

Publications Dr. Michael Seidel

Speidel LG, Carvalho Da Silva R, Beck M, Dellwig O, Wollschläger J, Dittmar T, Seidel M (2024) Rivers and tidal flats as sources of dissolved organic matter and trace metals in the German Bight (North Sea). Biogeochemistry;

Knoke M, Dittmar T, Zielinski O, Kida M, Asp NE, De Rezende CE, Schnetger B, Seidel M (2024) Outwelling of reduced porewater drives the biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter and trace metals in a major mangrove-fringed estuary in Amazonia. Limnology and Oceanography 69: 262-278;

Maurischat P, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Guggenberger G (2023) “Complex dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the roof of the world – Tibetan DOM molecular characteristics indicate sources, land use effects, and processing along the fluvial–limnic continuum”, Biogeosciences, 20: 3011-3026;

Serafim TSG, Almeida MG, Thouzeau G, Michaud E, Niggemann J, Dittmar T, Seidel M, Rezende CE (2023) “Land-use changes in Amazon and Atlantic Rainforests modify organic matter and black carbon compositions transported from land to the coastal ocean”, Science of the Total Environment 878: 162917;

Carvalho da Silva R, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Waska H “Groundwater springs in the German Wadden Sea tidal flat: A fast-track terrestrial transfer route for nutrients and dissolved organic matter (DOM)” (2023), Frontiers in Marine Science 10:

Phillips A, White ME, Seidel M, Wu F, Pavia FJ, Kemeny PC, Ma AC, Aluwihare LI, Dittmar T, Sessions AL (2022) “Novel sulfur isotope analyses constrain sulfurized porewater fluxes as a minor component of marine dissolved organic matter”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119: e2209152119;

Gledhill M, Hollister A, Seidel M, Zhu K, Achterberg EP, Dittmar T, Koschinsky A (2022) “Trace metal stoichiometry of dissolved organic matter in the Amazon Estuary“, Science Advances, 8: eabm2249;

Coppola AI, Wagner S, Lennartz ST, Seidel M, Ward ND, Dittmar T, Santin C, Jones MW (2022) “Pyrogenic carbon and its fate in the earth system”, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 3: 516-532;

Heinrichs ME, Heyerhoff B, Arslan-Gatz BS, Seidel M, Niggemann J, Engelen B (2022) “Deciphering the virus signal within the marine dissolved organic matter pool, Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:

Brünjes J, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Niggemann J, Schubotz F (2022) “Natural asphalt seeps are potential sources for recalcitrant oceanic dissolved organic sulfur and dissolved black carbon”, Environmental Science & Technology, 56: 9092-9102;

Sogin EM, Michellod D, Gruber-Vodicka H, Bourceau P, Geier B, Meier DV, Seidel M, Ahmerkamp S, Schorn S, D’Angelo G, Procaccini G, Dubilier N, Liebeke M (2022) “Sugars dominate the seagrass rhizosphere”, Nature Ecology and Evolution, 6: 866-877;

Seidel M, Vemulapalli BPS, Mathieu D, Dittmar T (2022) “Marine dissolved organic matter shares thousands of molecular formulae yet differs structurally across major water masses”, Environmental Science & Technology, 56: 3758-3769;

Nóbrega MS, Silva BS, Tschoeke DA, Appolinario LR, Calegario G, Venas TM, Macedo L, Asp N, Cherene B, Marques JSJ, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Santos IR, de Rezende CE, Thompson CC, Thompson FL (2022) “Mangrove microbiome reveals dominance of sulfur metabolism in tropical coastal waters”, Science of the Total Environment, 813: 151889;

Cabral A, Dittmar T, Call M, Scholten J, Rezende C, Asp N, Gledhill M, Seidel M, Santos, I (2021) “Carbon and alkalinity outwelling across the groundwater-creek-shelf continuum off Amazonian mangroves”, Limnology and Oceanography Letters,

Wagner S, Coppola AI, Stubbins A, Dittmar T, Niggemann J, Drake TW, Seidel M, Spencer RGM, Bao H (2021) “Bridging the combustion continuum: Questions remain about the biolability of dissolved black carbon”, Nature Communications, 12: 4281;

Hollister AP, Whitby H, Seidel M, Lodeiro P, Gledhill M, Koschinsky A (2021) “Dissolved concentrations and organic speciation of copper in the Amazon River estuary and mixing plume”, Marine Chemistry, 234:104005;

Steen AD, Kusch S, Abdulla HA, Cakić N, Coffinet S, Dittmar T, Fulton JM, Galy V, Hinrichs KU, Ingalls AE, Koch BP, Kujawinski E, Liu Z, Osterholz H, Rush D, Seidel M, Sepúlveda J, Wakeham SG (2020) “Analytical and computational advances, opportunities, and challenges in marine organic biogeochemistry in an era of ‘omics’”, Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00718;

