Prof. Dr. Claus Möbus
Manuela Wüstefeld
MOEBUS, Claus. (2023). Personalized Risk Calculations with a Generative Bayesian Model: Am I Fast Enough to React in Time?. In: Duffy, V.G., Landry, S.J., Lee, J.D., Stanton, N. (eds) Human-Automation Interaction. pp 19-56, Automation, Collaboration, & E-Services, vol 11. Springer, Cham.

We were quoted with three papers in this recent publication:
Ma, J.; Xie, H.; Song, K.; Liu, H. A Bayesian Driver Agent Model for Autonomous Vehicles System Based on Knowledge-Aware and Real-Time Data. Sensors 2021, 21, 331.
Our publications quoted are:
- Eilers, M.; Möbus, C. Learning the human longitudinal control behavior with a modular hierarchical Bayesian mixture-of-behaviors model. In Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Baden-Baden, Germany, 5–9 June 2011; pp. 540–545. [Google Scholar]
- Eilers, M.; Möbus, C. Learning the relevant percepts of modular hierarchical Bayesian driver models using a Bayesian information criterion. In Digital Human Modelling; Springer: Heidelberg, Germany, 2011; pp. 463–472. [Google Scholar] [Researchgate]
- Eilers, M.; Möbus, C. Learning of a Bayesian autonomous driver mixture-of-behaviors (BAD-MoB) model. In Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2010; pp. 436–445. [Google Scholar] [Researchgate]
These papers report our research results concerning Bayesian Autonomous Driver Mixture Of Behavior (BAD MoB) Models obtained in the general IMOST project.
Portfolio Optimisation Through Diversification of Risks
BSc-Thesis by Jan Köhler and Mirko Baier
This BSc thesis is based on the article "Portfolio Selection" published by Markowitz in the "Journal of Finance" in 1952. "Portfolio Selection" dealt with the risk minimization of a securities portfolio and brought Markowitz the Nobel Prize for Economics 38 years later.
The BSc thesis has two goals. The first is to enable lay financial managers to independently compile a risk-minimised portfolio into a model portfolio without a professional financial advisor, using only a web application. On the other hand, the sample portfolio is to be compared with a reference portfolio (gold standard) using the web application. As reference portfolio we have chosen the ARERO-(Aktien-REnten-ROhstoffe) ETF. This is also designed according to the Markowitz approach.
We limit ourselves to two- or three-part portfolios without a non-negativity condition. This means that short selling is permitted.
Bayesian Sumo Bots

Moebes, M., Probabilistic Modeling of Human Telecontrolled Behavior for Sumo Robots, MSc-Thesis, 2016, PDF
Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs) of Bayesian Sumo models can be found here.
Videos of human tele-controlled and Bayesian agent-controlled Sumo games can be found here.
Lessons learnt and conclusions can be found here.

Masaki Gondo (Software CTO of eSOL Co, Ltd., Tokyo; made an information visit to our group. He is interested in our BAD MoB Driver Models. BAD MoB is an acronym for Bayesian Autonomous Driver Mixture of Behavior. These models were developed since 2008 by Claus Möbus and Mark Eilers. The meeting (2015/06/16) was hosted by Andreas Luedtke's HCD group in the OFFIS building.
Awards 1992 - 2014
Mark Eilers, Claus Möbus, Discriminative Learning of Relevant Percepts for a Bayesian Autonomous Driver Model, ThinkMind // COGNITIVE 2014, The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, 19-25, May 25, 2014, Venice, Italy, IARIA, 2014, ISSN: 2308-4197, ISBN: 978-1-61208-340-7; Best Paper Award;
LENK, J. CH., MÖBUS, C., ÖZYURT, J., THIEL, CHR. M., & CLAASEN, A., From fMRI Data To Cognitive Models: Testing the ACT-R Brain Mapping Hypothesis with an Ex-Post Model, p. 13-18, in: Terry Bossomaier & Pascal Lorenz (eds), COGNITIVE 2011 - The Third International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications -, September 25-30, 2011, Rome, Italy, IARIA, ISSN: 2308-4197, ISBN: 978-1-61208-155-7, PDF, Best-Paper-Award
MOEBUS, C., SCHROEDER, O. & THOLE, H.J., Online Modeling the Novice-Expert Shift in Programming Skills on a Rule-Schema-Case Partial Order for Internal Student Models, East-West Conference on Emerging Computer Technologies in Education, 6-9 April 1992, in: P. Brusilovsky, V. Stefanuk (eds.), Conference Proceedings, International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information, Moscow, Russia, 1992, p.230-241, PDF, BestPaperAward
Mark Eilers, Claus Möbus, Discriminative Learning of Relevant Percepts for a Bayesian Autonomous Driver Model, ThinkMind // COGNITIVE 2014, The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, 19-25, May 25, 2014, Venice, Italy, IARIA, 2014, ISSN: 2308-4197, ISBN: 978-1-61208-340-7; Best Paper Award
2013 ... 25-jähriges Gründungsjubiläum der Informatik am 01.11.2013
Die Festschrift zum 25-Jahresjubiläum findet sich hier.
Drei der "First Five" - 28 Jahre später am 01.11.2013

... auch in China werden wir zitiert ...
- Li Li ; Ding Wen ; Nan-Ning Zheng ; Lin-Cheng Shen, Cognitive Cars: A New Frontier for ADAS Research, Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on (2012, Volume:13 , Issue: 1 ), DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2011.2159493
- LI Li, WANG Fei-Yue, ZHENG Nan-Ning, Cognitive vehicle: a new research direction integrating cognitive science and control theory, PDF
Informationstag, Department für Informatik, Uni Oldenburg
05.03.2012, Hörsaalzentrum, HS 1, Uhlhornsweg
10:30 Prof.Dr.Claus Möbus, Wie ich zur Informatik kam, oder umgekehrt ? Folien
OFFIS DataWork, No.53, p.12, Dezember 2011
Assistenzsyteme: Wie beeinflussen sie unser Fahrverhalten ? Der Kurzartikel in der DataWork findet sich hier.
LENK, J. CH., MÖBUS, C., ÖZYURT, J., THIEL, CHR. M., & CLAASEN, A., From fMRI Data To Cognitive Models: Testing the ACT-R Brain Mapping Hypothesis with an Ex-Post Model, COGNITIVE 2011 - The Third International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications -, September 25-30, 2011, Rome, Italy, Award
Versetzung in den Ruhestand


1992 Gründung des An-Instututs OFFIS

1988 Konstitution des Fachbereichs Informatik

1985/86 Start des Lehrbetriebs der Oldenburger Informatik
"Starting Five" (1985/86)