Ripi – Regional Inequality of Health Care in Children

Principal investigator:

Responsible associate:

Antje Timmer, E-Mail:


  • BMBF (March 2012 to December 2014)

Current Status:

Utilization phase: The final report is available. A baseline clinical description has been published. Results will be gladly presented upon request.

The data have been used for three student qualification theses to date, which have been successfully completed. Additional manuscripts are in preparation.

Ripi – Regional Inequality of Health Care in Children

Regional inequality of health care for chronically ill children: the effect of small area deprivation on outcomes in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease


The ripi study was prompted by the observation that the quality of health care for children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) shows regional differences, e. g. with regard to timely diagnosis. Therefore, the aim of the prospective cohort study "Ripi" was to evaluate the quality of care among children and adolescents aged 10–15 years affected by IBD and to identify possible causes for regional disparities. In the evaluation, possible factors influencing the quality of care are considered on several levels:

  • Individual (child, parents): Socioeconomic factors, e. g., parental income and education, migration status, treatment adherence, insurance status, disease-specific factors
  • Social disadvantage of region of residence (at county level)
  • Medical providers: quality of medical care at the level of supervising family doctor or pediatrician and specialist.

This will examine whether there is a relationship between these factors and the age-appropriate growth of children/adolescents or their disease-related quality of life (outcome-based quality of care). In addition, various indicators of structural and process quality will be explored.

The study was conducted at BIPS in cooperation with the Helmholtz Zentrum München (Institute for Health Economics and Health Care Management) and DCCV e. V.


Conference contributions (selection):

  • Freckmann M, Peplies J, Stark R, Koletzko S, Kaltz B, Maier W, Timmer A. The effect of chronic disease on school performance - a survey in children with inflammatory bowel disease. HEC, München; August 8-September 2, 2016
  • Timmer A. Versorgung von Kindern mit (seltenen) chronischen Krankheiten. Veranstaltungsreihe: Public Health. Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Versorgungsforschung; Oldenburg; 08.04.2016
  • Stark, Renee; Maier, Werner; Peplies, Jenny; Leidl, Rainer; Timmer, Antje (2015). Evaluation of medication costs of children with inflammatory bowel disease based on a cost diary. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft Gesundheitsökonomie DGGÖ. Bielefeld; March 16, 2015.
  • Peplies, Jenny; Bruns, Helena; Albers, Hannah Maike; Stark, Renee; Maier, Werner; Timmer, Antje (2012). Regionale Ungleichheit in der Gesundheitsversorgung chronisch kranker Kinder - Der Einfluss sozialer Deprivation auf die Prognose chronisch entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen. Auftaktveranstaltung zum Förderschwerpunkt "Studien in der Versorgungsforschung" des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). Berlin; October 8, 2012.
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