Merder J, Freund JA, Feudel U, Hansen CT, Hawkes JA, Jacob B, Klaproth K, Niggemann J, Noriega-Ortega BE, Osterholz H, Rossel PE, Seidel M, Singer G, Stubbins S, Waska H, Dittmar T (2020) “ICBM-OCEAN: Processing ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry data of complex molecular mixtures”, Analytical Chemistry, 92: 6832-6838;

Roebuck Jr. JA, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Jaffé R (2020) “Controls of land use and the River Continuum Concept on dissolved organic matter composition in an anthropogenically disturbed subtropical watershed”, Environmental Science & Technology, 54:195-206;

Coppola AI, Seidel M, Ward ND, Viviroli D, Nascimento GS, Haghipour N, Revels BN, Abiven S, Jones MW, Richey JE, Eglinton TI, Dittmar T, Schmidt MWI (2019) “Marked isotopic variability within and between the Amazon River and marine dissolved black carbon pools”, Nature Communications, 10: 4018;

Sogin E, Michellod D, Gruber-Vodicka H, Bourceau P, Geier B, Meier D, Seidel M, Hach PF, Procaccini G, Dubilier N, Liebeke M (2019) “Seagrass excretes sugars to their rhizosphere making them the sweet spots in the sea”, bioRxiv: 797522,

Mori C, Santos IR, Brumsack H-J, Schnetger B, Dittmar T, Seidel M (2019) "Non-conservative behavior of dissolved organic matter and trace metals (Mn, Fe, Ba) driven by porewater exchange in a subtropical mangrove-estuary", Frontiers in Marine Science, 6: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00481;

Schutte CA, Ahmerkamp S, Wu CS, Seidel M, de Beer D, Cook PLM, Joye SB (2019) “Chapter 12 - Biogeochemical dynamics of coastal tidal flats. In: GME Perillo, E Wolanski, DR Cahoon and CS Hopkinson (Editors), Coastal Wetlands. Elsevier, pp. 407-440;

Roebuck Jr. JA, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Jaffé R (2018) “Land use controls on the spatial variability of dissolved black carbon in a subtropical watershed”, Environmental Science & Technology, 52:8104-8114;

Seidel M, Manecki M, Herlemann DPR, Deutsch B, Schulz Bull D, Jürgens K, Dittmar T (2017) “Composition and transformations of dissolved organic matter in the Baltic Sea”, Frontiers in Earth Science, 5: 10.3389/feart.2017.00031;

Medeiros PM, Babcock-Adams L, Seidel M, Castelao RM, Di Iorio D, Hollibaugh JT, Dittmar T (2017). “Export of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in a broad continental shelf”, Limnology and Oceanography, doi:10.1002/lno.10528;

Medeiros PM, Seidel M, Gifford SM, Ballantyne F, Dittmar T, Whitman WB, Moran MA (2017). “Microbially-mediated transformations of estuarine dissolved organic matter”, Frontiers in Marine Science, 4:69.10.3389/fmars.2017.00069;

Ward ND, Bianchi TS, Medeiros PM, Seidel M, Richey J, Keil R and Sawakuchi HO (2017). Where carbon goes when water flows: carbon cycling across the aquatic continuum. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:7. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00007;

Seidel M, Dittmar T, Ward ND, Krusche AV, Richey JE, Yager PL, Medeiros PM (2016). “Seasonal and spatial variability of the dissolved organic matte composition in the lower Amazon River”, Biogeochemistry, 131:281-302;

Seidel M, Kleindienst S, Dittmar T, Joye, SB, Medeiros PM (2016). “Biodegradation of crude oil and dispersants in deep seawater from the Gulf of Mexico: Insights from ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry”, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 129:108-118;

Medeiros PM, Seidel M, Niggemann J, Spencer RGM, Hernes PJ, Yager PL, Miller WL, Dittmar T, Hansell D (2016). “A novel molecular approach for tracing terrigenous dissolved organic matter into the deep ocean”, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, doi:10.1002/2015GB005320;

Kleindienst S, Seidel M, Ziervogel K, Grim LS, Loftis KM, Perkins MJ, Field J, Sogin ML, Dittmar T, Passow U, Medeiros PM, Joye SB (2016). “Reply to Prince et al.: Ability of chemical dispersants to reduce oil spill impacts remains unclear”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 113: E1422-E1423;

Kleindienst S, Seidel M, Ziervogel K, Grim LS, Loftis KM, Perkins MJ, Field J, Sogin ML, Dittmar T, Passow U, Medeiros PM, Joye SB (2015). “Chemical dispersants can suppress the activity of natural oil-degrading microorganisms”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 112: 14900-14905;

Seidel M, Beck M, Greskowiak J, Riedel T, Waska H, Suryaputra IGNA, Schnetger B, Niggemann J, Greskowiak, J, Simon M, Dittmar T (2015). “Benthic-pelagic coupling of nutrients and dissolved organic matter composition in an intertidal sandy beach”, Marine Chemistry, 176: 150-163;

