



  1. Grothmann, T. (2023). Cooperation, consulting and communication formats for increasing urban climate resilience - an evaluation study (oral presentation). International Conference on Environmental Psychology, ICEP 2023. Symposium Urban Climate resilience: Risk perception, vulnerability, and individual adaptation to extreme weather events. 20 - 23 June 2023, Aarhus, Denmark.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2022). Reaching citizens: How to make communication and participation on climate change effective? (Lecture)Online lecture series "Climate Change and Health". KGC Saarland / Pugis e.V. 24 November 2022, online event.
  2. Grothmann, T. & Michel, T. (2022). Participation for building urban climate resilience: An evaluation study of participation effects and the success factors influencing them (oral presentation). 27th IAPS Conference - Global Challenges, Local Impacts. 5 - 8 July 2022, online conference.
  3. Grothmann, T. (2022). Promoting private precaution against climate impacts: Possibilities and limits of participatory formats (presentation). iResilience closing event "Kommunale Klimafolgenanpassung als Gemeinschaftsaufgabe angehen". 4 February 2022, online event.
  4. Grothmann, T. (2022). Climate change mitigation communication: Psychological cornerstones for action-motivating communication on climate change impacts and adaptation (presentation). Online Workshop "Communicating Climate Adaptation to Activate Self-Preparedness", Zentrum KlimaAnpassung. 20 January 2022, online event.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2021). “Having a say“ and behavior change : Evaluation results from public participation processes on adaptation to climate change. German Future Earth Summit, Session SS14 Critical reflection on power relations and the transformative role of participation in sustainability science and governance. 8 & 9 July 2021. Interactive Virtual Event.

  2. Grothmann, T. (2021). Klimavorsorgekommunikation: Kommunikation, die Vorsorgehandeln fördert. Netzwerk Klimaanpassung Bodensee und Oberschwaben - Zweite Peer-Learning Werkstätte. 22. März 2021. Online-Veranstaltung.

  3. Grothmann, T. (2021). Social Science Research on Climate Adaptation: Some positions, experiences and ideas. 2nd TheoAdapt Network Meeting. March 11, 2021. Virtual Event.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2020). Climate change communication: Psychological barriers and factors to consider. International Symposium "How to ...? From Climate Knowledge to Climate Action", Session "Climate. Let's talk about it!". 24/25 September 2020, Klimahaus Bremerhaven.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2019). Impact evaluation of participation processes. Example evaluation of resilience enhancement among participants of BREsilient reallaboratory workshops. Future City Conference 2019, Workshop 1.5 Impactful Urban Research. 2/3 December 2019, Münster.
  2. Grothmann, T. (2019). Climate precaution communication - insights from psychological research. KlimAdapt network meeting "Successfully communicating climate precaution: experience, network, act". 11 November 2019, Stuttgart.
  3. Grothmann, T. (2019). Participation, climate change adaptation and "Yes, we can!" - Evaluation results on participation processes in climate adaptation. Dresden Planners' Forum. 9 October 2019, Leibniz Institute for Ecological Spatial Development, Dresden.
  4. Grothmann, T. (2019). Participation and climate action: What contribution can participation processes make to climate adaptation? K3-Congress on Climate Change, Communication and Society 2019, Workshop Participation and Climate Action - How can participation processes contribute to climate action. 24/25 September 2019, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe.
  5. Grothmann, T. (2019). Participation as a behaviour change instrument? Evaluation of citizen participation in climate change adaptation of four cities in Germany. ICEP - International Conference on Environmental Psychology 2019. 4 - 6 September 2019, University of Plymouth, UK.
  6. Grothmann, T. (2019). Going beyond knowledge integration: How participatory adaptation processes contribute to adaptation action. ECCA - European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2019. 28 - 31 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
  7. Grothmann, T. et al. (2019). Climate adaptation policy lock-ins: Towards better understanding, and transformation, of limited adaptation action? ECCA - European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2019. 28 - 31 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
  8. Grothmann, T. (2019). More than knowledge transfer: How participatory climate adaptation processes contribute to adaptation action. 23rd Symposium of the Society for Applied Business Psychology. 14-16 March 2019, HMKW Berlin.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2018). Climate communication: Why does it often fail, and when can it succeed? 3rd Bayreuth Climate Protection Symposium . 4 October 2018, University of Bayreuth.
  2. Grothmann, T. (2018). Evaluation of participatory adaptation processes in Germany - The potential to increase collective efficacy beliefs. Adaptation Futures 2018 - 5th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference. 18 - 21 June 2018, Cape Town, South Africa.
  3. Grothmann, T. & Michel, T. (2018). Measuring effects of participatory processes on individual and collective resilience. Formative and summative evaluation of real-world laboratories in Bremen. 'From Data to Resilience' - Workshop in the project "RISK_M". 16 -18 May 2018, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld.
  4. Grothmann, T. (2018). Effective communication on climate change. German IPCC Annual Meeting 2018. 26-27 February 2018, Nauen.
  5. Grothmann, T. (2018). Opportunities for empowerment to avoid psychological distress and increase climate action? Ideas from psychological research. DGVT Congress for Clinical Psychology,Psychotherapy and Counselling. Free your Mind: Psychotherapy in Change. 28 February, FU Berlin.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2017). Climate communication close to action - results of psychological research. Keynote. K3-Congress on Climate Change,Communication and Society. 25 - 26 September 2017, Unipark Nonntal, University of Salzburg.
  2. Grothmann, T. (2017). Participation processes for climate adaptation in Germany - Where do we stand? Keynote. National Dialogue on Climate Adaptation: Together we are climate resilient - How participation succeeds in cities and regions. 27-28 June 2017, Federal Environment Agency Dessau-Roßlau.


