

Publications Dr. Hannelore Waska

Peer-reviewed publications


H. Waska, H.M. Banko-Kubis (2024) Dissolved organic matter released from beach wrack is source-specific and molecularly diverse. Biogeochem. doi:10.1007/s10533-024-01159-7

S.J. Wilson et al. (2024) Global subterranean estuaries modify groundwater nutrient loading to the ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Letters

Z. Zhou, H. Waska, S. Henkel, T. Dittmar, S. Kasten, M. Holtappels (2024). Iron promotes the retetion of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in subtidal permeable sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 58, 6204-6214.

A. Reckhardt, M. Beck, J. Greskowiak, H. Waska, J. Ahrens, N. Grünenbaum, G. Massmann, H.J. Brumsack (2024) Zone-specific longshore sampling as a strategy to reduce uncertainties of SGD-driven solute fluxes from high-energy beaches. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 301, 108733.

D. Adyasari, N.T. Dimova, S.N. Chadhain, H. Waska (2024) Microbial assemblages and metabolic activity in organic-rich subterranean estuaries: Impact of climate and land use changes. JGR: Biogeosciences 129, e2023JG007660

I. Pedre, N. Fröhberg, H. Waska, A. Koschinsky, K. Pahnke (2024) Simmple and affordable colorimetric sensing strips for quantitative determination of total manganese in porewater samples. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10615


D. Adyasari, N.T. Dimova, H. Waska, S.N. Chadhain (2023) Dissolved organic matter and nutrient processing in organic-rich subterranean estuaries: Implications for future land use and climate scenarios. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 362, 65-76.

D. Adyasari, N.T. Dimova, S.N. Chadhain, H. Waska (2023) Climate and land-use change variables affect microbial assemblage and denitrification in organic-rich subterranean estuaries. bioRxiv (2023): 2023-06.

G. Massmann, G. Abarike, K. Amoako, F. Auer, T. H. Badewien, C. Berkenbrink, M. E. Böttcher, S. Brick, I. V. M. Cordova, J. Cueto, T. Dittmar, B. Engelen, H. Freund, J. Greskowiak, T. Günther, G. Herbst, M. Holtappels, H. K. Marchant, R. Meyer, M. Müller-Petke, J. Niggemann, K. Pahnke, D. Pommerin, V. Post, A. Reckhardt, M. Roberts, K. Schwalfenberg, S. L. Seibert, C. Siebert, N. Skibbe, H. Waska, C. Winter, O. Zielinski (2023). The DynaDeep observatory–a unique approach to study high-energy subterranean estuaries. Front. Mar. Sci. 10-1189281.

R.C. da Silva, M. Seidel, T. Dittmar, H. Waska (2023). Groundwater springs in the German Wadden Sea tidal flat: A fast-track terrestrial transfer route for nutrients and dissolved organic matter. Front. Mar. Sci. 10-2023.

D. Arévalo-Martínez, A. Haroon, H. W. Bange, E. Erkul, M. Jegen, N. Moosdorf, J. Schenider von Deimling, C. Berndt, M. E. Böttcher, J. Hoffmann, V. Liebetrau, U. Mallast, G. Massmann, A. Micallef, H. A. Michael, H. Paasche, W. Rabbel, I. Santos, J. Scholten, K. Schwalenberg, B. Szymczycha, A. T. Thomas, J. J. Virtasalo, H. Waska, B. A. Weymer (2023). Ideas and Perspectives: Land-ocean connectivity through groundwater. Biogeosciences 20(3), 647-662.


O. Zielinski, D. Pieck, J. Schulz, C. Thölen, J. Wollschläger, M. Albinus, T. H. Badewien, A. Braun, B. Engelen, C. Feenders, S. Fock, C. Lehners, K. Lõhmus, A. Lübben, G. Massmann, J. Meyerjürgens, H. Nicolai, T. Pollmann, K. Schwalfenberg, J. Stone, H. Waska, H. Winkler (2022). The Spiekeroog Coastal Observatory: A Scientific Infrastructure at the Land-Sea Transition Zone (Southern North Sea). Front. Mar. Sci. 8-2021


J. Degenhardt, J. Merder, B. Heyerhoff, H. Simon, B. Engelen, H. Waska (2021). Cross-Shore and Depth Zonations in Bacterial Diversity Are Linked to Age and Source of Dissolved Organic Matter across the Intertidal Area of a Sandy Beach. Microorganisms, 9(8), 1720.

