
+49 (0) 441 798-4326

COAST - Zentrum für Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung
Universität Oldenburg
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
D-26129 Oldenburg


Project Database

Project Database

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M
N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Artenhilfsprogramme für drei FFH-Libellenarten in NW-Deutschland

Funding body: DBU

Main focus: Ziel des DBU-Projektes ist die Zustandsanalyse der aktuellen Vorkommen dreier gefährdeter und nach Europarecht (FFH-Richtlinie) geschützter Libellenarten. Darauf aufbauend findet im Projekt eine Planung und Erprobung von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Lebensraumqualität und des Lebensraumverbundes statt.

Project duration: 01.04.2012 - 30.09.2014

Institutions: ZENARiO, IBU

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Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Main focus: The AQUATOR (Accelerator for the development of the aquatic bioeconomy) is part of the German innovation area "Bioeconomy on Marine Sites" (BaMS). The aim of the joint project is to develop the economic and ecological potential of the aquatic bioeconomy. The project focuses on the development and provision of extensive services and infrastructure along bioeconomic value chains from an operational, socio-economic as well as administrative perspective. The analysis of added values and conflict situations resulting from specific measures of the aquatic bioeconomy are part of the project.   

Project duration: 2020-2022

Institutions: COAST


Mittelgeber: Europäische Union

Schwerpunkt: The rural areas of the North Sea Region (NSR) are expected to play a major role towards the development of a regional circular bio-economy. The objective of the BIOCAS project is to ignite this development and turn the rural areas into smart specialized regions for the integrated and local valorization of biomass, based on biomass cascading principles.

Laufzeit: 2017 - 2021

Einrichtungen: COAST


Funding body: DBU

Main Focus: Initiation of a dialogue process to build a partner network between German and Baltic actors in the water sector.

Project duration: 2020 - 2022

Institution: COAST



Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Main focus: The research group Cascade Use (CCU) supports the ambition of societal actors towards a reduced resource use and minimizing CO2 emissions in the long-term. The members of the research group will develop and test a key assessment tool. The interdisciplinary work concentrates on the two core questions of how materials are integrated into life cycles and when they will become available for reuse and/or recycling. Thereby, the target is to keep resources within the economic cycle as long as possible in order to reduce or even avoid the use of primary raw materials. For this purpose, the car will serve as showcase application, respectively the reuse/recycling of car components with a focus on the market situation in China and Germany.

Duration: 01.03.2014 - 28.02.2018

Institution: CENTOS

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Centre of Excellence for Educational Research Methods and Management in East and South Africa (CERM-ESA)

Funding body: German Federal Foreign Office

Main focus: The Centre has three objectives:

  1. Advancing and expanding excellent and innovative educational research on methods, didactics and management strategies for African contexts;
  2. Teaching and training of future educational leaders in terms of research methods, innovative management solutions and didactics on Master’s and PhD level;
  3. Advancing capacity building and staff development in academia and management of the participating universities in didactics and management for (future) leaders and sustainable institution building.

To achieve this, the Centre will offer research colloquia, summer schools and staff development workshops for all partner universities in the next years. NMMU hosted the first onsite staff development workshop.

Project duration: June 2014 - December 2019

Institutions: CENTOS

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Adaptation to climate change in the utility sector - analysis and development of options for business and political action

Funding body: BMBF

Main focus:The Chameleon Research Group focuses its attention on the political framework which strongly influences adaptation strategies in the utility sector. Chameleon investigates the way in which companies in the energy and transport sector adapt to climate change. The key issue is to identify the factors which foster or hinder this adaptation process. Chameleon is making an important contribution to adaptation theory by systematically generalizing the results. This gives companies, politicians and government agencies the tools they need to effectively develop and implement an adaptation roadmap.

Project duration: November 2009 - October 2013

Institutions: CENTOS

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Curriculum Invoking Bologna-aligned Education Leading to reform in Environmental Studies

Funding body: EU - TEMPUS IV

Main focus: The CIBELES project aims at professionalizing Higher Education and particularly environmental studies within three areas of specialisation through the implementation of the Bologna Process at all three levels, BA-MA and PhD. It will foster as well the cooperation between EU and Central Asia in the field of environmental studies and prepare future managers and specialists in Central Asia in order to protect in a more effective way their environment.

