Complete list of pulications


Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau

Institute of Physics  (» Postal address)

W02 3-318, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9 - 11 (» Adress and map)

Di 11 - 12 Uhr

+49 441 798-3485  (F&P

Complete list of pulications

Complete list of publications

For a list of publications with links to the articles please choose a year in the left column.


Excitation of Mesoscopic Plasmonic Tapers by Relativistic Electrons: Phase Matching versus Eigenmode Resonances
N. Talebi, W. Sigle, R. Vogelgesang, M. Esmann, S.F. Becker, C. Lienau, and P.A. v. Aken
ACS Nano 9 (2015)

Ultrafast Electron Emission from a Sharp Metal Nanotaper Driven by Adiabatic Nanofocusing of Surface Plasmons
J. Vogelsang, J. Robin, B.J. Nagy, P. Dombi, D. Rosenkranz, M. Schiek, P. Groß, and C. Lienau
Nano Letters, 15, ASAP (2015)

Optical Stark Effects in J-Aggregate-Metal Hybrid Nanostructures Exhibiting a Strong Exciton-Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Interaction
P. Vasa, W. Wang, R. Pomraenke, M. Maiuri, C. Manzoni, G. Cerullo, C. Lienau
Phys Rev Lett 114,  (2015)

Elektronen steuern mit Licht
R. Vogelgesang, J. Vogelsang, C. Lienau
Physik Journal 14, 20-21 (2015)

Direct evidence of Rabi oscillations and antiresonance in a strongly coupled organic microcavity
S. K. Rajendran, W. Wang, D. Brida, A. De Sio, E. Sommer, R. Vogelgesang, D. Coles, D. G. Lidzey, G. Cerullo, C. Lienau, T. Virgili
Phys Rev B 91,  (2015)

A Diaminoterephthalate-C-60 Dyad: A New Material for Optoelectronic Applications
L. Freimuth, C. A. Rozzi, C. Lienau, J. Christoffers
Synthesis 47, 1325-1328 (2015)

Near-infrared emitting In-rich InGaN layers grown directly on Si: Towards the whole composition range
P. Aseev, P. E. D. S. Rodriguez, V. J. Gomez, N. U. Alvi, J. M. Manuel, F. M. Morales, J. J. Jimenez, R. Garcia, A. Senichev, C. Lienau, E. Calleja, R. Notzel
Appl Phys Lett 106,  (2015)

Interplay Between Strong Coupling and Radiative Damping in Hybrid Excitonic-Plasmonic Nanostructures
Ralf Vogelgesang, Wei Wang, Parinda Vasa, Robert Pomraenke, Ephraim Sommer, Antonietta De Sio, Christoph Lienau
Progess in Nonlinear Nano-Optics 2015, pp119-136

Stranski-Krastanov InN/InGaN quantum dots grown directly on Si(111)
Paul E. D. Soto Rodriguez, Pavel Aseev, Victor J. Gómez, Praveen Kumar, Naveed Ul Hassan Alvi, Enrique Calleja, José M. Mánuel, Francisco M. Morales, Juan J. Jiménez, Rafael García, Alexander Senichev, Christoph Lienau and Richard Nötzel
Applied Phyics Letters 106, 023105 (2015)


Tetradymites as Natural Hyperbolic Materials for the Near-Infrared to Visible
M. Esslinger, R. Vogelgesang, N. Talebi, W. Khunsin, P. Gehring, S. de Zuani, B. Gompf, K. Kern
ACS Photonics 1, 1285-1289 (2014)

Nanospectroscopic Imaging of Twinning Superlattices in an Individual GaAs-AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowire
Senichev, A., Talalaev, V., Shtrom, I., Blumtritt, H., Cirlin, G., Schilling, J., Lienau, C., and Werner, P.
ACS Photonics 1, 1099 (2014)

Light-matter interactions on the nanoscale
Christoph Lienau, Mihail A. Noginox, and Marko Loncar
Journal of Optics 16, 110201 (2014)

Observation of Lorentzian lineshapes in the room temperature optical spectra of strongly coupled Jaggregate/metal hybrid nanostructures by linear two-dimensional optical spectroscopy
Wei Wang, Parinda Vasa, Ephraim Sommer, Antonietta de Sio, Petra Gross, Ralf Vogelgesang, and Christoph Lienau
Journal of Optics 16, 114021 (2014)

Charge separation dynamics and opto-electronic properties of a diaminoterephthalate-C60 dyad
Stefano Pittalis, Alain Delgado, Jörg Robin, Lena Freimuth, Jens Christoffers, Christoph Lienau, Carlo Andrea Rozzi
Adv. Funct. Mat. (2014)

High passive CEP stability from a few-cycle, tunable NOPA-DFG system for observation of CEP-effects in photoemission
Jan Vogelsang, Jörg Robin, Björn Piglosiewicz, Cristian Manzoni, Paolo Farinello, Stefan Melzer, Philippe Feru, Giulio Cerullo, Christoph Lienau, and Petra Groß
Optics Express 22, 25295-25306 (2014)

Toward Plasmonics with Nanometer Precision: Nonlinear Optics of Helium-Ion Milled Gold Nanoantennas
Heiko Kollmann, Xianji Piao, Martin Esmann, Simon F. Becker, Dongchao Hou, Chuong Huynh, Lars-Oliver Kautschor, Guido Bösker, Henning Vieker, André Beyer, Armin Gölzhäuser, Namkyoo Park, Ralf Vogelgesang, Martin Silies, and Christoph Lienau
Nano Letters 14, 4478-4784 (2014)

Coherent ultrafast charge transfer in an organic photovoltaic blend
Fa, S.M.; Rozzi, C.A.; Brida, D.; Maiuri, M.; Amato, M.; Sommer, E.; De Sio, A.; Rubio, A.; Cerullo, G.; Molinari, E.; Lienau, C.
Science 344, 6187 (2014)

Interplay between Strong Coupling and Radiative Damping of Excitons and Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Hybrid Nanostructures
W. Wang, P. Vasa, R. Pomraenke, R. Vogelgesang, A. De Sio, E. Sommer, M. Maiuri, C. Manzoni, G. Cerullo, and Christoph Lienau
ACS Nano 8, 1056-1064  (2014)

