JULIA Projects

JULIA Projects

Julia's Pros and Cons

We refer here to the master course Scientific Programming in Julia taught at the Czech Technical University in Prague. 

The following two blog posts summarize the pros and cons:

  • What is great about Julia.
  • What is bad about Julia.



Two Julia pearls

*While trying once again to find if there was any Julia version of the Classic Computer Science Problems by David Kopec (there are versions in Python, Java, Rust, JavaScript and others in GitHub - davecom/ClassicComputerScienceProblemsInPython: Source Code for the Book Classic Computer Science Problems in Python 9), I found these very important pearls from @CMoebus in JULIA Projects // University of Oldenburg 25 a Julia application of the SICP and of the ISLR2, both using Pluto.jl.*


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