The student council is always there to help and advise you with any questions you may have about your studies! You can reach us 24/7 (or longer if necessary) via email or social media.
Office hours (W2 2-227)
Student Body Meeting (W2 2-227)
Social Media
About us
The student body
The student body is made up of all students of a degree course, i.e. all those who are currently studying for a single or double subject Bachelor's or Master's degree in Biology - that's currently just over 1,100 people!
The student body council is made up of elected representatives of the student body and is often abbreviated to "student body" itself. We as the student council form the bridge between the students and the university.
In addition to committee work, organising social evenings and the orientation week, we are also the contact point for questions, problems and shortages of beer!
The Student Council
The Student Council is made up of representatives from the student body. The members of the Student Council are elected in a plenary meeting of the student body and represent the interests of biology students in front of the university, the other student bodies, teaching staff and the public.
Committee work
One of the most important tasks of a student council is committee work. Because that's where we have the opportunity to influence the developments of our studies and to voice criticism.
The biology degree programmes are located in the IBU, the Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences, so one of the first points of contact for us is the IBU counci.
We sit in councils like the BiFak, the FakKonV, the FüStuKo or the StuQuaKo, but also at "less official" meetings like the F3V, the meeting of all student representatives at the university. Don't bother with the abbreviations, they're German and not even all of us understand exactly what they mean ;)
Activities for first-year students
But nerve-wracking arguments to get the best out of our studies are not our only profession. It is just as important for us to make the start of your studies as enjoyable as possible! Our little first-year students, like lambs out to pasture, are still so innocent and ignorant. To help you get started in your studies, we organise the annual orientation week. One week before the first lectures, we approach you, show you your campus, the working groups and the most important rooms. During our city rally, not only those who have just moved here will get more information about Oldenburg, but also those who have been here for a long time often discover new things. Also very popular are our breakfast sessions, where we give you an introduction to the university-wide administration programme and help you with your timetables.
We guide you through the first weeks of your studies, are always happy to help with questions and offer a relaxed atmosphere to get to know each other and exchange ideas through social gatherings and game evenings.
Everyday study with the student council
For even more exchange, we will take all first-year bio students who want to come along for a weekend at the seaside. This is a great opportunity to get to know your fellow students and the student council better, make friends and just have a lot of fun!
In addition to our student council trips and regular social evenings, we also offer volleyball and flunkyball tournaments, the legendary Wechloy barbecue, Christmas parties and cabbage tours to liven up everyday student life, and we'll be there with you in the front row at the University Night of the Clubs and the Night of the Profs.
Another opportunity for exchange across the university is the "BundesFachschaftenTagung". The association of all biology departments and departmental initiatives in Germany meets once a semester. The conference is always hosted by a different university. Over four days, various topics are discussed in working groups, city-specific excursions are organised and a lot of networking is done.
Who are we?
To give you a face to the people, all the student representatives (also known as Schnäbler) have introduced themselves for you. By the way, don't be afraid to drop by the student council room when we have meetings and office hours again. We are always happy to see you!
What do we do?
Helping you!
To make sure you have a good time during your bio studies, we support you both professionally and with leisure activities. This can mean that we represent your interests in university politics, advise you on problems with lecturers or modules and organise the flunkyball tournament, orientation week or parties.
With this in mind, 'Cheers' and
How can I participate?
We are always happy to welcome new faces and new ideas! It doesn't matter whether you want to make a single suggestion or would like to participate in our work on a permanent basis. Just drop in as a guest at one of our meetings if you are interested!
You can find our meeting dates and office hours below in the footer and in the contact field on the homepage.
These times only apply during the lecture period. We have fewer meetings during the semester break, but if you have a problem, feel free to send us an email!
Who is this Piet?
This little guy!
Piet is an avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) and our student council mascot. Avocets can often be seen here at the North Sea during breeding season, sometimes they stay here all year round. With their long, upward-curved bill, they are ideally suited to search for food in the muddy Wadden Sea, which consists mainly of invertebrates such as crustaceans and sometimes small fish. Their diet highly dependends on their habitat, some of Piet's relatives even come all the way here from Africa!
You've probably seen the stylised avocet logo on our booklet or on the student council website. An unusually large Piet for its kind even stands on the ring level of the Wechloy campus.
Piet is very hard-working and always committed, so why don't you send him your best wishes in your next e-mail?

Piet's cousin, a pied avocet at Frankfurt Zoo
(By Jutta234, CC BY-SA 3.0, on