  1. Grothmann, T. & Becker, R. (2016). Experiences from a communication campaign to foster adaptation to increasing heat extremes. Adaptation Futures 2016, 10 May 2016, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  2. Grothmann, T. (2016). Objectives, participants and methods of participatory processes for adaptation to climate change in Germany. 2016 Berlin Conference on Global Environmental Change, 23-24 May 2016, Berlin, Germany.


  1. Grothmann, T. & Becker, R. (2015). Reducing the gap between climate services and their potential users: Psychological surveys as a means for developing effective communication instruments. European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, 12-14 May 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  2. Grothmann, T. (2015). Climate adaptation from a social science perspective - State of research and future research challenges. 24. Fachgespräch Klimafolgen, 21 April 2015, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Berlin.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2014). Challenges of transdisciplinary climate adaptation processes and ideas for "standards of good adaptation communication". Workshop "Dialogues between Science and Practice" of the Climate Service Center 2.0. 25-26 November 2014, Hamburg.
  2. Grothmann, T., Glas, N., Leitner, M., Prutsch, A., & Wirth, V. (2014). "We should no more release an untested communication on the public than an untested drug": A methodology to develop and test education and communication tools for promoting adaptation to climate change. International Conference Resilience 2014 - Resilience and Development: Mobilizing for Transformation, 4-8 May 2014, Montpellier, France.
  3. Grothmann, T. (2014). Assessing adaptive capacities from a psychological perspective. Seminar at Irstea - National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture. 5 May 2014, Montpelier, France.
  4. Grothmann, T., Leitner, M., Wirth, V., Glas, N., Prutsch, A., Balas, M., Wanschura, B., Gartlacher, S., Gerlich, W., & Lorenz, F. (2014). Stimulating health-protective behaviour during heat waves by effective communication instruments. Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice, 10-12 March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
  5. Grothmann, T., Garrelts, H., & Born, M. (2014). Same, same, but very different: Discussing the transferability of adaptation solutions developed in northwest2050. International Conference on Regional Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CLARR 2014), 24-25 February 2014, Bremen, Germany.
  6. Grothmann, T. (2014). Developing guiding visions and goals for adaptation: Potentials and current practice in Europe. International Conference on Regional Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CLARR 2014), 24-25 February 2014, Bremen, Germany.
  7. Grothmann, T. (2014). Transformation towards Sustainability - Workshop results. German Future Earth Summit, 27-28 January 2014, Berlin, Germany.