D. Adyasari, H. Waska, K. Daehnke, T. Oehler, A. Pracoyo, D. P. E. Putra, N. Moosdorf (2021). Terrestrial Nutrients and Dissolved Organic Matter Input to the Coral Reef Ecosystem via Submarine Springs. ACS ES&T Water 1, 8, 1887–1900.

J. Degenhardt, S. Khodami, F. Milke, H. Waska, B. Engelen, P. Martinez Arbizu (2021). The three domains of life within the discharge area of a shallow subterranean estuary at a high energy beach. Front. Environ. Sci. (doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.642098).

S. L. Seibert, M. E. Böttcher, H. Waska, T. Holt, T. Pollmann, J. Greskowiak, G. Massmann (2021) Hydrochemistry of near-surface groundwater on a developing barrier island (Spiekeroog, Germany): The role of inundation, season and vegetation. J. Hydrol., 597, 126139.

N. Moosdorf, M. E. Böttcher, D. Adyasari, E. Erkul, B. S. Gilfedder, J. Greskowiak, A. K. Jenner, L. Kotwicki, G. Massmann, T. Oehler, M. Müller-Petke, V. Post, R. Prien, J. Scholten, B. Siemon, C. M. von Ahn, M. Walther, H. Waska, T. Wunderlich, U. Mallast (2021) A state-of-the-art perspective on the characterization of subterranean estuaries at the regional scale. Front. Earth Sci. (doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.601293).

H. Waska, H. Simon, S. Ahmerkamp, J. Greskowiak, J. Ahrens, S. L. Seibert, K. Schwalfenberg, O. Zielinski, T. Dittmar (2021) Molecular traits of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the subterranean estuary of a high-energy beach: Indications of sources and sinks. Front. Mar. Sci., 8, 54.

B. S. Gilfedder, H. Waska, F. Wismeth, S. Frei (2021). Using heat as a tracer to map and quantify water infiltration and exfiltration along a complex high energy beach face. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 250, 107140.

C. Rocha, C. E. Robinson, I. R. Santos, H. Waska, H. A. Michael, H. J. Bokuniewicz (2021) A place for subterranean estuaries in the coastal zone. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci., 250, 107167.


J. Degenhardt, L. Dlugosch, J. Ahrens, M. Beck, H. Waska, B. Engelen (2020). Seasonal dynamics of microbial diversity at a sandy high energy beach reveal a resilient core community. Front. Mar. Sci., 7, 869.

J. Merder, J. A. Freund, U. Feudel, C. T. Hansen, J. A. Hawkes, B. Jacob, K. Klaproth, J. Niggemann, B. E. Noriega-Ortega, H. Osterholz, P. E. Rossel, M. Seidel, G. Singer, A. Stubbins, H. Waska, T. Dittmar (2020). ICBM-OCEAN: Processing ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry data of complex molecular mixtures. Anal. Chem., doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b05659.

S. Wagner, F. Schubotz, K. Kaiser, C. Hallmann, H. Waska, P. E. Rossel, R. L. Hansman, M. Elvert, J. J. Middelburg, A. Engel, T. M. Blattmann, T. S. Catalá, S. T. Lennartz, G. V. Gomez-Saez, S. Pantoja-Gutiérrez, R. Bao, V. Galy (2020). Soothsaying DOM: A current perspective on the future of oceanic dissolved organic carbon. Front. Mar. Sci., doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00341.


T. R. Anderson, E. C. Rowe, L. Polimene, E. Tipping, C. D. Evans, C. D. G. Barry, D. A. Hansell, K. Kaiser, V. Kitidis, D. J. Lapworth, D. J. Mayor, D. T. Monteith, A. E. Pickard, R. J. Sanders, B. M. Spears, R. Torres, A. M. Tye, A. J. Wade, H. Waska (2019). Unified concepts for understanding and modelling turnover of dissolved organic matter from freshwaters to the ocean: the UniDOM model. Biogeochemistry 146: 105-123.

H. Waska, H.-J. Brumsack, G. Massmann, A. Koschinsky, B. Schnetger, H. Simon, T. Dittmar (2019). Inorganic and organic copper and iron species of the subterranean estuary: Origins and fate. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 259: 211-232.

