Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope

A self-developed low temperature scanning tunneling microscope (LT-STM) for better thermal resolution. Using a pulse tube cryostat with helium cooling, sample temperatures of down to ~6 K can be reached. The use of a "dry" closed-cycle cryostat constitutes a new development in scanning probe microscopy, the main challenge being the mechanical decoupling between cryostat and microscope head.

Pressure Range: 

  • Prep chamber: down to 10-9 hPa
  • Main chamber: down to 10-10 hPa

Sample Temperature Range: 

  • 8 K - 400 K


  • electron beam evaporator
  • reactive plasma ion etch
  • self-developed, elaborate sample- and tip transfer system in ultra high vacuum for complete preparation of both under vacuum
  • residual gas analyzer
(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p88902en
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