Statute / Rules of Procedure


Student Council of Physics

+49 441 798 3476 (during the meetings)

W02 1-161

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Student council meeting

Date for winter term 2024/25

Every Tuesday, 2 pm – 4 pm

W02 1-161

Statute / Rules of Procedure


The statute is a kind of a „constitution” of the student council. It defines what the student council exactly is, what its tasks are and how it is elected. Furthermore, it regulates who has certain representation rights and which bodies exist within the student council.

You can read our current statute here:

The statute is currently only available in German, we might provide a translation in the future.

Rules of procedure

The rules of internal procedure regulate the structure of the weekly student council meeting and is therefore a way of clarification of the statutes. The goal is to provide regularity and long-term stability of the structure in the representation of the students. Topics of the rules of procedure are for example the agenda of the weekly meeting or when the student council has a quorum.

You can read our current rules of procedure here:

The rules of procedure are currently only available in German, we might provide a translation in the future.

(Changed: 15 Oct 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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