H. Waska, J. Greskowiak, J. Ahrens, M. Beck, S. Ahmerkamp, P. Böning, H.-J. Brumsack, J. Degenhardt, C. Ehlert, B. Engelen, N. Grünenbaum, M. Holtappels, K. Pahnke, H. K. Marchant, G. Massmann, D. Meier, B. Schnetger, K. Schwalfenberg, H. Simon, V. Vandieken, O. Zielinski, T. Dittmar (2019). Spatial and temporal patterns of pore water chemistry in the inter-tidal zone of a high energy beach. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 154

S. L. Seibert, M. E. Böttcher, F. Schubert, T. Pollmann, L. Giani, S. Tsukamoto, M. Frechen, H. Freund, H. Waska, H. Simon, T. Holt, J. Greskowiak, G. Massmann (2019). Iron sulfide formation in young and rapidly-deposited permeable sands at the land-sea transition zone. Sci. tot. Environ. 649, 264-283.


S. L. Seibert, T. Holt, A. Reckhardt, J. Ahrens, M. Beck, T. Pollmann, L. Giani, H. Waska, M. E. Böttcher, J. Greskowiak, G. Massmann (2018) Hydrochemical evolution of a freshwater lens below a barrier island (Spiekeroog, Germany): The role of carbonate mineral reactions, cation exchange and redox processes. Appl. Geochem. 92, 196-208.

A. Linkhorst, T. Dittmar, H. Waska (2017) Molecular fractionation of dissolved organic matter in a shallow subterranean estuary: The role of the iron curtain. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51 (3), 1312-1320.

H. Waska, A. Koschinsky, and T. Dittmar (2016) Fe- and Cu-complex formation with artificial ligands investigated by ultra-high resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS): Implications for metal-organic complex studies. Front. Mar. Sci. 3, 119.

M. Seidel, M. Beck, J. Greskowiak, T. Riedel, H. Waska, I. G. N. Suryaputra, B. Schnetger, J. Niggemann, M. Simon, and T. Dittmar (2015) Benthic-pelagic coupling of nutrients and dissolved organic matter composition in an intertidal sandy beach. Mar. Chem. 176: 150-163.

H. Waska, A. Koschinsky, M. J. R. Chancho, and T. Dittmar (2015) Investigating the potential of solid-phase extraction and Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) for the isolation and identification of dissolved metal-organic complexes from natural waters. Mar. Chem. 173: 78-92.

I. R. Santos, M. Beck, H. Brumsack, D. T. Maher, T. Dittmar, H. Waska, and B. Schnetger (2015) Porewater exchange as a driver of carbon dynamics across a terrestrial-marine transect: Insights from coupled 222Rn and pCO2 observations in the German Wadden Sea. Mar. Chem. 171: 10-20.

N. Moosdorf, T. Stieglitz, H. Waska, H. H. Dürr, J. Hartmann (2015) Submarine groundwater discharge from tropical islands: a review. Grundwasser 20: 53-67.

M. Seidel, M. Beck, T. Riedel, H. Waska, I. G. N. Suryaputra, B. Schnetger, and T. Dittmar (2014) Biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter in an anoxic intertidal creek bank. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 140: 418-434.


H. Waska, G. Kim, and G. B. Kim (2013) Comparison of S, Se, and 210Po accumulation patterns in common squid Todarodes pacificus from the Yellow Sea and East/Japan Sea. Ocean Sci. J., 24(2): 215-224.

T.H. Kim, H. Waska, E.H. Kwon, I.G.N. Suryaputra and G. Kim (2012) Production, degradation, and flux of dissolved organic matter in the subterranean estuary of a large tidal flat. Mar. Chem., 142-144: 1-10.

H. Waska, G. Kim (2011). Submarine groundwater discharge as a main source for benthic and water-column primary production in a large intertidal environment of the Yellow Sea. J. Sea Res., 65: 103-113.

H. Waska, G. Kim (2010). Changes in microphytobenthos and macrofaunal abundances associated with groundwater discharge in the intertidal zone. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 407: 159-172.

