
Student Council of Physics

+49 441 798 3476 (during the meetings)

W02 1-161

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Student council meeting

Date for winter term 2024/25

Every Tuesday, 2 pm – 4 pm

W02 1-161


Every student council of the university is allowed to send representatives to the committees of the institutes, departments and the entire university. These representatives ensure that the interests of the students are heard and implemented in the committees. Furthermore, it is important to have students in the committeesto make sure that changes in the regulations of examination are in favor of the students. We therefore take care of a study program that does not disadvantage anyone.

The student representatives of the committees often belong to their student council. Representatives of the student council of physics are in the following committees (among others):

  • Faculty council of the Faculty V / Fakultätsrat der Fakultät V (FakRat) (elected once a year)
  • Institute council of the Institute of Physics / Institutsrat des Institutes für Physik (IRat) (elected once a year)
  • Study committee / Studiengremium (StuG)
  • General assembly of the Representatives of the student councils / FachschaftenvertreterInnenvollversammlung (F3V)
  • Faculty conference of the Faculty V / Fakultätskonverenz der Fakultät V (FakKonV)
  • Study commission / Studienkommission (StuKo)
  • Interdisciplinary study commission / Fachübergreifende Studienkommission (FüStuKo)
  • Cooperating commission Engineering Physics / Gemeinsame Kommission Engineering Physics (GKEP)
  • Examination and admissions committees of all physics courses of study
  • Appointment committees for professorships
(Changed: 15 Oct 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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