Contact us


Prof. Dr. Axel Heep

Secretariat for University Affairs

Christina Sobirey

+49 (0)441 798-4011

Oldenburg Hospital, North Building Room HN.2.10, Rahel-Straus-Straße 10, 26133 Oldenburg

Secretariat at the Klinikum Oldenburg

Mrs. Dlugosch

+49 (0)441 403-4255

+49 (0)441 403-4216

Coordination of university teaching

Dr.rer.nat. Cornelia Hinz

+49 (0)151-3001169

08:30 - 12:30


Klinikum Oldenburg
Haus Nord, Room HN.2.10
Rahel-Straus-Straße 10
26133 Oldenburg

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Information for students

Pediatric and adolescent medicine is a diverse and exciting field. It encompasses all areas of clinical medicine, in particular general primary care, prevention, emergency care and the care of the chronically ill. Pediatricians must treat their young patients in an age-appropriate manner, but also keep an eye on their family and social environment. Dealing with patients of different ages and their relatives poses particular challenges for medical communication. Normal development in childhood is the basis for health as an adult and for a healthy society in the future. Therefore, the medical care of children is of great importance both individually and socially.

The diversity of the subject area is also reflected in the curriculum of the model degree course in human medicine at the European Medical School Oldenburg-Groningen. In Module 3.4 'Life Cycle II' (6th semester), students learn the theoretical and practical basics of pediatrics. Module 4.4 (8th semester) provides a theoretical and practical consolidation. The teaching content is discussed and developed interactively on the basis of patient cases. In the block internship in pediatrics (8th or 9th semester), students then apply the clinical and communication skills they have learned in practice. They are integrated into the daily routine of a pediatric clinic and experience new challenges every day.

Those with a further interest in pediatric and adolescent medicine can complete a tertial (16 weeks) in a pediatric clinic during the practical year. In this final phase of the course, theory is linked even more closely with practice. The students grow from their rather passive, observing role into the active role of a doctor.

The following pages summarize the most important information on the organization and implementation of curricular and optional teaching in paediatrics and adolescent medicine.

Apprenticeship in year 3

  • Module 3.4 'Life Cycle II' in semester 6 is the last of the twelve basic modules of the model course in human medicine at the European Medical School Oldenburg-Groningen. Building on the theoretical foundations of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, students are increasingly familiarized with the theory of disease. At the beginning of the module, students deal intensively with the normal physical, motor, mental and psychosocial development of infants, toddlers, schoolchildren and adolescents.
  • An important aspect of pediatrics is the prevention and early detection of undesirable developments and the prevention of pathological influences on development. In the following weeks, students will take a journey through all organ systems and familiarize themselves with the symptoms and diseases typical of childhood. In order to impart knowledge, the lectures are illustrated by the presence of many patients. In the practical courses, students have their first contact with young patients or models. Infant handling, newborn and child life support and diagnostic procedures are offered.
  • In addition, the longitudinal teaching methods of problem-oriented learning and problem-solving seminars with interesting topics in pediatric and adolescent medicine are continued in this module in order to apply the theoretical principles to specific cases.

Teaching at the Clinical Training Center (year 4)

  • In the 8th semester, the pediatrics students spend two weeks in small groups of eight to twelve people at the Clinical Training Center (KTZ for short). This enables interactive and practice-oriented learning. In the KTZ, students repeatedly practise anamnesis and physical examination. They work on differential diagnoses, explain and justify further examinations and treatment measures. All of this prepares them in the best possible way for everyday clinical practice in the block internship.
  • Theoretical knowledge is presented in a practical way in three selected subject lessons. This knowledge is then applied independently in the consultation seminars, based on paper-based patient cases in the Consultation: Anamnesis and Treatment sessions and complete patient cases simulated by acting patients (parents or adolescent patients) in the Consultation. In addition, interactive seminars are offered, which can be seen as a didactic continuation of the problem-solving seminars (PLS) or problem-oriented learning (POL) from years 1-3. In year 4, students are required to work more independently on a case vignette or problem. The physical examination of the newborn is practiced intensively with realistic models.

Block internship in pediatrics

  • The block internship in pediatrics is scheduled for the 8th or 9th semester and lasts five or four weeks. It is obligatory for all students in accordance with Section 27 (4) of the ÄAPPro. During the block internship, students are introduced to everyday clinical work. The focus is on the independent performance of anamnesis, physical examination, communication, preparation of diagnostic and therapy plans, differential diagnosis and other practical skills.
  • The internship is documented in a logbook. Tasks to be assessed during the internship are the model status and a practical assessment. At the end of the internship, the supervisor grades the student's overall performance. Further preparatory information will be available shortly in the information sheet.

