pukrop und D. Stellbogen: Auslegung von Solarfassaden mit Pvcad – Ein Werkzeug für den Planer. Proc. 13. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Staffelstein, 549-553 (1998).

Hammer, A., D. Heinemann and A. Westerhellweg: Derivation of Daylight and Solar Irradiance Data from Satellite Observations. Proc. 9th Conf. on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Paris, 747-750 (1998).

Fontoynont, M. et al.: Satellight: A WWW Server Which Provides High Quality Daylight and Solar Radiation Data for Western and Central Europe. Proc. 9th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Paris, 434-437 (1998).

Beyer, H. G., A. Hammer, D. Heinemann, C. Reise and A.. Westerhellweg: Tageslicht- und Solarstrahlungsdaten aus Meteosat-Satellitenbildern – Das europäische Projekt SATELLIGHT. Proc. 11. Int. Sonnenforum, Köln (1998).

Möller, J., D. Heinemann und D. Wolters: Ecological Assessment of PV Technologies. Proc. 15th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Wien (1998).

Focken, U., D. Heinemann und H.-P. Waldl: Windpotentialbestimmung in komplexem Gelände mit dem numerischen Strömungsmodell Aiolos – Optimierung des Verfahrens in Bezug auf Rauhigkeits- und Stabilitätseinflüsse. Deutsche Windenergiekonferenz, Wilhelmshaven (1998).

Beyer, H. G., D. Heinemann, H. Mellinghoff, K. Mönnich und H.-P. Waldl: Anwendung von Windvorhersagen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes zur Windleistungsprognose im Zeitbereich 6-24 h – Eine exemplarische Untersuchung für Standorte in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Deutsche Windenergiekonferenz, Willhelmshaven (1998).

Beyer, H. G., D. Heinemann, H. Mellinghoff, K. Mönnich und H.-P. Waldl: Vorhersage der regionalen Leistungsabgabe von Windkraftanlagen. Deutsche Windenergiekonferenz, Willhelmshaven (1998).

Fontoynont, M. et al.: Satellight: A European Programme Dedicated to Serving Daylight Data Computed from Meteosat Images. Proc. Lux Europa Conf., May 1997, Amsterdam (1997).

Heinemann, D., D. Langner, U. Stabe and H.-P. Waldl: Measurement and Correction of Ultrasonic Anemometer Errors and Impact on Turbulence Measurements. Proc. European Wind Energy Conference, Dublin (1997).

Bücher, K., G. Kleiss, D. Bätzner, K. Reiche R. Preu, P. Ragot and D. Heinemann: Realistic PV Efficiency Map: European Wide Evaluation of PV-Modules. Proc. 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Barcelona, 268-271 (1997).

Bloos, H., M. Genthner, D. Heinemann, A. Janssen and R. Moraes: Photovoltaic Pumping Systems – An Analysis of Two Concepts. Proc. 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Barcelona, 1608-1611 (1997).

Beyer, H. G., A. Hammer, D. Heinemann and A. Westerhellweg: Estimation of Diffuse Radiation from Meteosat Data. Proc. 7th International Conference on Solar Energy at High Latitudes, Espoo-Otaniemi, Finland, 426-433 (1997).

Beyer, H. G., A. Hammer, D. Heinemann and C. Reise: Short-term Radiation Forecasting for the Control of Solar Energy Systems - A possible Application of Satellite Data Analysis. Proc. Workshop ‘Satellites for Solar Energy Resource Information’, Washington, D.C., USA (1996).

Bloos, H., M. Genthner, D. Heinemann, A. Janssen and R. Moraes: Photovoltaic Pumping Systems – A Comparison of Two Concepts. Proc. EuroSun ’96, Freiburg, 583-588 (1996).

Beyer, H. G., M. Bromeis, D. Heinemann, T. Pahlke and H.-P. Waldl: Improvement of the European Wind Atlas Method by Spatial Interpolation of Meteorological Station Data. Proc. EuroSun ’96, Freiburg, 1389-1392 (1996).

Heinemann, D., J. Schumacher and C. Langer: Synthesis of Hourly Ambient Temperature Time Series Correlated with Solar Radiation. Proc. EuroSun ’96, Freiburg, 1518-1523 (1996).

Heinemann, D., R. Müller, H.-P. Waldl, W. Hirsch und U. Rindelhardt: Windpotentialmodellierung in komplexem Gelände. Proc. Deutsche Windenergiekonferenz, Wilhelmshaven (1996).

Heinemann, D., D. Pukrop and K. Stolzenburg: PVSHAD – A Computer Tool for Optimizing Inhomogeneously Irradiated PV-Generators. Proc. 13th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Nice, France, 1922-1925 (1995).

