
CV Claus Möbus
Claus Möbus was born in Wilhelmshaven. Here he attended school and qualified for university admission. Then he studied psychology at the TU Brunswick and the University of Heidelberg. 1970 he received a Diploma, 1974 a PhD degree, and 1978 the Venia Legendi in Psychology. From 1977 to 1978 he worked as a Professor for Psychology at the Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin). In 1978 he became a Professor for Applied Informatics in the University of Oldenburg. Depending on research grants his group Learning and Cognitive Systems (<link en/lcs/></link> ) is working in six research areas: (1) Applied Artificial Intelligence (Knowledge Acquisition, Data Mining, Decisions under Risk and Uncertainty), (2) Content, Knowledge, and Cognitive Engineering, (3) Learner, User and Operator Modeling, (4) Engineering of Innovative Learning and Problem-Solving Environments, (5) Rapid Prototyping of Intelligent Assistance Systems, and (6) Probabilistic Bayesian Programming.
He was and is member in the program committee of several Cognitive Science Conferences [e.g. ICCM 2009-10, International Conference on Cognitive Modelling; ADHM 2010-14, International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling; 1st Human Modeling in Assisted Transportation (HMAT), Belgirate, Italy; Berlin Symposium on Driver Modeling, 2010-11; DKB-2011, 3rd Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief; ADHM 2012; International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications (COGNITIVE 2012-16); Euro-Asian-Pacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science (EAP CogSci 2015) ], and reviewer for cognitive-science-relevant journals [e.g. for the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2012-13), Neurocomputing (2014), Sensors (2015), Journal of Mathematical Psychology (2015), Transportmetrica (2016), and IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2018)].