Research work

- Perinatal Neurobiology Research Group

Below is a list of current and previously supervised research projects:


Topic-LFC thesis:
Identification of DNA methylation patterns in stress-related genes from leukocytes, gastrointestinal and mucosal cells of preterm infants
Supervisors: Prof. Plösch and Dr. Lange

Topic - LFC thesis:
Comparison of the score-based mortality risk of pediatric and neonatal intensive care patients after interhospital transfer with the actual measured mortality after intensive care stay
Supervisors: Prof. Ansmann, Prof. Heep and Dr. Fiedler

PhD topic:
Prognostic relevance of fetomaternal risk factors on mortality and morbidity of extremely premature infants
Supervisors: PD. Dr. Lüdders and Dr. Lange

PhD topic:
Organization of care for paediatric intensive care patients in north-western Lower Saxony - a retrospective data analysis for the period 10/2018 to 12/2022
Supervisors: Prof. Hoffmann and Dr. Lange

PhD topic:
Survey of current therapeutic concepts for the treatment of bowel emptying disorders in premature infants in level 1 perinatal centers in Germany
Supervisors: Prof Heep and Dr Lange

PhD topic:
Model-based determination of an adequate basal rate for the use of a CSII in the treatment of transient hyperglycemia in extremely preterm infants
Supervisors: Prof. Heep and Dr. Lange (Cooperation University Christchurch, New Zealand)


Topic- LFC thesis:
A retrospective data analysis of mortality in extremely preterm infants taking into account fetomaternal risk factors
Supervisors: PD Dr. Lüdders and Dr. Lange


Topic - LFC thesis:
Organization of the care of paediatric intensive care patients in north-western Lower Saxony - a retrospective data analysis for the period 10/2018 to 12/2019
Supervisors: Prof. Heep, Dr. Lange and Dr. Mitzlaff

Topic - LFC thesis:
The use of the insulin pump in the treatment of hyperglycemia in extremely premature infants - a retrospective data analysis
Supervisors: Prof. Heep and Dr. Lange (second reviewer: Dr. Thorsten Körner -Bremen)

Topic LFC thesis:
Findings on chest X-ray in pediatric community-acquired pneumonia
Supervisors: Prof. Heep, Dr. Lange and PD Dr. Wetzke (MHH)

Practical year

  • The 16-week PJ tertial offers the opportunity to deepen and expand the previously acquired medical knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of pediatrics. In order to gain as much experience as possible, there is an individually coordinated rotation through the various specialist departments of the University Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. During this time, the focus is on independent medical work under supervision. The PJ tertial is documented in the PJ logbook of the CvUO. Various tasks and suggestions for reflection support the students in developing their medical skills to such an extent that they have achieved independent and situation-appropriate competence to begin further training.

Voluntary Scientific Year (FWJ)

Research, gaining initial professional experience and getting a taste of university life - young people can do this during the "Voluntary Scientific Year" (FWJ) at the University of Oldenburg. In this way, the FWJ introduces young people to science at an early stage and aims to inspire enthusiasm for research. In order to also make it easier for potential first-time academics to gain access to studies, corresponding positions are funded as part of the UMO's young talent concept.

Further information can be found here:

Online child protection courses

As part of a pilot project supported by SQM funding, we are offering students in year 4 (semesters 7 and 8) online courses from the Augeo Foundation on the following topics:

  • Doctors: dealing with suspected child abuse
  • Doctor: burn injuries
  • Doctor: skin lesions
  • General: Communicating about violence
  • Long-term consequences of the adverse childhood experiences
  • The importance of medicine in evaluating child sexual abuse

Optional teaching

Students have further opportunities to familiarize themselves with paediatrics at an early stage or in greater depth. If you are interested in one of our optional courses, please contact the teaching coordinator Dr. Verena Wessel in good time.

  • Elective internship: The one-week elective internship in module 1.2, 2.1 or 3.1 can be completed in the pediatric clinic. Early registration is required for this internship.
  • Outpatient internship: The two-week "outpatient medicine" internship in the 6th semester can be completed in the Children's Hospital. An individual rotation through the numerous outpatient areas of the Children's Hospital is put together for this. The focus is on the Medical Care Center (MVZ) of Neuropaediatrics.
  • Clinical elective intern ship: The four-week elective internship in the 9th semester can be completed in the pediatric clinic. The procedure and content are identical to the block internship in pediatrics. Registration takes place as part of the planning for year 5 via the KTZ.
(Changed: 14 Jan 2025)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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