Carrier-envelope phase effects on the strong-field photoemision of electrons from metallic nanostructures
Björn Piglosiewicz, Slawa Schmidt, Doo Jae Park, Jan Vogelsang, Petra Groß, Christian Manzoni, Paolo Farinello, Giulio Cerullo, and Christoph Lienau
Nature Photonics 8, 37-42 (2014)


Wave front adaption using a deformable mirror for adiabatic nanofocusing along an ultrasharp gold taper

Slawa Schmidt, Pascal Engelke, Björn Piglosiewicz, Martin Esmann, Simon F. Becker, Kyungwan Yoo, Namkyoo Park, Christoph Lienau, and Petra Groß
Optics Express 21, 26564-26577 (2013)

Vibrational near-field mapping of planar and buried three-dimensional plasmonic nanostructures
Daniel Dregley, Frank Neubrech, Huigao Duan, Ralf Vogelgesang, and Harald Giessen
Nature Comm., 4, 2237 (2013)

k-space Imaging of the Eigenmodes of Sharp Gold Tapers for Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy
Martin Esmann, Simon F. Becker, Bernard B. da Cunha, Jens H. Brauer, Ralf Vogelgesang, Petra Groß, Christoph Lienau
Beilstein Journal for Nanotechnlogy 4, 603-610 (2013)

Dynamical configurational resonances caused by optical nonlinearities in ultra-fast near-field microscopy
V. Lozovski, V. Vasilenko, G.G. Tarasov, C. Lienau, Yu.I. Mazur, and G.J. Salamo
Journal of Optics 15, 035201 (2013)

Quantum coherence controls the charge separation in a prototypical artificial light harvesting system
Carlo Andrea Rozzi, Sarah Maria Falke, Nicola Spallanzani, Angel Rubio, Elisa Molinari, Daniele Brida, Margherita Maiuri, Guilio Cerullo, Heiko Schramm, Jens Christoffers, and Christoph Lienau
Nature Comm. 4, 1602 (2013)

Characterizing the optical near-field in the vicinity of a sharp metallic nanoprobe by angle-resolved electron kinetic energy spectroscopy
Doo Jae Park, Björn Piglosiewicz, Slawa Schmidt, Heiko Kollmann, Manfred Mascheck, Petra Groß, and Christoph Lienau
Ann. Phys., 525, (1-2), 135-142 (2013)

Ultrafast dynamics of localized light modes
David Leipold, Martin Silies, Manfred Mascheck, Christoph Lienau, Erich Runge
Ann. Phys. doi 10.1002/andp.2012000228

Effect of tunneling transfer on thermal redistribution of carriers in hybrid dot-well nanostructures
Yu. I. Mazur, V. G. Dorogan, E. Marega Jr., M. E. Ware, Z. Ya. Zhuchenko, G. G. Tarasov, C. Lienau, G. J. Salamo
Journal of Applied Physics, 113, (3), 034309 (2013)

Real-time observation of ultrafast Rabi oscillations between excitons and plasmons in metal nanostructures with J-aggregates
Parinda Vasa, Wei Wang, Robert Pomraenke, Melanie Lammers, Margherita Maiuri, Cristian Manzoni, Giulio Cerullo, and Christoph Lienau
Nature Photonics, Advance online publication


Strong Field Acceleration and Steering of Ultrafast Electron Pulses from a Sharp Metallic Nanotip  
D. J. Park, B. Piglosiewicz, S. Schmidt, H. Kollmann, M. Mascheck, C. Lienau
Physical Review Letters. 109, (24), 244803 (2012)

State-filling dependent luminescence in hybrid tunnel coupled dot-well structures  
Y.I. Mazur, V.G. Dorogan, M.E. Ware, E. Marega Jr., M. Benamara, Z.Y. Zhuchenko, G.G. Tarasov, Christoph Lienau, and G.J. Salamo
Nanoscale, 4, (23) 7509-7516 (2012)

Adiabatic Nanofocusing on Ultrasmooth Single-Crystalline Gold Tapers Creates a 10-nm-Sized Light Source with Few-Cycle Time Resolution  
Slawa Schmidt, Björn Piglosiewicz, Diyar Sadiq, Javid Shirdel, Jae Sung Lee, Parinda Vasa, Namkyoo Park, Dai-Sik Kim, Christoph Lienau
ACS Nano, 6, (7) 6040-6048 (2012)

Direct observation of the optical excitation transfer based on resonant optical near field interaction  
W. Nomura, T. Yastui, T. Kawazoe, M. Naruse, E. Runge, C. Lienau, and M. Ohtsu
Appl. Phys. B, 107 257-262 (2012)

Electromagnetic Interaction with Solids  
Ricardo Díez Muino, Eugene E. Krasovskii, Wolfgang Schattke, C. Lienau, and Hrvoje Petek
in "Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces (Nanoscience and Technology)"
by U. Bovensiepen, H. Petek, M. Wolf (editor), Wiley-VCH, 1st edition (2012)

Observing the localization of light in space and time by ultrafast second harmonic microscopy   
M. Mascheck, S. Schmidt, M. Silies, T. Yatsui, K. Kitamura, M. Ohtsu, D. Leipold, E. Runge, and C. Lienau
Nature Photonics, 6(5) 293-298 (2012)

Probing the Ca2+ Switch of the Neuronal Ca2+ Sensor GCAP2 by Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy   
H. Kollmann, S.F. Becker, J. Shirdel, A. Scholten, A. Ostendorp, C. Lienau, and K.-W- Koch
ACS chemical biology, Advanced online publication (2012)


Raman spectroscopic identifications of fullerene inclusions in polymer/fullerene blends  
S. Falke, P. Eravuchira, A. Materny, C. Lienau
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42(10) 1897-1900 (2011)

Bethe-hole polarization analyser for the magnetic vector of light  
H.W. Kihm, S.M.Koo, Q.H. Kim, K.Bao, J.E. Kihm, W.S. Bak, S.H. Eah, C. Lienau, H. Kim, P. Nordlander, N.J. Halas, N.K. Park, D.-S. Kim
Nature Communications, 2 1-6 (2011)

Ultrasmall bullets of light- focusing few-cycle light pulses to the diffraction limit  
B. Piglosiewicz, D. Sadiq, M. Mascheck, S. Schmidt, M. Silies, P. Vasa, and C. Lienau
Optics Express, 19(15) 14451-14463 (2011)

