PD Dr. Maren Striebel
Research Focus
I’m investigating the importance of biodiversity, light, nutrients, and temperature for plankton dynamics in marine and freshwater systems. I am considering these interactions from different ecological perspectives, such as ecophysiology, population and community dynamics, and behavioural aspects. Based on this, my main research topics can be defined as: Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships with a focus on characteristics of light (wavelengths, intensities and fluctuations) and Food web research focusing on species-specific traits, trophic interactions and stoichiometry.
Ecological Stoichiometry – Biodiversity and Functional Diversity – Plankton Dynamics – Trophic Interactions - Mesocosms
Planktotrons: https://uol.de/icbm/planktologie/forschung/planktotrons
Most Recent Projects
2024-2026 Phytoplankton response to fluctuating light intensity and spectrum II -How fluctuations of the multiple dimensions of LIGHt shape phytoplankTON (LIGHT-ON). DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project.
2020 - 2024 Partner in AQUACOSMplus, Horizon 2020, Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond.
2020 - 2023 Phytoplankton responses to fluctuating resource and energy supply. DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project.
2019 - 2022 Phytoplankton response to fluctuating light intensity and spectrum. DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project.
Three Selected Publications
Striebel, M., L. Kallajoki, J. Wollschläger, A. Deininger, and H. Hillebrand. Marine primary producers in a darker future: a meta-analysis of light effects on pelagic and benthic autotrophs. 2023. Oikos. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.09501
Gerhard, M., A.M. Koussoroplis, M. Raatz, C. Pansch, S.B. Fey, J. Vajedsamiei, M. Calderó-Pascual, D. Cunillera-Montcusí, N.P.D. Juvigny-Khenafou, F. Polazzo, P.K. Thomas, C.C. Symons, M. Beklioğlu, S.A. Berger, R.M. Chefaoui, K.A. Ger, S. Langenheder, J.C. Nejstgaard, R. Ptacnik, and M. Striebel. 2023. Environmental variability in aquatic ecosystems: avenues for future multifactorial experiments. L&O Letters. https://doi.org/10.1002/lol2.10286
Thomas, P., C Kunze, D. van de Waal, H Hillebrand, and M. Striebel. Elemental and biochemical nutrient limitation of zooplankton: a meta-analysis. 2022. Ecology Letters. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14125
Short CV
2019 - Habilitation at the University of Oldenburg, Germany
2016 - today Senior Researcher University of Oldenburg, ICBM Wilhelmshaven, Germany
2012 - 2016 Postdoctoral Position, University of Oldenburg, ICBM Wilhelmshaven, Germany
2009 - 2012 Postdoctoral Position, WasserCluster Lunz and University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Austria
2009 Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Oslo, Norway
2005 - 2008 Dissertation at the LMU Munich, Germany
1998 - 2004 Study of Biology at the Universities of Ulm and LMU Munich, Germany