Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae


since 2021 Senior Scientist, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), University of Oldenburg (Germany), Marine Geochemistry
2015 – 2021
Postdoctoral Research Associate, ICBM-MPI Bridging Group for Marine Geochemistry, ICBM, University of Oldenburg
2012 - 2015 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
2009 - 2012   
Postdoctoral Fellowship Max Planck Research Group for Marine Geochemistry, ICBM, University of Oldenburg and Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany
2005 - 2009   PhD Student, Department of Organic Geochemistry, ICBM, University of Oldenburg, Germany


2023  R/V Meteor M192 Milos, Mediterranean Sea
 2021 R/V Maria S Merian MSM104 Cap Blanc, Mauritania (North Atlantic Ocean)
2019 R/V Heincke HE527 German Bight
2018 R/V Meteor M147 Amazon plume
2017 Brazilian Mangroves (Pará, Brazil)
2013 R/V Melville MV1310 Gulf of Alaska (North Pacific Ocean)
2012 R/V Atlantis AT21-04 Caribbean Sea to Amazon River mouth
2012 R/V Polarstern ANT-28/4 Antarctic Peninsula

Grants & Awards

2023 – 2025 Program of the project-related exchange of persons with Brazil (DAAD-CAPES), “Connection of the Amazon River, Mangroves and Reefs by sediment circulation”, PI
2024 – 2025 Amazon-GEOTRACES2 2022/2023 (DFG), “Interactions of trace metals, DOM, and particles in the Amazon estuary and plume as key processes for trace metal and DOM fluxes into the Atlantic during the low-discharge period”, co-PI
2021 – 2024 DAM Decarbonization – “sea4soCiety: Searching for solutions for Carbon-sequestration in coastal ecosystems” (BMBF), co-PI
2021 – 2024 International Ocean Discovery Project (IODP), DFG (Priority Program), “Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter in Hydrothermal Sediments of the Guaymas Basin”, PI
2018 - 2019 Amazon-GEOTRACES 2018 (DFG), “Interactions of trace metals, DOM, and particles in the Amazon estuary”, co-PI
2009 - 2012 Max Planck Society, Research Fellowship for PostDoc position
2016 Certificate of Excellence in Recognition of Outstanding Scholarship in the Gulf Ecosystem Research Program (ECOGIG)
2014 German Academic Exchange Service Award supporting German scientists returning from abroad


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