Superfocusing of electric or magnetic fields using conical metal tips: effect of mode symmetry on the plasmon excitation method  
J. S. Lee, S. Han, J. Shirdel, S. Koo, D. Sadiq, C. Lienau, and N. Park
Optics Express, 19(13) 12342-12347 (2011)

Adiabatic Nanofocusing Scattering-type Optical Nanoscopy of Individual Gold Nanoparticles  
D. Sadiq, J. Shirdel, J. Sung Lee, E. Selishchevat, N. Park, and C. Lienau
Nano Letters, 11, p1609-1613 (2011)

Excited state coherent resonant electronic tunneling in quantum well-quantum dit hybrid structure  
Yu. I. Mazur, V.G. Dorogan, E. Marega, Jr., M. Benamara, Z. Ya. Zhuchenko, G.G. Tarasov, C. Lienau, and G.J. Salamo
Applied Physics Letters, 98, p083118 (2011)) 


Ultrafast manipulation of strong coupling in metal-molecular aggregate hybrid nanostructures  
P. Vasa, R. Pomraenke, G. Cirmi, E. De Re, W. Wang, S. Schwieger, D. Leipold, E. Runge, G. Cerullo, and C. Lienau
ACS Nano, 4(12) 7759-7565 (2010)

Distinguishing between ultrafast optical harmonic generation
and multi-photon-induced luminescence from ZnO thin films by frequency-resolved interferometric autocorrelation microscopy  
S. Schmidt, M. Mascheck, M. Silies, T. Yatsui, K. Kitamura,   M. Ohtsu, and C. Lienau
Optics Express, 18, p25016-25028 (2010)

Tunneling-barrier controlled excitation transfer in hybrid quantum dot-quantum well nanostructures  
Yu. I. Mazur, V. G. Dorogan, E. Marega, Jr., Z. Ya. Zhuchenko, M. E. Ware, M. Benamara, G. G. Tarasov, P. Vasa, C. Lienau, and G. J. Salamo
Appl. Phys. Lett, 108, 0746136 (2010)

Competing ultrafast photoinduced quenching reactions in cinnamic acid : peptide blends  
T. Hoyer, W. Tuszynski, C. LienauPhysChem ChemPhys, 12, 13052 (2010)

Measurement of coherent tunneling between InGaAs quantum wells and InAs quantum dots using photoluminescence spectroscopy  
Y.I. Mazur, V.G. Dorogan, D. Guzun, E. Marega, G.J. Salomo, G.G. Tarasov, A.O. Govorov, P. Vasa, C. LienauPhys Rev. B, 82, 155413 (2010)

Subgrain inhomogenities in the luminescence spectra of thin film chalcopyrites  
L. Gütay, C. Lienau, G. BauerAppl. Phys. Lett, 97, 052110 (2010)

An unusual marriage: Coupling molecular excitons to surface plasmon polaritons in metal nanostructures  
P. Vasa, C. LienauAngewandte Chemie, 49, 2476 (2010)  

Low-temperature Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope for UV-visible Spectroscopy of Nanostructures  
S.Y. Yim, J.S. Kim, Y.H. Kim, C.C.Byeon, O.-H. Cha, M.S. Jeong, D.J. Park, S.B. Choi, D.S. Kim, and C. LienauThe Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 56, 717 (2010)


Ultra-fast nano-optics
P.Vasa, C. Ropers, R. Pomraenke, and C. Lienau     
Laser & Photon. Rev. 1-25 (2009)

Subwavelength inhomogeneities in Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 thin films revealed by near-field scanning optical microscopy
L. Gütay, R. Pomraenke, C. Lienau, and G. Bauer    
phys. stat. sol. a, 206, 1005 (2009) 

Femtosecond up-conversion technique for probing the charge transfer in a P3HT:PCPM blend via photoluminescence quenching
S. Trotzky, T. Hoyer, W. Tuszynski, C. Lienau and J. Parisi 
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 055105 (2009)


Ultrafast Coherent Spectroscopy of Single Semiconductor Quantum Dots
C. Lienau and T. Elsaesser
in "Semiconductor Nanostructures (Nanoscience and Technology)"
by D. Bimberg (editor), Springer-Verlag, 1st edition (2008)

Coherent Exciton–Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Interaction in Hybrid Metal-Semiconductor Nanostructures
P. Vasa, R. Pomraenke, S. Schwieger, Yu. I. Mazur, Vas. Kunets, P. Srinivasan, E. Johnson, J. E. Kihm, D. S. Kim, E. Runge, G. Salamo and C. Lienau
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 116801 (2008)

Near-to-far-field spectral evolution in a plasmonic crystal: Experimental verification of the equipartition of diffraction orders
D. J. Park, K. G. Lee, H. W. Kihm, Y. M. Byun, D. S. Kim, C. Ropers, C. Lienau, J. H. Kang and Q-Han Park
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 073109 (2008)

Femtosecond phase control of spatial localization of the optical near-field in a metal nanoslit array
SooBong Choi, DooJae Park, C. Lienau, Mun Seok Jeong, Clare C. Byeon, Do-Kyeong Ko and D. S. Kim
Optics Express 16, 16, 12075 (2008)

Infrared emission from the substrate of GaAs-based semiconductor lasers
M. Ziegler, R. Pomraenke, M. Felger, J. W. Tomm, P. Vasa, C. Lienau, M. Bou Sanayeh, A. Gomez-Iglesias, M. Reufer, F. Bugge, and G. Erbert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 041101 (2008)

Light Confinement at Ultrasharp Metallic Tips
C. Ropers, C. C. Neacsu, M. B. Raschke, M. Albrecht, C. Lienau and T. Elsaesser
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47, 6051 (2008)

Optical spectroscopy of single-walled carbon nanotubes: From excitonic effects towards control of the radiative lifetime
Robert Pomraenke, Parinda Vasa, and Christoph Lienau
phys. stat. sol. (b) 245, 6, 1033 (2008)

Ligand removal from soluble CdTe nanocrystals evidenced by time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy
S. Trotzky, J. Kolny-Olesiak, S.M. Falke, T. Hoyer, C. Lienau, W. Tuszynski and J. Parisi
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41, 102004 (2008)

Near-field optical spectroscopy of GaAs/AlyGa1−yAs quantum dot pairs grown by high-temperature droplet epitaxy
R. Pomraenke, C. Lienau, Y. I. Mazur, Z. M. Wang, B. Liang, G. G. Tarasov and G. J. Salamo
Phys. Rev. B 77, 075314 (2008)

