Energy Meteorology Symposium
6th Energy Meteorology Symposium:
5.-7. May 2020 in Grainau
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Energy Meteorology Symposium
The symposium takes up current research developments in meteorology relevant to the energy sector and shows the need for meteorological information in the energy supply. It covers everything from basic questions to new methodological approaches to practical experience.
Be treated:
- Solar and wind power forecasts
- Influence of weather on energy transmission systems
- Balancing effect of combined solar and wind energy production
- Flow modeling in wind farms, especially at offshore locations and in complex terrain
- Resource identification of other renewable energies such as hydropower and biomass
- Influence of weather on energy consumption
- Repercussions of the use of renewable energies on the regional climate
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, German Aerospace Center DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. - DLR), and 'energy meteorology expert committee' ('Fachausschuss Energiemeteorologie') of the German Meteorological Association DMG (Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft - DMG)
Archive of previous Energy Meteorology Symposiums (in German)
- 5. Fachtagung (Juni 2018 in Goslar)
- 4. Fachtagung (April 2016 in Bremerhaven)
- 3. Fachtagung (Juni 2013 in Grainau)
- 2. Fachtagung (April 2011 in Bremerhaven)
- Workshop "PV Energy Rating von PV-Modulen"