Data files
Here you can download trait data for all species in the LEDA Traitbase.
In a previous version of the tables "seed bank", "seed mass",
"specific leaf area", "seed number" and "terminal velocity",
the standard decimal symbol was a comma. Errors were reported when the tables
were imported to EXCEL on computers configured with a period as the the
standard decimal symbol (Numbers tab in the Regional Options tool in Control
Panel, usual case in e.g. the U.S.). These errors occurred when values had more
than 3 digits and period symbols (periods in Germany, commas in the US) and
decimal symbols (commas in Germany, periods in the US) were mixed during the
import from txt files to EXCEL files. We are sorry for any inconvenience and
ask our users to check for possible errors in earlier downloads.
In the current version, all files now have periods as standard decimal
In order to download single-click with the right mouse button.
Age of first flowering
Bud bank seasonality
Bud vertical distribution
TXT(44362 KB) !!! NEW !!!
Canopy height
Clonal growth organs
Dispersal type
Leaf distribution along the stem
Leaf dry matter content
Leaf mass
Leaf size
Morphology of dispersal unit
Plant growth form
Plant life span
Releasing height
Seed bank
Seed longevity
Seed mass
Seed number
Seed shape
Shoot growth form
Specific leaf area
Seed number per shoot
Terminal velocity
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