Broadband optical near-field microscope for nanoscale absorption spectroscopy of organic materials
R. Pomraenke, C. Ropers, J. Renard, C. Lienau, L. Süer, D. Polli and G. Cerullo
Journal of Microscopy 229, 2, 197 (2008)


Ultrafast optical excitations of metallic nanostructures: from light confinement to a novel electron source
C. Ropers, Thomas Elsaesser, G. Cerullo, M. Zavelani-Rossi and C. Lienau
New Journal of Physics 9, 397 (2007)

Vector field mapping of local polarization using gold nanoparticle functionalized tips: independence of the tip shape
K. G. Lee, H. W. Kihm, K. J. Ahn, J. S. Ahn, Y. D. Suh, C. Lienau, and D. S. Kim
OPTICS EXPRESS 15, 14993-15001 (2007)

Tailoring of optical mode profiles of high-power diode lasers evidenced by near-field photocurrent spectroscopy
A. Kozlowska, M. Szymański, E. Pruszyńska-Karbownik,M. Bugajski, R. Pomraenke, C. Lienau, J. Renard, and A. Malag
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 101103(2007) (3 pages)

Ultrafast photodimerization dynamics in alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic and sinapinic acid crystals
T. Hoyer, W. Tuszynski, and C. Lienau
Chemical Physics Letters 443 (1-3): 107-112 JUL 27 2007

Guided optical modes in randomly textured ZnO thin films imaged by near-field scanning optical microscopy
K. Bittkau, R. Carius, and C. Lienau
Physical Review B 76 (3): Art. No. 035330 JUL 2007

On the concept of imaging nanoscale vector fields - Response
K. G. Lee, H. W. Kihm, J. E. Kihm, W. J. Choi, H. Kim, C. Ropers, D. J. Park, Y. C. Yoon, S. B. Choi, D. H. Woo, J. Kim, B. Lee, Q. H. Park, C. Lienau, and D. S. Kim
Nature Photonics 1 (5): 243-244 MAY 2007

Structural phase contrast in polycrystalline organic semiconductor films observed by broadband near-field optical spectroscopy
R. Pomraenke, C. Ropers, J. Renard, C. Lienau, L. Luer, D. Polli, and G. Cerullo
Nano Letters 7 (4): 998-1002 APR 2007

Localized multiphoton emission of femtosecond electron pulses from metal
C. Ropers, D. R.  Solli, C. P. Schulz, C. Lienau, and T. Elsaesser
Physical Review Letters 98 (4): Art. No. 043907 JAN 26 2007

Fabry-Perot tuning of the band-gap polarity in plasmonic crystals
J. E. Kihm, Y. C. Yoon, D. J. Park, Y. H. Ahn, C. Ropers, C. Lienau, J. Kim, Q. H. Park, and D. S. Kim
Physical Review B 75 (3): Art. No. 035414 JAN 2007

Vector field microscopic imaging of light
K. G. Lee, H. W. Kihm, J. E. Kihm, W. J. Choi, H. Kim, C. Ropers, D. J. Park, Y. C. Yoon, S. B. Choi, D. H. Woo, J. Kim, B. Lee, Q. H. Park, C. Lienau, and D. S. Kim
Nature Photonics 1 (1): 53-56 JAN 2007


Terahertz transparency at Fabry-Perot resonances of periodic slit arrays in a metal plate: experiment and theory
J. W. Lee, M. A. Seo, D. J. Park, S. C. Jeoung, Q. H. Park, C. Lienau, and D. S. Kim
Opt Express, 14, 12637-12643 (2006)

Spatially Localized Multiphoton Emission of Femtosecond Electron Pulses from Metal Nano Tips
C. Ropers, D. R. Solli, C. P. Schulz, C. Lienau, and T. Elsaesser
Physical Review Letters, submitted (2006)

Broadband optical near-field microscope for nanoscale absorption spectroscopy of organic materials
R. Pomraenke, C. Ropers, J. Renard, and C. Lienau
Journal of Microscopy, submitted (2006)

Near-field spectroscopic analysis of the mode structure in high-power diode lasers based on a double barrier separate confinement heterostructure
A. Kozlowska, A. Malag, R. Pomraenke, J. Renard, and C. Lienau
SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 6368, 6368X (2006)

Excitons in carbon nanotubes
J. Maultzsch, R. Pomraenke, S. Reich, E. Chang, D. Prezzi, A. Ruini, E. Molinari, M. S. Strano, C. Thomsen, and C. Lienau
physica status solidi (b), in press (2006)

Weakly bound photonic states in randomly textured ZnO thin films imaged by near-field scanning optical microscopy
K. Bittkau, R. Carius, and C. Lienau
Physical Review B, submitted (2006)

A Nanometer-sized femtosecond electron source at 80 MHz repetition rate
C. Ropers, D. R. Solli, C. P. Schulz, C. Lienau, and T. Elsaesser
Ultrafast Phenomena XV, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, New York, submitted.

Two-photon luminescence and exciton binding energies in single-walled carbon nanotubes
R. Pomraenke, J. Maultzsch, S. Reich, E. Chang, D. Prezzi, A. Ruini, E. Molinari, M. S. Strano, C. Thomsen, and C. Lienau
phys. stat. sol. (b), submitted for publication (2006)

Observation of deep level defects within the waveguide of red-emitting high-power diode lasers
C. Ropers, T. Q. Tien, C. Lienau, J. W. Tomm, P. Brick, N. Linder, B. Mayer, M. Müller, S. Tautz, and W. Schmid
Applied Physics Letters, 133513, 2006

Advanced methods for the characterization of few-cycle light pulses: a comparison
G. Stibenz, C. Ropers, C. Lienau, C. Warmuth, A. S. Wyatt, I. A. Walmsley, and G. Steinmeyer
Appl. Phys. B., submitted (2006)

Interpretation of near-field images of semiconductor nanostructures
E. Runge, and C. Lienau,
Appl. Phys. B., submitted (2006)

Ultrafast dynamics of surface plasmon polaritons in plasmonic metamaterials
C. Ropers, G. Stibenz, G. Steinmeyer, R. Müller, D. J. Park, K. G. Lee, J. Kim, Q. H. Park, D. S. Kim, and C. Lienau
Appl. Phys. B., in press (2006)