Seidel M, Yager PL, Ward ND, Carpenter EJ, Gomes HR, Krusche AV, Richey JE, Dittmar T, Medeiros PM (2015). “Molecular-level changes of dissolved organic matter along the Amazon River-to-ocean-continuum”, Marine Chemistry, Marine Chemistry, 177: 218-231;

Medeiros PM, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Whitman WB, Moran MA (2015). “Drought-induced variability in dissolved organic matter composition in a marsh-dominated estuary”, Geophysical Research Letters 42: 6446–6453;

Medeiros PM, Seidel M, Ward ND, Carpenter EJ, Gomes HR, Niggemann J, Krusche AV, Richey JE, Yager PL, Dittmar T (2015). “Fate of the Amazon River dissolved organic matter in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean”, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29:677–690;

Medeiros PM, Seidel M, Powers LC, Dittmar T, Hansell D, Miller WL (2015). “Dissolved organic matter composition and photochemical transformations in the Northern North Pacific Ocean”, Geophysical Research Letters, 42:863-870;

Schwedt A, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Simon M, Bondarev V, Romano S, Lavik G, Schulz-Vogt, HN (2015). “Substrate use of Pseudovibrio sp. growing in ultra-oligotrophic seawater”, PLOS ONE 10:e0121675;

Reckhardt A, Beck M, Seidel M, Riedel T, Wehrmann A, Bartholomä A, Schnetger B, Dittmar T, Brumsack HJ (2015). “Carbon, nutrient and trace metal cycling in sandy sediments: A comparison of high-energy beaches and backbarrier tidal flats”, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 159:1-14;

Seidel M, Beck M, Riedel T, Waska H, Suryaputra IGNA, Schnetger B, Niggemann J, Simon M, Dittmar T. (2014). “Biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter in an anoxic intertidal creek bank”, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 140:418-434;

Seidel M, Rütters H, Rullkötter J, Sass H (2013). “Phosphate-free ornithine lipid contents in Desulfovibrio spp. respond to growth temperature”, Organic Geochemistry, 59:133-142;

Seidel M, Graue J, Engelen B, Köster J, Sass H, Rullkötter J (2012): “Advection and diffusion determine vertical distribution of microbial communities in intertidal sediments as revealed by combined biogeochemical and molecular biological analysis”, Organic Geochemistry, 52:114-129;

Gittel A, Seidel M, Kuever J, Galushko AS, Cypionka H, Könneke M (2009): “Desulfopila inferna sp. nov., a sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from the subsurface of a tidal sandflat”, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 60:1626-1630;

Süß J, Herrmann K, Seidel M, Cypionka H, Engelen B, Sass H (2007). “Two distinct Photobacterium populations thrive in ancient Mediterranean sapropels”, Microbial Ecology, 55:371-383;

Worden AZ, Seidel M, Smriga S, Wick A, Malfatti F, Bartlett D, Azam F (2006). “Trophic regulation of Vibrio cholerae in coastal marine waters”, Environmental Microbiology, 8:21-29;

Talks (selection)

Seidel M, Schubotz F "Degrading the undegradable: natural petroleum transformations at an asphalt seep", (Invited talk), Gordon Research Conference: Organic Geochemistry, Holderness, NH (USA), July/August 2018

Seidel M, Manecki M, Herlemann DPR, Schulz-Bull D, Jürgens K, Dittmar T “Composition and transformation of dissolved organic matter in the Baltic Sea”, (Talk), ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI (USA), Feb 2017

Seidel M, Dittmar T, Ward ND, Krusche AV, Richey JE, Yager PL, Medeiros, PM “Molecular transformations of dissolved organic matter in the lower Amazon River”, (Talk), Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA (USA), Feb 2016

Seidel M, Yager PL, Ward ND, Carpenter EJ, Gomes HR, Krusche AV, Richey JE, Dittmar T, Medeiros, PM “Linking spatiotemporal molecular patterns to the biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter in the Amazon River plume”, (Poster), Gordon Research Conference: Chemical Oceanography, Holderness, NH (USA), July 2015

Seidel M, Dittmar T Medeiros, PM “Geo-metabolomics in estuarine and coastal systems: The Amazon plume”, (Talk), Workshop Geo-metabolomics: first steps towards a systems biology understanding of organic matter cycling in aquatic systems, Delmenhorst (Germany), Nov 2014

Seidel M, Ward ND, Yager PL, Carpenter EJ, Gomes HR, Krusche AV, Dittmar T, Medeiros, PM “The influence of the Amazon River on the biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean”, (Talk), Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA (USA), Apr 2014

Seidel M, Ward ND, Krusche AV, Dittmar T, Medeiros PM “Biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter in the River to ocean continuum of the Amazon”, (Talk), Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA), Feb 2014

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