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Prof. Dr. Axel Heep
Christina Sobirey
+49 (0)441 798-4011
Oldenburg Hospital, North Building Room HN.2.10, Rahel-Straus-Straße 10, 26133 Oldenburg
Mrs. Dlugosch
+49 (0)441 403-4255
+49 (0)441 403-4216
Dr.rer.nat. Cornelia Hinz
+49 (0)151-3001169
08:30 - 12:30
Klinikum OldenburgHaus Nord, Room HN.2.10Rahel-Straus-Straße 1026133 Oldenburg
To the homepage of Klinikum Oldenburg
Online library system of the University of Oldenburg (Orbis)
The following is an overview of the areas of potential: Rare diseases