Fabry-Perot effects in THz time-domain spectroscopy of plasmonic band-gap structures
J. W. Lee, M. A. Seo, D. S. Kim, S. C. Jeoung, C. Lienau, J. H. Kang, and Q.-Han Park
Applied Physics Letters, 071114 (2006)

Shape resonance omni-directional terahertz filters with near-unity transmittance
J. W. Lee, M. A. Seo, D. J. Park, D. S. Kim, S. C. Jeoung, C. Lienau, Q. Han Park, and P. C. M. Planken
Opt. Express, 14, 1253-1259 (2006)


Exponential decay lifetimes of excitons in individual single-wall carbon nanotubes
A. Hagen, M. Steiner, M. B. Raschke, C. Lienau, T. Hertel, H. Qian, A. J. Meixner, and A. Hartschuh
Physical Review Letters, 95, 197401, 1-4 (2005).

Femtosecond light transmission and subradiant damping in plasmonic crystals
C. Ropers, D. J. Park, G. Stibenz, G. Steinmeyer, J. Kim, D. S. Kim, and C. Lienau
Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 113901, 1-4 (2005).

Optical control of excitons in a pair of quantum dots coupled by the dipole-dipole interaction
T. Unold, K. Mueller, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, and A. D. Wieck
Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 137404 (2005).

Fabry-Perot effects in THz time-domain spectroscopy of plasmonic band-gap structures
J. W. Lee, M. A. Seo, D. S. Kim, S. C. Jeoung, C. Lienau, J. H. Kang, and <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:placename w:st="on">Q.-Han</st1:placename> <st1:placetype w:st="on">Park</st1:placetype></st1:place>
Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 071114 (2006).

Exciton binding energies in single-wall carbon nanotubes from two-photon photoluminescence
J. Maultzsch, R. Pomraenke, S. Reich, E. Chang, D. Prezzi, A. Ruini, E. Molinari, M. S. Strano, C. Thomsen and C. Lienau,
Phys. Rev. B 72, 241402 (R) (2005); Publisher´s Note: Phys.
Rev. B 73, 049902(E) (2006).

Exciton localization in ultradilute Ga(As,N) studied by near-field autocorrelation spectroscopy
G. Mussler, L. Däweritz, K. H. Ploog, V. Malyarchuk and C. Lienau
Phys. Lett., submitted (2005).

Invisible Plasmonic Meta-Materials through  Impedance Matching to Vacuum
J. W. Lee, M. A. Seo, D. S. Kim, S. C. Jeoung, C. Lienau, Q. H. Park
Express, 13, 10681-10687 (2005).

Lichtmanipulation in plasmonischen Kristallen
C. Lienau, C. Ropers, and G. Steinmeyer
Physik in unserer Zeit, 3, 111-112 (2005).

Licht mit Löchern manipulieren
C. Lienau
Photonik 3, 12 (2005).

Evolution of the near-field patterns into the far-field in surface plasmonic band gap nano-structures
S. C. Hohng, D. S. Kim, Y. C. Yoon, V. Malyarchuk, C. Lienau, J. W. Park, K. H. Yoo, J. Kim, J. W. Park, K. H. Yoo, J. Kim, S. H. Han, and Q. H. Park
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 46, S69-S73 (2005).

Fabry-Perot tuning of bandgap polarity in plasmonic crystals
J. E. Kihm, Y. C. Yoon, D. J. Park, K. G. Yee, C. Ropers, C. Lienau, J. Kim, Q. H. Park, and D. S. Kim
Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted for publication (2005).

Ultrafast dynamics and near-field optics of light transmission through plasmonic crystals
C. Lienau, C. Ropers, G. Stibenz, G. Steinmeyer, R. Müller, D. J. Park, K. G. Lee, J. Kim, Q. H. Park, and D. S. Kim
SPIE Proc., Vol. 5825, 54-64 (2005).

Ultrafast coherent spectroscopy of single seminconductor quantum dots
C. Lienau, T. Unold, K. Mueller, and T. Elsaesser
SPIE Proc., Vol. 5825, 118-138 (2005).

Ultrafast coherent spectroscopy of single semiconductor quantum dots
J. J. Baumberg and C. Lienau
in: Semiconductor Marcroatoms: Basic Physics and Quantum Device Applications, Ed. F. Rossi, Word Scientific Press, 101-150 (2005), invited review.

Ultrafast dynamics of light transmission through plasmonic crystals
C. Ropers, R. Müller, C. Lienau, G. Stibenz, G. Steinmeyer, D. J. Park, Y. C. Yoon, and D. S. Kim
Ultrafast Phenomena XIV, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, New York, 650-654 (2005), invited paper.

Near-field wave function spectroscopy of excitons and biexcitons
<st1:place w:st="on">E. Runge</st1:place> and C. Lienau
Phys. Rev. B 71, 035347, 1-5 (2005).


Femtosecond light pulse propagation through metallic nanohole arrays: The role of the dielectric substrate
R. Müller, C. Ropers, and C. Lienau
Opt. Express 12, 5067-5081 (2004)

Optical Stark effect: Ultrafast control of single exciton polarizations
T. Unold, K. Mueller, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, and A. D. Wieck
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 157401, 1-4 (2004).

Leuchtende Wellenfunktionen
C. Lienau and E. Runge
Physik Journal 3, 17-18 (2004).

Optical stimulated biochemical synthesis on metal/semiconductor-nanostructures
R. Ehlich, T. Altebäumer, D. P. Kern, M. Raschke, E. T. J. Nibbering, C. Lienau, and J. K. H. Hörber
Biophys. J. 86, 160A (2004).

Kontrollierte biochemische Synthese auf Metall/Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen
T. Altebäumer, D. Kern, R. Ehlich, H. Hörber, M. Raschke, E. Nibbering, and C. Lienau
Technisches Messen 71, 34-38 (2004).

Femtosecond near-field spectroscopy of single quantum dots
C. Lienau, T. Guenther, T. Unold, K. Mueller, and T. Elsaesser
Proceedings SPIE, Vol. 5352, 16-31 (2004).

Ultrafast near-field spectroscopy of single semiconductor quantum dots
C. Lienau
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 362, 861-879 (2004), invited paper.