  1. Grothmann, T. & Siebenhüner, B. (2013). Adaptation, mitigation and transformation: Four propositions on their relation and consequences for a transformative mitigation-adaptation-science. Transformation in a Changing Climate Conference. 19-21 June 2013, Oslo University, Norway.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2012). Action-motivating communication of climate change. Colloquium of the Metereological Institute of the FU Berlin . 10 December 2012, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin.
  2. Grothmann, T. (2012). Communicating uncertainty to motivate action under uncertainty. 6th Workshop of the Network Social Science Climate Adaptation Research - Perspectives on Complexity, Heterogeneity and Scale Diversity. 22-23 November 2012, University of Kassel, Kassel.
  3. Grothmann, T. (2012). Methods for assessing vulnerability to climate change - with a particular focus on assessments of adaptive capacity. 2nd research workshop of Clim-A-Net - The North-South-Network on Climate Proofing of Vulnerable Regions. 5 July 2012, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg.
  4. Grothmann, T. (2012). Climate change communication for behaviour change. CESR Research Colloquium. 2 July 2012, University of Kassel, Kassel.
  5. Scherhaufer, P., Grothmann, T., Lexer, W. (2012). Participation in Regional Integrated Vulnerability Assessments. A critical comparison of 14 case studies in the field of climate change. Participation research and participation methods in socio-scientific climate impact research. Climate Impact Research. 25-26 April 2012, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg.
  6. Grothmann, T. (2012). Communication for encouraging mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. Planet Under Pressure Conference. 26-29 March 2012, London, UK.
  7. Grothmann, T., Siebenhüner, B., Winges, M., Grecksch, K., Garrelts, H. & M. Flitner (2012). Social learning and adaptive management as answers to future's uncertainty - Results from Northwestern Germany. Planet Under Pressure Conference. 26-29 March 2012, London, UK.
  8. Grothmann, T. (2012). Action motivating communication of climate change. 7th ExtremeWeatherCongress. 21 March 2012, Studio Hamburg, Hamburg.
  9. Grothmann, T. (2012). Results of the Citizen Perception Survey and the Climate Change Modeling. 2nd City Workshop of the AsianCitiesAdapt Project. 21 February 2012, Tuguegarao City, Philippines.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2011). Action-motivating communication of climate change. Workshop "Successful Climate Communication - Impulses for Hamburg". 25 November 2011, Gut Karlshöhe, Hamburg.
  2. Grothmann, T. (2011). Institutional and individual factors for adaptation to climate change. International Seminar "Institutions, Innovation and Climate Change". 24-25 October 2011, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, Mexico.
  3. Grothmann, T. (2011). Challenges and recommendations for regional adaptation processes. CIRCLE-2 SHARE Workshop "From National Adaptation Strategies to concrete adaptation actions". 20-21 October 2011, ZAMG, Vienna.
  4. Grothmann, T. (2011). Communicating climate impacts, uncertainty and adaptation - barriers and how to overcome them. CSC-Seminar 2011. 12 July 2011, Climate Service Center Germany, Hamburg.
  5. Grothmann, T., Siebenhüner, B., Winges, M., Grecksch, K., Garrelts, H. & M. Flitner (2011). Social learning - integrating perspectives from political sciences and psychology for understanding capacities to adapt to climate change. 9th International conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics. 14-17 June 2011, Istanbul.
  6. Grothmann, T. (2011). Social dimensions of adaptation to climate change. Annual conference of the Working Group on Development and Management. 5-7 May 2011, Potsdam Centrum für Politik und Management, Potsdam.
  7. Grothmann, T. (2011). Adapting to climate change - key challenges and some responses. Colloquium Adaptation to Climate Change. 17 March 2011, Ernst Basler & Partner, Zurich.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2010). Social science research on adaptation - an attempt to give an overview. 1st Doctoral Colloquium: Social Science Research on Climate Change Adaptation (DocSKAF). 28 Sept. 2010, Bonn (German Development Institute), Germany.
  2. Grothmann, T., Winges, M., Grecksch, K., Siebenhüner, B., Garrelts, H., Flitner, M. (2010). Assessing adaptive capacities in decision making - a further method for prioritization? Workshop Adaptation Research in Social Science. 27 Sept. 2010, Bonn (German Development Institute), Germany.
  3. Grothmann, T., Prutsch, A., McCallum, S., Schauser, I., Hain, B., Schaller, M., Nenz, D., Holsten, A., Zebisch, M., Zimmermann, P., Lexer, W., Isoard, S. (2010, presented by W. Lexer). Regional climate change and adaptation - The Alps facing the challenges of changing water resources. International Conference on Global Change and the World's Mountains. 26-30 Sept. 2010, Perth, Scotland.
  4. Grothmann, T. (2010). Adaptation to climate change in urban regions - Results from five case studies in Europe. Climate Futures presentation. 13 July 2010, Macquarie University, Australia.
  5. Grothmann, T., Prutsch, A., Schauser, I., Otto, S., Wagner, F., Scheffler, D. & Hoffmann, C. (2010). Guiding principles for good practice in adaptation to climate change - Results of a European survey with 250 adaptation experts. NCCARF 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference. 29 June - 1 July 2010, Gold Coast, Australia.
  6. Grothmann, T. (2010). Communicating Climate Impacts, Uncertainty and Adaptation - Insights from (Environmental) Psychology. 2nd educational workshop of the KLIMZÜGE. 18/19 June 2010, University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde.
  7. Grothmann, T. (2010). Governance recommendations for adaptation in European urban regions - Results from five case studies and a European expert survey. Resilient Cities 2010. 1st World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change. 28-30 May 2010, Bonn, Germany.
  8. Grothmann, T. (2010). Action Motivating Adaptation Communication in the Population - Environmental Psychological Perspectives. Second Workshop Social Science Adaptation Research. 11-12 January 2010, University of Oldenburg.
  9. Grothmann, T., Görg, C., Daschkeit, A., Tekken, V., Scholz, I., Horstmann, B., Felgentreff, C. (2010). Adaptation to Climate Change - Approaches and Future Potentials of Social Science Research in Germany, Draft Position Paper. Second Workshop Social Science Adaptation Research. 11/12 January 2010, University of Oldenburg.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2009). Psychology and governance of climate change adaptation in the population. Lecture series Graduiertenkolleg "Urban Ecological Perspectives". 14 Dec. 2009, HU Berlin.
  2. Grothmann, T. & Pütz, M. (2009). Reflexive regional governance - A framework for enhancing adaptiveness of environmental governance. 2009 Amsterdam Conference. 2 Dec 2009; Adaptiveness - Panel 3: Managing Climate Risks and Disasters.
  3. Grothmann, T. (2009). Obstacles and influencing factors of adaptation to climate change - Psychological and governance perspectives. Workshop "Social Science Climate Adaptation Research". 8/9 June 2009, UFZ Leipzig.
  4. Grothmann, T. (2009). ErKlim - Success Factors for Climate Protection and Climate Adaptation: Communication Strategies for Climate Protection and Protection from Climate Impacts. klimazwei Final Conference "Opportunities and Risks of Climate Change". 19/20 May 2009, Berlin.
  5. Grothmann, T., Schauser, I., Nenz, D., Hain, B., McCallum, S., Prutsch, A., Zebisch, M., Pütz, M. (2009). Climate change adaptation assessment - Lessons learnt from six regional case studies in the European Alps. IHDP Open Meeting. 26-30 April 2009, Bonn, Germany.
  6. Prutsch, A., Schauser, I., Isoard, S., Hain, B., McCallum, S., Grothmann, T., Nenz, D., Holsten, A., Zebisch, M. (2009). Vulnerability to climate change and adaptation to water scarcity in the European Alps. Regional Case Studies. Meeting of the European Geosciences Union. 19-24 April 2009, Vienna, Austria.
  7. Gallati, D., Pütz, M., Schauser, I., Grothmann, T. (2009) Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: Focus Water Resources - Case study Valais. 10th Swiss Global Change Day, 31 March 2009, Bern, Switzerland.


