Kevin Grecksch


Prof. Dr Bernd Siebenhüner


Secretariat: Birgit Schelenz

+49 441 798-4384

Kevin Grecksch

Kevin Grecksch

Dr. rer. pol. (Doctor of Economics) Since November 2015 Kevin Grecksch is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. From April 2014 to March 2015 Kevin Grecksch was a researcher and project coordinator at COAST – the Centre for Environmental and Sustainability Research at Oldenburg University.


Research Interests

His research focusses on social aspects of climate change adaptation, (multi-level) governance, water governance and the right of property and natural resources. The topic of his doctoral thesis is: "Adaptive Water Governance. Conclusions Regarding Climate Change Adaptation, Property Rights and Governance Innovations". Kevin Grecksch teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on corporate environmental strategies, development studies and current topics in sustainability.

Curriculum Vitae

Jun 2013 - Sep 2013 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU), Port Elizabeth (South Africa); Project: “Clim-A-Net. The North-South Network on Climate Proofing of Vulnerable Regions”

Sep 2009 - Aug 2010 Conference Manager - ISEE 2010 "Advancing Sustainability in A Time of Crisis", Oldenburg & Bremen, Germany

since February 2009

researcher at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg Project: "nordwest2050: Prospects for Climate-Adapted Innovation Processes in the Metropolitan Region Bremen - Oldenburg in Northwestern Germany"

March 2008                                       

MA Political Science, University of Leipzig
Thesis: "The Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in Germany and the United Kingdom - A Multi-level Governance Analysis" (in German)

Feb 2007 - Jun 2007

student assistant at the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Leipzig, Economics Department

Oct 2002 - Mar 2008 M.A. studies in Political Science (major), English Language and Literature (minor) and Communication and Media Studies (minor), University of Leipzig


  • Corporate Environmental Management Instruments
  • Development Studies
  • The Right of Property
  • Practical Projects in Sustainability Economics and Management


  • Grecksch, Kevin (2013). Adaptive capacity and regional water governance in north-western Germany. In Water Policy 15. S. 794 - 815.
  • Grothmann, T., K. Grecksch, M. Winges and B. Siebenhüner (2013). "Assessing institutional capacities to adapt to climate change: integrating psychological dimensions in the Adaptive Capacity Wheel." Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 13(12): 3369-3384.
  • Garrelts, H., Grothmann, T., Grecksch, K., Winges, M., Siebenhüner, B. & Flitner, M. (2013). Vulnerabilität und Klimaanpassung: Herausforderungen adaptiver Governance im Nordwesten Deutschlands. „nordwest2050“- Werkstattbericht Nr. 23, Bremen/Oldenburg.
  • Grecksch, Kevin; Winges, Maik. (2012). Anpassung und Nachhaltigkeit. Synonym, Antonym oder etwas dazwischen? Ökologisches Wirtschaften 3/2012: 10.
  • Huitema, Dave; Mees, Heleen; Termeer, Katrien; Storbjörk, Sofie; Garrelts, Heiko; Grecksch, Kevin; Winges, Maik; Rayner, Tim. (2012). Handling adaptation governance choices in Sweden, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands. Knowledge for Climate Report W-12/07. Amsterdam: Institute for Environmental Studies.
  • Garrelts, H., Flitner, M., Grecksch, K., Grothmann, T., Siebenhüner, B. & Winges, M. (2012). Governance der Region. In B. Schuchardt & S. Wittig (Hrsg.) (2012). Vulnerabilität der Metropolregion Bremen-Oldenburg gegenüber dem Klimawandel (Synthesebericht), nordwest2050-Berichte Heft 2. Bremen / Oldenburg: Projektkonsortium 'nordwest2050'. S. 180 - 191.
  • Garrelts, Heiko; Grecksch, Kevin; Winges, Maik; Grothmann, Torsten; Siebenhüner, Bernd; Flitner, Michael (2011). Klimawandel und politikwissenschaftliche Bestimmung der Verwundbarkeit in der Metropolregion Bremen-Oldenburg. In: Cormont, Pascal; Frank, Susanne (Hg.) (2011). Governance in der Klimaanpassung - Strukturen, Prozesse, Interaktionen. Dokumentation der Tagung der KLIMZUG-Verbünde an der TU Dortmund am 3.12.2010. dynaklim-Publikation Nr. 20 /Dez. 2011. S. 48 - 60.
  • Grecksch, Kevin (2011). Adaptive capacity and vulnerability of regional water management in the metropolitan region Bremen - Oldenburg. In: acqua alta 2011. Conference Publication. TuTechVerlag. ISBN: 978-3-942492-38-7
  • Grecksch, Kevin und B. Siebenhüner (2010). Governance: Gesellschaftliche Steuerungsmöglichkeiten. In: Fichter, K.; Gleich, A.v.; Pfriem, R.; Siebenhüner, B. (Hrsg.) (2010). Theoretische Grundlagen für erfolgreiche Klimaanpassungsstrategien. nordwest2050 Berichte Heft 1. Bremen / Oldenburg: Projektkonsortium ,nordwest2050'. S. 106 - 124. ISSN 2191-3218
  • Grecksch, Kevin (2010). 11. Konferenz der International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) 2010 in Oldenburg and Bremen. Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik. 3(2010): 38. ISSN 1434-4688


  • Tagung Biodiversität und Gesellschaft - Gesellschaftliche Dimensionen von Schutz und Nutzung biologischer Vielfalt. 14. - 16. November 2012, Göttingen.

  • 12th International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) 2012 Conference. 16. - 19. June 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.

  • acqua alta 2011 Conference Hamburg. 11. - 13. Oktober 2011, Hamburg.

  • Colorado Conference on Earth System Governance. 17. - 20. Mai 2011, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

  • Workshop der KLIMZUG-Konsortien "Governance in der Klimaanpassung. Strukturen, Prozesse, Interaktionen" am 3. Dezember 2010, Dortmund.
(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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