Space and time resolved coherent optical spectroscopy of single quantum dots
T. Unold, K. Mueller, C. Lienau, and T. Elsaesser
Semiconductor Science and Technology, 19 (2004) S260-S263.

Near-field autocorrelation spectroscopy of disordered semiconductor quantum wells
C. Lienau,
F. Intonti, T. Guenther, T. Elsaesser, V. Savona, E. Runge, and R. Zimmermann
Phys. Rev. B, 69,
085302, 1-9 (2004).


A three-dimensional theory on light induced near-field dynamics in a metal film with a periodic array of nanoholes
R. Müller, V. Malyarchuk, and C. Lienau
Phys. Rev. B, 68, 205415, 1-9 (2003).

Apertureless near-field optical microscopy: Tip-sample coupling in elastic light scattering
M. B. Raschke and C. Lienau
Appl. Phys. Lett., 83, 5089-5091 (2003).

Microscopic origin of surface plasmon radiation in plasmonic band gap nanostructures
D. S. Kim, S. C. Hohng, V. Malyarchuk, Y. C. Yoon, Y. H. Ahn, K. J. Yee, J. W. Park, J. Kim, Q. H. Park, and C. Lienau
Phys. Rev. Lett., 91, 143901, 1-4 (2003).

Günther et al. Reply on the Comment on "Coherent nonlinear optical response of single quantum dots studied by ultrafast near-field spectroscopy" by M. Joffre
T. Guenther, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, M. Glanemann, V. M. Axt, and T. Kuhn
Phys. Rev. Lett., 90
, 139702 (2003).


Surface Plasmon Nanooptics in Plasmonic Band Gap Structures: Interference
of Polarization Controlled Surface Waves in the Near Field

Y. C.
Yoon, S. C. Hohng, D. S. Kim, V. Malyarchuk, C. Lienau, J. W. Park, J. H. Kim, Q. H. Park
J. Opt. Soc.
Korea 6, 83-86 (2002).

Near-field spectroscopy of disordered nanostructures
C. Lienau, F. Intonti, T. Guenther, V. Emiliani, and T. Elsaesser
phys. stat. sol. (b), 234, 453-462 (2002).

Coherent nonlinear optical response of single quantum dots studied by ultrafast near-field spectroscopy
T. Guenther, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, M. Glanemann, V. M. Axt, T. Kuhn, S. Eshlagyi, and A. D. Wieck
Rev. Lett. 88, 057401, 1-4 (2002).
Erratum: Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 179901, 1 (2002).

Ultrafast coherent spectroscopy of single quantum dots
T. Guenther, K. Mueller, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, S. Eshlagyi, and A. D. Wieck
Ultrafast Phenomena XIII, Springer, <st1:state w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">New York</st1:place></st1:state>, 345-349 (2002), invited paper.

Nanoscopic Measurements of Surface Recombination Velocity and Diffusion Length in a Semiconductor Quantum Well
V. Malyarchuk, J. W. Tomm, C. Lienau, F. Rinner, and M. Baeumler
Appl. Phys. Lett., 81, 346-348 (2002).

Uniformity tests of individual segments of interband cascade diode laser nanostacks
V. Malyarchuk, J. W. Tomm, C. Lienau, M. Behringer, and J. Luft
J. Appl. Phys.,
92, 2729-2733 (2002).

The impact of defects to minority-carrier kinetics in heavily doped GaAs:C analyzed by transient photoluminescence spectroscopy
J. W. Tomm, A. Maaßdorf, and Y. I. Mazur, S. Gramlich,  E. Richter, K. Brunner, M. Weyers, G. Tränkle, D. Nickel, V. Malyarchuk, T. Günther, C. Lienau, A. Bärwolff, T. Elsaesser
Mat. Sci. <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Eng.</st1:place></st1:country-region> B, 91, 25-28 (2002).

Near-field spectroscopy of a coupled wire-dot nanostructure grown on (311)A GaAs
C. Lienau, F. Intonti, V. Emiliani, V. Savona, E. Runge, and R. Zimmermann
Mat. Sci. <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Eng.</st1:place></st1:country-region>
B, 91, 105-114 (2002).

Quantum mechanical repulsion of exciton levels in a disordered quantum well evidenced by near-field spectroscopy
F. Intonti, V. Emiliani, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, V. Savona, E. Runge, and R. Zimmermann
Physica E, 13, 178-181 (2002).

Near-field optical imaging and spectroscopy of single GaAs quantum wires
V. Emiliani, F. Intonti, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, and K. H. Ploog
phys. stat. sol. (b), 190, 749-753 (2002).

Level repulsion of localized excitons in disordered quantum wells
V. Savona, E. Runge, R. Zimmermann, F. Intonti, V. Emiliani, C. Lienau
and T. Elsaesser
phys. stat.
sol. (b), 190, 625-629 (2002).

Light emission from the shadows: Surface plasmon nano-optics at near and far fields S. C. Hohng, V. Malyarchuck, J. W. Park, Y. C. Yoon, H. Y. Ryu, R. Müller, C. Lienau, K. H. Yoo, J. H. Kim, Q-Han Park, and D. S. Kim Applied Physics Letters, 81, 3239-3241 (2002).

Near-field scanning optical microscopy of semiconductor nanostructures
C. Lienau
in: Microprobe Characterisation of Optoelectronic Materials, Ed.: O. Manasreh,
Optoelectronic Properties of Semiconductors and Superlattices Vol. 17 (Taylor and Francis and <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Taylor</st1:city>, <st1:state w:st="on">New York</st1:state>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">USA</st1:country-region></st1:place>), ISBN 1-56032-941-6 (2002).


Near-field optical imaging and spectroscopy of a novel coupled QWR-dot structure
V. Emiliani, F. Intonti, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, and K. H. Ploog
Physical Review B, 64, 155316, 1-9 (2001).

Evidence for strain-induced lateral carrier confinement in InGaAs-quantum well wire by low temperature near-field <st1:placename w:st="on">spectroscopy</st1:placename>
<st1:placetype w:st="on">U.</st1:placetype> Zeimer, J. Grenzer, U. Pietsch, G. Cassabois, V. Emiliani, C. Lienau, <st1:place w:st="on">S. Gramlich</st1:place>, F. Bugge, V. Smirnitski, M. Weyers and G. Tränkle
Applied Physics Letters, 79, 1611-1613 (2001).

