Ute Vogel-Sonnenschein


University of Oldenburg
FK II – Department for Computer Science
Digitalized Energy Systems Group
D-26111 Oldenburg


Meike Burke

Regina Knippenberg

Industriestraße 11, Room 0-014

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2878

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2756


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Astrid Niesse 

Industriestraße 11, Room 0-004

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2750

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2756

Ute Vogel-Sonnenschein

Dr. Ute Vogel-Sonnenschein

Press releases with mentions

I11 (Industriestr. 11), Raum 0-04a oder online (» Adress and map)

nach Vereinbarung (in Präsenz oder online); Terminreservierung für Studierende unter https://l.uol.de/visitutevogel

+49 441 798-2752  (F&P

Curriculum vitae

After studying mathematics (diploma in 1989) with a minor in computer science and a doctorate in computer science (graduated in 1993) at Clausthal University of Technology, I moved to the University of Oldenburg in 1994 to join what was then the Department of Computer Science.
In teaching and research, I joined the Department of Programming Languages and Systems. Until the founding of the Faculty of Computer Science, Economics and Law, I also took on the role of assistant to the dean and was responsible for all organizational matters in the department.
In spring 2002, I spent a semester as a visiting professor at the State University of West Georgia (GA, USA) and also taught courses there.
After the retirement of Prof. Sonnenschein on 1.9.2020, I moved from my “old” Department of Environmental Informatics to the Department of Digitalized Energy Systems under the direction of Prof. Nieße, who succeeded Mr. Sonnenschein.


  • Agater J, Arjangui H, Gandor M, Mengelkamp M, Schröder H, Siemer J, Strudthoff M, Wagner B, Vogel U, Hinrichs C and St. Scherfke (2011), "eCarUs - a tool for optimal placement of stations for electric vehicle batteries", In Innovations in sharing environmental observation and information. Aachen Shaker.
  • Bremer J, Rapp B, Vogel U and Sonnenschein M (2007), "Metadata Driven Acquisition, Search and Procurement of Secondary Materials within an Internet-based Marketplace", In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Integrated Resources Management.
  • Eysholdt M, Denecke U, Belasus M, Bley C, Eilers M, Erlmann M, Hinrichs C, Hurrelmann M, Bremer J, Rapp B, Sonnenschein and M., Vogel, U. (2008), "A Tool for Modeling and Optimization of Residential Electricity Consumption", In Environmental informatics and industrial ecology. Aachen , pp. 319-326. Shaker.
  • Hinrichs C, Vogel U and Sonnenschein M (2009), "Modelling and Evaluation of Desynchronization Strategies for Controllable Cooling Devices", In MATHMOD Vienna 09. Vienna ARGESIM.
  • Hinrichs C, Vogel U and Sonnenschein M (2011), "Approaching Decentralized Demand Side Management via Self-Organizing Agents.", In 2nd International Workshop on Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES 2011).
  • (2014), "EnviroInfo 2014 - 28th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection", Marx Gómez, J., Sonnenschein, M., Vogel, U., Winter, A., Rapp, B., und Giesen, N. Eds., Oldenburg BIS-Verlag.
  • (2016), "Advances and New Trends in Environmental and Energy Informatics. Progress in IS", Marx Gómez, J., Sonnenschein, M., Vogel, U., Winter, A., Rapp, B., und Giesen, N. . Eds., Springer Verlag.
  • Sonnenschein M and Vogel U (2010), "Basic Data Structures, Basic Algorithms, Optimization Heuristics", In Modern Computational Science 10. , pp. 13-49.
  • Sonnenschein M and Vogel U (2011), "Naturinspirierte Verfahren für eine nachhaltige Stromversorgung", In Modellierung und Simulation von Ökosystemen - Workshop Kölpinsee 2011.. Shaker.
  • Sonnenschein M, Hinrichs C, Nieße A and Vogel U (2015), "Supporting Renewable Power Supply Through Distributed Coordination of Energy Resources", In ICT Innovations for Sustainability. Cham Vol. 310, pp. 387-404. Springer International Publishing.
  • St. Adolf and Vogel U (2017), "Efficient simulation of sparsely populated Cellular Automata in the research of mosquito dispersal", In Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften,. , pp. 121-130.
  • Stadler M, Krause W, Sonnenschein M and Vogel U (2007), "The Adaptive Fridge -- Comparing different control schemes for enhancing load shifting of electricity demand", In Environmental informatics and systems research. Aachen Shaker.
  • Stadler M, Krause W, Sonnenschein M and Vogel U (2009), "Modelling and Evaluation of Control Schemes for Enhancing Load Shift of Electricity Demand for Cooling Devices", Environmental Modelling and Software. (24), pp. 285-295.
  • Vogel U and Sonnenschein M (2007), "Optimization of adaptive consumers to a time-varying electricity supply", In Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering. , pp. 119-131.
  • Vogel U and Sonnenschein M (2009), "Study programs in Environmental Informatics at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (Germany)", In EnviroInfo 2009. Aachen Vol. 2, pp. 79-86. Shaker.
  • Vogel U, Lühken R and Kiel E (2014), "A Tool for Simulating the Spread of Invasive Mosquitoes.", In EnviroInfo 2014 - 28th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection. Oldenburg BIS-Verlag.
  • Vogel. U., Pei J and Sonnenschein M (2006), "Optimised Control of Adaptive Current Consumers - A First Approach", In 5th MATHMOD. Vienna ARGESIM.
  • Warner L and Vogel U (2008), "Optimization of Energy Supply Networks using Ant Colony Optimization", In Environmental informatics and industrial ecology. Aachen , pp. 327-334. Shaker.


Academic self-administration

(Deputy) member of the

  • Doctoral Committee Computer Science
  • Admission Committee Master Computer Science
  • Computer Science Study Group
  • Department Council Computer Science
  • Senate of the University of Oldenburg

Contact person

  • for questions on studying computer science, especially for prospective students
  • for questions on the recognition of academic achievements in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Computer Science
  • for questions about applying for the Master's program in Computer Science 
  • Student advisor for Bachelor of Computer Science and Master of Computer Science
  • Organizer of the student colloquium of the Department of Computer Science (information event on studies and careers)
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