H. Waska, S. Kim, G. Kim, R. N. Peterson and W. C. Burnett (2008). An efficient and simple method for measuring 226Ra using the scintillation cell in a delayed coincidence counting system (RaDeCC). J. Environ. Radioactivity, 99: 1859–1862.

H. Waska, S. Kim, G. Kim, M.R. Kang, and G.B. Kim (2008). Distribution patterns of chalogens (S, Se, Te, 210Po) in various tissues of a squid, Todarodes pacificus. Sci Total Environ, 392: 218-224.

Book chapters

S. L. Seibert, J. Degenhardt, J. Ahrens, A. Reckhardt, K. Schwalfenberg, H. Waska (2020). Investigating the Land-Sea Transition Zone. In: Jungblut S., Liebich V., Bode-Dalby M. (eds) YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future. Springer, Cham.

M. E. Böttcher, U. Mallast, G. Massmann, N. Moosdorf, M. Müller-Petke H. Waska (2020). Coastal-Groundwater interfaces (submarine groundwater discharge). In: S. Krause (ed), Ecohydrological Interfaces, Wiley, USA.

Posters & Presentations

H. Waska, J. Ahrens, N. Grünenbaum, G. Massmann, D. Meier, K. Schwalfenberg, H. Simon, O. Zielinski, T. Dittmar (2018). Beach morphology impacts dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics in the subterranean estuary. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, U. S. A. (Oral presentation).

H. Waska, J. Ahrens, D. Meier, K. Schwalfenberg, H. Simon, O. Zielinski, T. Dittmar (2017). Lifting the iron curtain: Release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in an iron(III) reduction zone of the subterranean estuary. Goldschmidt 2017, Paris, France (Oral presentation).

H. Waska, T. Dittmar, H. Simon, A. Linkhorst (2016). Metal-DOM interactions in the subterranean estuary: Implications for trace metals and DOM mobility. ECSA56, Bremen, Deutschland (Oral presentation).

H. Waska, A. Koschinsky, H. Brumsack,. H. Simon, T. Dittmar (2015). Organic association of dissolved iron and copper in the subterranean estuaries of a barrier island in the German North Sea. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spanien. (Poster).

H. Waska, M. Beck, H. Brumsack, A. Koschinsky, M. J. Ruiz Chancho, M. Seidel, H. Simon, T. Dittmar (2013). Dissolved iron and copper speciation in a subterranean estuary in the German Wadden Sea: The influence of dissolved organic matter (DOM). ASLO 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, U. S. A. (Oral presentation).

H. Waska, A. Koschinsky, H. J. Brumsack, M. J. Ruiz-Chancho, T. Dittmar (2012). A novel molecular approach for the identification if dissolved metal-organic complexes in natural waters.  TOS/ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, U.S.A. (Oral presentation).

H. Waska, M. Seidel, T. Dittmar, G. Kim (2011). Pathways of dissolved organic matter in the subterranean estuary: Evaluation of organic geochemical tracers. Goldschmidt 2011, Prague, Czech Republic (Poster).

H. Waska (2011). Submarine groundwater discharge: Impacts on intertidal nutrient budgets and benthic communities. International Symposium on the Sustainability and Productivity of Coastal Resources, Nagasaki, Japan. (Oral presentation).

H. Waska (2010). Seasonal Patterns in Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD), Groundwater Biochemistry, and Associated Nutrient Fluxes in a Large Intertidal Environment at the Western Coast of Korea. Workshop “Radium and Radon Isotopes as Environmental tracers”, Jerusalem, Israel. (Oral Presentation).

H. Waska, G. Kim (2009). SGD Dynamics in a Shallow, Semi-Enclosed, Meso-Tidal Bay Measured by Ra and Rn Tracers, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009, Nice, France. (Poster).

H. Waska, G. Kim (2008). Is Microphytobenthos Biomass Influenced by Groundwater? A preliminary study, AOGS 2008, Busan, Korea. (Oral presentation).

H. Waska, G. Kim (2007). Measurement of 226Ra using a RaDeCC and its application for tracing submarine groundwater discharge, Goldschmidt 2007, Germany. (Oral presentation).

H. Waska, G. Kim (2007). Distribution patterns of chalcogens (S, Se, Te and 210Po) in various tissues of the pacific flying squid, Todarodes pacificus, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Oceanography, Gunsan, Korea. (Oral presentation).

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