  1. Nenz, D. & Grothmann, T. (2008). Adaptation to Climate Change and Water Resources Problems - Approaches and Experiences. Expert Meeting "Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts and Water Resource Problems in the European Alps". 23-24Oct. 2008, EURAC, Bolzano, Italy.
  2. Grothmann, T. (2008). Climate change and results of risk perception research. Talent Day of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. 21 September 2008, PIK, Potsdam.
  3. Grothmann, T. (2008). Adaptation options and strategies to promote private loss prevention during weather extremes. Talent Day of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. 21 September 2008, PIK, Potsdam.
  4. Werg, J. & Grothmann, T. (2008). Encouraging Adaptation to Climate Change and Weather Extremes in Private Households - Good Practice and Lessons Learned from Psychological Research. International Disaster and Risk Conference. 25-29 August 2008, Davos, Switzerland.
  5. Grothmann, T. (2008). Communication strategies to promote private loss prevention against weather extremes. Workshop on Loss Prevention of the Building Insurance Canton Zurich. 12 June 2008, Zurich, Switzerland.
  6. Grothmann, T. (2008). Das Projekt ErKlim - Kommunikationsstrategien zur Förderung privater Schadenverhütung bei Wetterextremen. klimazwei-Workshop "Klimawandel: Anpassung im Gebäudesektor". 11 June 2008, Frankfurt a. M.
  7. Grothmann, T. (2008). Strategies to increase private loss prevention during weather extremes. Symposium Sturm - Risikovorsorge und Katastrophenmanagement. 13 February 2008, VKB, Munich.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2007). Strategies to increase private loss prevention during weather extremes. IRV Conference Prevention - Natural Hazards - Buildings. 3/4 July 2007, Bern.
  2. Homburg, A., Bamberg, S., Grothmann, T., Hoffmann, C., Krömker, D., Stolberg, A., Werner, J. (2007). Municipal pilot projects to promote climate protection and climate adaptation action by private households in building/housing and mobility. Erklim Expert Meeting 3. 20/21 September 2007. Berlin.
  3. Homburg, A., Grothmann, T., Werner, J. & Krömker, D. (2007). Psychological factors influencing climate protection and climate adaptation action. ErKlim Expert Meeting 2. 31 May /1 June 2007. Berlin.
  4. Grothmann, T. & Siebenhüner, B. (2007). Communication instruments and strategies to promote climate-adapted action in building and housing. ErKlim Expert Meeting 2. 31 May /1 June 2007. Berlin.
  5. Grothmann, T. & Siebenhüner, B. (2007). Reflexive Governance and Adaptation to Climate Change - a Micro-Level Approach. Amsterdam Conference. 24-26 May 2007, Amsterdam.
  6. Voigt, T. & Grothmann, T (2007). Climate Change - Vulnerabilities and Adaptation in the Alpine Region. 8th Expert Meeting on Climate Impacts. 3 May 2007, Federal Environment Agency, Dessau.
  7. Grothmann, T. (2007). The ErKlim project - Efficient climate protection and climate adaptation action by private households in building/housing and mobility. ErKlim Expert Meeting 1. 29/30 March 2007. Berlin.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2005). Adaptation measures to climate change in Germany - exploiting opportunities and mitigating risks. Workshop Climate Impacts and Adaptation - State of Knowledge and Need for Action. 11 April 2005, Federal Environment Agency, Berlin.
  2. Cramer, W., Grothmann, T., Zebisch, M., Hasse, C., Fischer, S. (2005). Vulnerability of climate-sensitive systems in Germany. Climate expert meeting of the Federal Environment Agency. 14 March 2005, MPI, Hamburg.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2004). Climate Change and Floods - Adaptation Approaches in Germany. European Study Tour on Climate Change Adaptation Policies and Measures, Dec. 7, 2004, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany.
  2. Grothmann, T. (2004). Risk Communication and Climate Change. Workshop on adaptation practices in developed countries, New Zealand Climate Change Office, 11-13 October 2004, Wellington, NZ.
  3. Grothmann, T. (2004). Climate Change and Adaptation Approaches in Germany - Where do we stand? Workshop on adaptation practices in developed countries, New Zealand Climate Change Office, 11-13 October 2004, Wellington, NZ.
  4. Grothmann, T. (2004). Mental Health Impacts of Risk Communication - How to increase private flood adaptation without decreasing psychological well-being. Health and Flood Risk, International Workshop, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, 18-20 July 2004, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
  5. Grothmann, T. (2004). Adaptation as decision-making - the example of private adaptation to flood events. UNFCCC, Twentieth Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies, 16-25 June 2004: European Environment Agency (EEA) Side Event on Vulnerability and Adaptation, 19 June. Bonn, Germany.
  6. Grothmann, T. (2004). Non-linear dynamics in private proactive adaptation to climate change. A comparison of households in flood-prone areas of East- and West-Germany. Workshop of the Environmental Vulnerability Assessment Group. 17-18 May 2004, Potsdam University, Potsdam, Germany.


