

Main areas

The main areas of research are:

  • Environmental communication and sustainability (with a focus on sustainability reporting)
  • Business Intelligence and Data Intelligence

The topic of the PhD with the title "Document Engineering as an Approach for Inter-company Sustainability Reporting" is located in these subject areas and consists of the focal points:

  • Sustainability reporting
  • document engineering
  • process modelling
  • enterprise networks
  • corporate communication
  • environmental informations systems
  • environmental protection publicity
  • network publicity

The aim of the PhD was to develop an approach for an inter-organisational sustainability reporting, a suitable and uniform document structure template and its implementation in an exchange format.

The resulting documents are available for download here as XBRL documents for inter-organisational sustainability reporting (the acronym INBE stands for inter-organisational sustainability reporting and is used as namespace for the Taxomonie extension).

A. Solsbach, Document Engineering als Ansatz für eine überbetriebliche Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung, 2015   URL  BibTeX

In addition, the process model for inter-organisational sustainability reporting is available.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p40895en
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