Marina Rillo


Schleusenstrasse 1 26382 Wilhelmshaven

+49 4421 944-173 | internal: 8173





Marina Rillo

Marina Costa Rillo

Research Focus

For my postdoctoral research, I use marine microfossils to investigate biodiversity change across space and time. I am interested in bridging community ecology and macroevolution and, more specifically, testing assumptions of the space-for-time substitution.


Community ecology – micropalaeontology – biodiversity change – macroevolution


2019-2021 Ocean Floor Excellence Cluster of the University of Bremen (Reseach Unit RECORDER). Collaborators: Prof. Helmut Hillebrand and Prof. Michal Kucera

Three selected publications

M. C. Rillo, M. Sugawara, B. Cabella, L. Jonkers, U. K. Baranowski, M. Kucera and T.H.G. Ezard (2019). On the mismatch in the strength of competition among fossil and modern species of planktonic Foraminifera. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28(12):1866-78,

M. C. Rillo, M. Kucera, T.H.G. Ezard and C.G. Miller (2019). Surface sediment samples from early age of seafloor exploration can provide a late 19th century baseline of the marine environment. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:517,

M. C. Rillo, J. Whittaker, T.H.G. Ezard, A. Purvis, A.S. Henderson, S. Stukins & C.G. Miller (2016). The unknown planktonic foraminiferal pioneer Henry A. Buckley and his collection at the Natural History Museum, London. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 36, 191-194,

Short CV

2015 - 2019  Ph.D. Ocean and Earth Science
National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK
Natural History Museum, London, UK

2012 - 2014 M.Sc. Evolutionary Biology
University of Groningen, Netherlands
University of Montpellier II, France

2007 - 2014  B.Sc. Biological Sciences
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

2007 - 2012  B.Sc. Molecular Sciences
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

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