

Prof. Dr. Niklas Nilius

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät V - Institute of Physics
D-26111 Oldenburg


Room: W2 3-327a


Meike Hurling


Room: W2 1-133


OPPROMUS is an easy-to-use software for visualization, analysis and simulation of large series of optical transmission and absorption spectra.

The new software enables quick and convenient analyses of optical transmission, reflection and absorption spectra.

Three main features are implemented in the program:

  • Visualization of large amounts of optical data.
  • Calculation of optical fingerprints of arbitrarily multilayer systems comprising up to five dielectric layers plus optically active inclusions.
  • Structural optimization of multilayer systems by matching their optical response to experimental data.

The mathematical framework of the program is based on the transfer-matrix method combined with the Maxwell-Garnett and the Bruggeman formalism to describe inhomogeneous optical samples. Measured and simulated data are linked by minimizing the root-mean square error via iterative optimization of various structural parameters, e.g., the number and thickness of active optical layers as well as the geometry and filling factor of metallic or dielectric inclusions.

(Changed: 05 Sep 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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