Erasmus-Förderkriterien der Europäischen Kommission

  • Reguläre Immatrikulation an einer deutschen Hochschule
  • Abschluss des ersten Studienjahres zu Beginn des Auslandssemesters außer bei MA-Studierenden
  • Studienaufenthalt an einer Partnerhochschule, mit der die Heimathochschule eine Erasmus Kooperationsvereinbarung abgeschlossen hat

Erasmus+ information and selection criteria

Erasmus+ information and selection criteria

Departmental Application Form

Can be downloaded here.

Application Checklist

As the application process for Erasmus+ can be complicated, this checklist is useful for keeping track.

Selection Criteria [updated March 2022]

In addition to the criteria laid out by the EU, the English department has agreed on the following additional criteria for being selected for an Erasmus place. They will be applied in the order they are listed.

  1. Previously awarded an Erasmus place but unable to take advantage of it during to COVID-19. (Students in this situation must still submit a new application!)
  2. Current Fachsemester – you will generally need to be in your third or higher semester at the time of application. (First semester students can occasionally be considered for the full-year Erasmus places at Edge Hill.)
  3. Statement of Motivation – this is particularly important!
  4. Notenübersicht – the strength of your current grades, particularly in Anglistik/Amerikanistik. If you are applying in your third semester and still have missing Basismodul grades on your transcript, then please supply these on a separate piece of paper.
  5. Anglistik/Amerikanistik modules to complete - you need to show EITHER that you have courses in your BA/MEd/MA that you could study in Britain/Ireland, OR be willing to complete courses that cannot be recognised in Oldenburg for the sake of the experience. (There is absolutely no guarantee that you can attend classes in your second subject at Edge Hill, Newcastle or Limerick.)
  6. Willingness to promote Oldenburg as a destination for future Erasmus students – please include information about this in your statement of motivation.
  7. [For Edge Hill only]: Willingness to spend a complete academic year abroad.
  8. Due to accommodation limitations at partner universities, applications from students who want to study in SoSe (Jan-June) are very welcome where this is possible!
  9. Previous longer stays abroad (holidays do not count)

Please note that partner universities increasingly ask for proof of language proficiency in the form of an external test – if you met the entry requirements in Oldenburg through your Abitur results, you may need to do such a test before your application can be sent to the British/Irish university.


  • Places are available to study at the two English partner universities (Edge Hill and Newcastle) for 2021-22, and students will not have to pay tuition fees. However, eligibility for the Erasmus grant for living expenses (esp. for stays extending into 2022) still needs to be clarified.
  • Places in Ireland remain unaffected, but are likely to be extremely competitive as a result!
  • As a consequence of both Brexit and the COVID-19 travel restrictions, study at universities in non-English speaking countries will also be [temporarily] recognised for the compulsory stay abroad!
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