Minority-carrier kinetics in heavily doped GaAs:C studied by transient photoluminescence spectroscopy
A. Maaßdorf, S. Gamlich, E. Richter, F. Brunner, M. Weyers, G. Tränkle, J. W. Tomm, Y. I. Mazur, D. Nickel, V. Malyarchuk, T. Günther, C. Lienau, A. Bärwolff, and T. Elsässer
Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 5072-5078 (2001).

Quantum mechanical repulsion of exciton levels in a disordered quantum well
F. Intonti, V. Emiliani, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, V. Savona, E. Runge, and R. Zimmermann
Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 076801, 1-4 (2001)

Large Optical Cavity waveguides for high-power diode laser applications
V. Malyarchuck, J. W. Tomm, T. Günther, R. Müller, R. Kunkel, C. Lienau, and J. Luft
SPIE Proc. 4287 11-17 (2001).

Near-field spectroscopy of delocalized excitons in single quantum wires
F. Intonti, V. Emiliani, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, and K. H. Ploog
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Springer Proceedings in Physics Vol. 87, M. Miuara and T. Ando, eds. Springer, Berlin (2001).

Three-dimensional analysis of light propagation through uncoated near-field fiber probes
R. Müller and C. Lienau
J. Microscopy, 202 339-346 (2001).

Low temperature near-field luminescence studies of localized and delocalized excitons in quantum wires
F. Intonti, V. Emiliani, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, and K. H. Ploog
J. Microscopy, 202, 193-201 (2001).

Femtosecond near-field spectroscopy: Carrier relaxation and transport in single quantum wires
V. Emiliani, T. Guenther, C. Lienau, R. Nötzel and K. H. Ploog
J. Microscopy, 202, 229-240 (2001).

Near-field spectroscopy of delocalized excitons in single quantum wires
Intonti, V. Emiliani, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Notzel, K. Ploog
Springer Proc. in Physics, 87, 701-702 (2001)

Near-field optical spectroscopy of localized and delocalized excitons in a single GaAs quantum wire
F. Intonti, V. Emiliani, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, and K. H. Ploog
Phys. Rev. B. 63, 075313, 1-5 (2001).

Near-field photocurrent imaging of the optical mode profiles of semiconductor laser diodes
T. Guenther, V. Malyarchuk, J. W. Tomm, R. Müller, and C. Lienau
Appl. Phys. Lett., 78, 1463-1466 (2001).

Near-field scanning optical spectroscopy of quasi-one-dimensional semiconductors C. Lienau, V. Emiliani, T. Guenther, F. Intonti, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel and K. H. Ploog in: Frontiers of Nano-Optoelectronic Systems, Eds.: L. Pavesi and E. Buzaneva, Nato ASI Kluwer Academic Publishers, 377-392 (2001). Spatially and temporally resolved near-field scanning optical microscopy studies of semiconductor nanostructures

C. Lienau and T. Elsaesser
in: Semiconductors and Semimetals Vol. 67, Ed. K.-T. Tsen, Academic Press, 39-108 (2001), invited review.


Ultrafast near-field pump-probe spectroscopy of quasi-one-dimensional transport in a single quantum wire
V. Emiliani, T. Guenther, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel and K. H. Ploog
Ultrafast Phenomena XII, T. Elsaesser, S. Mukamel, M. M. Murnane, N. F. Scherer (Eds), Springer Verlag Berlin 256-258 (2000).

Near-field photocurrent spectroscopy of laser diode devices
J. W. Tomm, T. Guenther, C. Lienau, A. Gerhard, and J. Donecker
J. Cryst. Growth 210, 296-302 (2000).

Time-resolved near-field optical spectroscopy of single semiconductor quantum wires
T. Elsaesser, V. Emiliani, T. Guenther, F. Intonti, C. Lienau, R. Noetzel, and K. H. Ploog, SPIE Proceedings 3940, 206-216 (2000).

Femtosecond near-field spectroscopy of carrier transport along single quantum wires
V. Emiliani, T. Guenther, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel and K. H. Ploog
Phys. Rev. B 61, R10583-10586 (2000).

Propagation of femtosecond optical pulses through uncoated and metal-coated near-field fiber probes
R. Müller and C. Lienau
Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 3367 (2000).

Near-field optical spectroscopy of confined excitons
C. Lienau, V. Emiliani, T. Guenther, F. Intonti, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, and K. H. Ploog
Phys. stat. sol. (a) 178, 471-479 (2000),.


Picosecond and femtosecond near-field optical spectroscopy of carrier dynamics in semiconductor nanostructures
C. Lienau, V. Emiliani, T. Guenther, F. Intonti, and T. Elsaesser
Physica B 272, 96-100 (1999).

Femtosecond near-field spectroscopy of a single GaAs quantum wire
T. Guenther, V. Emiliani, F. Intonti, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel and K. H. Ploog
Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 3500-3502 (1999).

Near-field low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy of single V-shaped quantum wires
V. Emiliani, C. Lienau, M. Hauert, G. Colí, M. DeGiorgi, R. Rinaldi, A. Passaseo, and R. Cingolani
Phys. Rev. B 59, 13335-13338 (1999).

Spatially and temporally resolved near-field spectroscopy of single GaAs quantum wires
V. Emiliani, T. Günther, F. Intonti, A. Richter, C. Lienau, and T. Elsaesser
J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 11, 5889-5900 (1999).

Time-resolved near-field optics: Exciton transport in semiconductor nanostructures.
A. Richter M. Süptitz, D. Heinrich, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, M. Ramsteiner, R. Nötzel, and K. H. Ploog
J. Microscopy 194, 393-400 (1999).

Near-field scanning optical spectroscopy of semiconductor nanostructures
C. Lienau
Advances in Solid State Physics 38, 325-339 (1999).

Exciton Transport into single quantum wires studied by time-resolved low-temperature near-field microscopy C. Lienau, A. Richter, M. Süptitz, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, M. Ramsteiner, and K. H. Ploog Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, World Scientific (1999).


Time-resolved near-field spectroscopy of the carrier dynamics in single GaAs nanostructures
C. Lienau, A. Richter, D. Heinrich, T. Elsaesser, M. Ramsteiner, R. Nötzel, K. H. Ploog
Ultrafast Phenomena XI, T. Elsaesser, D. Wiersma, J. Fujimoto, W. Zinth (Eds), Springer Verlag Berlin (1998), 168-170.