  1. Grothmann, T., & Reusswig, F. & Linneweber, V. (2003). Adaptation of people affected by the August 2002 floods in Germany. 5th biannual conference on environmental psychology. 31.8.-3.9.03. Eindhoven, Netherlands.
  2. Grothmann, T., & Reusswig, F. & Linneweber, V. (2003). Affected yes - but also threatened? Risk perception and damage prevention after the August Flood 2002. Long Night of Science. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam.
  3. Grothmann, T., Reusswig, F. & Linneweber, V. (2003). Perceptions and actions of people affected by the August 2002 floods in Germany - Lessons learned for adaptation. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. 6 - 11 April 2003, Nice, France.


  1. Grothmann, T. (2002). Flood: Risk perception, self-protection and neighbourly help in private households and businesses. Workshop "Nach der Flut ist vor der Flut - Hochwasser und Hochwasserschutz aus Sicht des DFNK und der Stadt Köln". 22 November 2002. Cologne City Hall.
  2. Grothmann, T. (2002). Coping with natural hazards: A comparison of companies and private households. 3rd Forum on Disaster Risk Management. 7-9 October 2003. Potsdam.
  3. Grothmann, T. (2002). Coping Capacity of People at Risk: Predictors of Households' Coping with the Risk of Flooding. 12th SRA Europe Annual Meeting. 21-24 July 2002. Humboldt University Berlin.
  4. Grothmann, T. (2002). Coping with natural hazards: A comparison of businesses and private households. 43rd Congress of the German Psychological Society. 22-26 September 2002. Humboldt University Berlin.


  1. Greif, S. & Grothmann, T. (2001). Success and Failure in Organizational Change Processes of Different Cultures. Transnational Workshop 'Work, Innovation and Culture in Germany and the Netherlands'. 20/21 Oct. 2001. University of Osnabrück.
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