Systematic Reviews

Systematic Reviews

Systematic Reviews

We prepare and update systematic reviews on a regular basis. Our partners are situated within the international Cochrane Collaboration and Cochrane Deutschland.

Antje Timmer is an editorial board member with the  Cochrane IBD Group and has authored several Cochrane Reviews herself. Twoof these are currently being updated and published, three are currently being revised.

  • Psychosocial Interventions in IBD
  • Anti-IL-12/23p40 (Ustekinumab, Briakinumab) for remission induction in Crohn's disease
  • Azathioprine for remission maintenance in ulcerative colitis


  • We support the view that systematic reviews constitute original scientific work, as laid down in the position paper Initiative der AWMF. They contribute substantially to quality improvement and maintenance in clinical research and health care.  
  • Systematically summarizing the available evidence before embarking on further research has been put up as a requirement, e.g. by the authors of the Lancet-Series Increasing Value Reducing Waste (2014) .
  • The BMBF complies with these requirements by putting up calls for funding of systematic reviews and requiring prove of evaluation of evidence in funding proposal for clinical studies.

Systematic Reviews Performed by Students

The workload for a high quality review is substantial. Straight forward systematic reviews are realistically done as master / year 5 projects the earliest and require close expert guidance. Also, independent extraction and evaluation by at least two trained researchers is always required. Therefore, these projects can only be performed within a team. 

In exceptional cases with specific interest to our research focuses we may be able to provide guidance  for systematic reviews as qualification theses or collaborative projects.

Unfortunately, consultation for reviews is no longer possible. The dean's office has provided other solutions for this. Please refer to our Links or Cochrane Deutschland for further information and general advice.


(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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