Carrier trapping and real-space transfer in single quantum wires studied by time-resolved low-temperature near-field spectroscopy
A. Richter, M. Süptitz, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, M. Ramsteiner, and K. H. Ploog
Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 2176-2178 (1998).

Nanoscale mapping of confinement potentials in single semiconductor quantum wires by near-field spectroscopy
C. Lienau, A. Richter, G. Behme, M. Süptitz, D. Heinrich, T. Elsaesser, M. Ramsteiner, R. Nötzel, and K. H. Ploog
Phys. Rev. B 58, 2045-2049 (1998).

Mapping of the local confinement potential in semiconductor nanostructures by near-field spectroscopy C. Lienau, A. Richter, G. Behme, M. Süptitz, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, M. Ramsteiner, and K. H. Ploog Phys. stat. sol. (b), 206, 153 (1998). Carrier trapping into single GaAs quantum wires studied by variable temperature near-field spectroscopy A. Richter, M. Süptitz, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, M. Ramsteiner, R. Nötzel, and K. H. Ploog Ultramicroscopy 71, 205-212 (1998). Monitoring of the aging of high-power laser diode arrays J. W. Tomm, A. Bärwolff, C. Lienau, A. Richter, A. Jaeger, J. Donecker, A. Gerhardt, F. X. Daiminger, and S. Heinemann SPIE Proceedings 3359 Optical Diagnostics of Materials and Devices for Opto-, Micro-, and Quantum Electronics OPTIM’97 (1998) 2-13.


Carrier transport and capture into a single GaAs quantum wire studied by near-field optical spectroscopy
A. Richter, G. Behme, M. Süptitz, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, R. Nötzel, M. Ramsteiner, and K. H. Ploog
Phys. stat. sol. (b) 204, 247-250 (1997).

A vacuum near-field scanning optical microscope for variable cryogenic temperatures
G. Behme, A. Richter, M. Süptitz, and C. Lienau
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 68, 3458-3463 (1997).

Real-space transfer and trapping of carriers into single GaAs quantum wires studied by near-field optical spectroscopy
A. Richter, G. Behme, M. Süptitz, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, M. Ramsteiner, R. Nötzel, and K. H. Ploog
Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2145-2148 (1997).

Near-field optical beam induced current spectroscopy as tool for analyzing aging processes in diode lasers
J. W. Tomm, A. Richter, C. Lienau, and T. Elsaesser
SPIE Proceedings, 3001 (1997), 29-38.

Near-field photocurrent spectroscopy: A novel technique for studying defects and aging in high-power semiconductor lasers
C. Lienau, A. Richter and J. W. Tomm
Appl. Phys. A 64 (1997) 341-351, invited paper.

Near-field optical spectroscopy of single GaAs quantum wires
A. Richter, M. Süptitz, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser, M. Ramsteiner, R. Nötzel and K. H. Ploog
Surface and Interface Analysis, 25, 583-592 (1997).

Wave guide effect on the image formation process in near-field photocurrent spectroscopy of semiconductor laser diodes
A. Richter, C. Lienau, and J. W. Tomm
Surface and Interface Analysis, 25, 573-582 (1997).

Fluorescence lifetimes of jet-cooled trans-stilbene and its (1:1)-van der Waals complexes with n-hexane: Cluster effects in photoisomerization.
C. Lienau, J. Schroeder, J. Troe, and K. Wack
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 101 (1997) 614-624.


Optical near-field photocurrent spectroscopy - a new technique for analyzing microscopic aging processes in optoelectronic devices
A. Richter, J. W. Tomm, C. Lienau and J. Luft
Appl. Phys. Lett 69 (1996), 3981-3983.

Near-field scanning optical microscopy of polarization bistable laser diodes
C. Lienau, A. Richter, A. Klehr and T. Elsaesser,
Appl. Phys. Lett 69 (1996) 2471-2473.

Light-induced expansion of fiber tips in near-field scanning optical microscopy
C. Lienau, A. Richter and T. Elsaesser,
Appl. Phys. Lett, 69 (1996) 325-327.

Solvation Ultrafast Dynamics of Reactions: XII
Probing along the Reaction Coordinate and Dynamics in Supercritical Argon
A. Materny, C. Lienau and A. H. Zewail,
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100 (1996) 18650-18665.

Solvation Ultrafast Dynamics of Reactions: XI
Dissociation and caging dynamics in the gas-to-liquid transition region.
C. Lienau and A. H. Zewail,
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100 (1996) 18629-18649.


Solvation Ultrafast Dynamics of Reactions: V
Dissociation and atom recombination of iodine in the gas-to-liquid transition region
C. Lienau and A. H. Zewail
Journal de Chimie Physique, 92 (1995) 566-601.


Femtochemistry at high pressures.
C. Lienau, J. C. Williamson and A. H. Zewail,
in: Femtochemistry: Ultrafast Dynamcis of the Chemical Bond, Vol. I, Ed. A. H. Zewail, World Scientific Publishing, River <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Edge</st1:city>, <st1:state w:st="on">NJ</st1:state>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">USA</st1:country-region></st1:place>, 1994.

Femtochemistry at high pressures: Solvent effect in the gas-to-liquid transition region. C. Lienau and A. H. Zewail, Chemical Physics Letters, 218 (1994) 224-232.


Femtochemistry at high pressures: The dynamics of an elementary reaction in the gas-liquid transition region.
C. Lienau, J. C. Williamson and A. H. Zewail,
Chemical Physics Letters, 213 (1993) 289 - 297.

Picosecond dynamcis of n-hexane solvated trans-stilbene. C. Lienau, A. A. Heikal and A. H. Zewail, Chemical Physics, 175 (1993) 171-191.


Photoisomerization dynamics of diphenylbutadiene in compressed liquid alkanes and in solid environment.
Ch. Gehrke, R. Mohrschladt, J. Schroeder, J. Troe and P. Vöhringer,
Chemical Physics, 152 (1991) 45 - 56.


Photoisomerization of diphenylbutadiene in low-viscosity nonpolar solvents: Experimental manifestations of multidimensional Kramers behavior and cluster effects.
Ch. Gehrke, J. Schroeder, D. Schwarzer, J. Troe and F. Voß
Journal of Chemical Physics, 92 (1990) 4805 - 4816.

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