Damm, W., D. Heinemann and D. Pukrop: Power Losses in PV-Arrays Due to Variations in the I-V-Characteristics of PV Modules. Proc. ISES Solar World Congress 1995, Harare, Zimbabwe (1995).

Heinemann, D. und E. Wiemken: Analytische Auswertung der Betriebsergebnisse von ausgewählten PV-Demonstrationsanlagen im MuD-Programm. Proc. 5. Workshop MuD-Programm, Fürth (1995).

Beyer, H. G., C. Costanzo, A. Hammer, D. Heinemann and C. Reise: Satellite-Derived Surface Irradiance Data for the Analysis of Solar Energy Systems. Proc. 10th Meteosat Scientific Users' Conference, Cascais, Portugal, 483-489 (1994).

Beyer, H. G., D. Heinemann, R. Perez, C. Reise and R. Seals: Satellite-Derived Radiation for PV System Studies - An Appraisal. Proc. 12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Amsterdam, 1695-1698 (1994).

Beyer, H. G., C. Costanzo, D. Heinemann and C. Reise: Short Range Forecast of PV Energy Production Using Satellite Image Analysis. Proc. 12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Amsterdam, 1718-1721 (1994).

Beyer, H. G., C. Costanzo, A. Hammer, D. Heinemann und C. Reise: Gewinnung zeitaufgelöster Solarstrahlungsdaten aus METEOSAT-Aufnahmen zur Analyse von solaren Energiesystemen. Proc. 9. Int. Sonnenforum, Stuttgart, 1274-1281 (1994).

Beyer, H.G., C. Costanzo, D. Heinemann, J. Luther and C. Reise: Statistical Characterization of Solar Irradiance Fields - An Analysis Based on Satellite Images. Proc. ISES Solar World Congress 1993, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 2, 173-178 (1993).

Heinemann, D., and J. Luther: Control of Renewable Energy Systems Using Bayesian Forecasting Techniques and Stochastic Dynamic Programming. T. Horigome et al. (Eds.): Clean and Safe Energy Forever. Proc. of the 1989 Congress of the ISES, Kobe City, Japan, 4-8 September 1989. Pergamon Press, 407-411 (1990).

Heinemann, D., J. Luther and W. Wiesner: System design of an Autonomous PV/Wind Power Supply for a Remote Ecological Station. Proc. 9th E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Freiburg, 858-861 (1989).

Heinemann, D., J. Luther and W. Wiesner: Design of a Solar/Wind Power Supply for a Remote Data Acquisition Station. Proc. 11th Int. Telecommunications Energy Conf., Florence, Paper No. 22-3 (1989).

Heinemann, D., and J. Luther: Control Strategies for Renewable Energy Systems Based on Weather Forecasts and Climatic Information. W. H. Bloss and F. Pfisterer (Eds.): Advances in Solar Energy Technology. Proc. Biennial ISES World Congress, Hamburg, Pergamon Press, 422-425 (1988).

Heinemann, D. and J. Luther: Utilization of Weather Forecasts and Climatic Information for the Control of Renewable Energy Systems. Proc. 8th E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Florence, 249-253 (1988).

Beyer, H.G., H. Gabler, G.J. Gerdes, D. Heinemann, J. Luther, J. Schumacher-Gröhn and R. Steinberger-Willms: Wind/Solar Hybrid Electricity Generation for Stand Alone Systems with Battery and Hydrogen Storage. Proc. 5th Intern. Conf. on Energy Options - The Role of Alternatives in the World Energy Scene, Reading, 132-135 (1987).

Other Publications

Heinemann, D., Hoyer-Klick, C. und Lange, B.: Energiemeteorologie – Das fluktuierende Angebot aus Wind- und Sonnenenergie berechenbar machen. Forschungsverbund Sonnenenergie, Themen 2006. 32-36 (2007).

Heinemann, D. and Hoyer, C.: Wettersatelliten helfen bei der Ertragskontrolle von PV-Anlagen, Erneuerbare Energien, 11/2002, 46-48 (2002).

Lange, M., Focken, U. and Heinemann, D.: Windleistung kalkulierbar machen, Erneuerbare Energien, 09/2002, 34-37 (2002).

Heinemann, D. and Waldl, H.-P.: Die Erfolgsstory der Windenergie, Einblicke, 32, 12-13 (2000).

Heinemann, D., Parisi, J. and Waldl, H.-P.: Energie-Meteorologie, Einblicke, 27, 8-10 (1998).

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