Project duration: October 2010 - October 2013

Institutions: CENTOS

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The North-South-Network on Climate Proofing of Vulnerable Regions

Funding body: DAAD

Main focus: Interdisciplinary cooperation project for adaptation strategies to climate change between the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (UO), the Tanzanian University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) and the South African Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU)

Project duration: November 2010 - December 2014

Institutions: COAST

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Making Civic Energy Work

Funding body: Europäische Union

Main focus: Communities with foresight have demonstrated that they are the key drivers of the transition towards renewable energy and therefore take an active role in tackling climate change. This initiative is committed to shift energy value chains from centralized utilities to community-owned enterprises and to promote the transition to renewable energy by delivering social, environmental, and economic, benefits to the communities in the North Sea Region. The project continues to combine social innovation with regional development in the critical field of energy systems - in this way embedding climate protection in the civil society through new energy structures, while simoultaneously pursuing other sustainable regional development goals. The partners to the initiative are each backed by ambitious climate action plans.

Duration: 2016 - 2022

Institution: COAST


Collaborative innovations: The use of external knowledge in inter-firm development processes

Funding body: Volkswagen Foundation within the funding initiative at the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture entitled "Niedersächsisches Vorab"

Main focus: Investigation of distributed innovation processes in the fields of renewable energy and information technology.

Project duration: 01.04.2013 - 31.03.2016

Institutions: ZENARiO

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Combined functions in coastal defence zones

Funding body: EU - Interreg

Main focus: Entwicklung von (i) Herangehensweisen und (ii) Konzepten für die Anwendung multifunktionaler Küstenschutzzonen im südlichen Nordseeraum. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf Anpassungsmaßnahmen, die sich von linienhaften zu flächenhaften Küstenschutzsystemen bewegen, Küstenschutz als Bestandteil einer integrierten Raumplanung, Szenarienentwicklung, sozio-ökonomisch-ökologische Bewertung und die Beteiligung aller relevanten Nutzergruppen.

Project duration: April 2004 - December 2007

Institutions: COAST

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Comparaison des systèmes d'innovation territoriale énergétique en France et en Allemagne
(Comparison of regional innovation systems in the energy sector in France and Germany)

Funding body: ADEME (Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maitrise de l’Energie)

Main focus: This project investigates the restructuration of regions as they try to meet these renewable energy aims in a comparative perspective. It applies the approach of regional innovation systems to give a full account of all the involved bargaining processes and the entailed institutional change.

Project duration: 2012 - 2013

Institutions: ZENARiO

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Sustainable Coastal Land Management: Trade-offs in Ecosystem Services

Funding body: BMBF

Main focus: The collaborative research project will perform an inter- and transdisciplinary investigation of four land management scenarios, applied to coastal regions along the North Sea and the Baltic Sea in Germany. COMTESS will quantify and evaluate the performance of multiple ecosystem functions and services in each scenario in socio-economic and ecological terms.

Project duration: October 2010 - December 2016

Institutions: COAST, CEM, ZENARiO

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CPA - Climate Proof Areas

Development and implementation of strategies for adaptation to climate change at the communal and county level

Funding body: EU - Interreg IV B

Main focus: In this project we brought together scientific data on the regional effects of climate change, policy recommendations how adaptation can be realized, innovative technical solutions on the ground and a toolkit for drawing up your own adaptation plan.

Project duration: October 2008 - December 2011

Institutions: COAST, ZENARiO

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Developing and Strengthening Industry-driven Knowledge-transfer between developing Countries

Funding body: DAAD, BMZ

Main focus: The main objective of the DASIK project is to develop and conduct intense training courses in current ICT-related research fields in order to generate a transfer of knowledge between the members of the participating partner institutions.

Project duration: August 2012 - January 2015

Institutions: CENTOS

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PhD Education in Environmental and Business Information Systems

Funding body: DAAD

Main focus: DEEBIS-Net (Doctoral Education in Environmental and Business Information Systems) is a bi-national PhD-Programme in the field of Business Information Systems / VLBA and Environmental Management Information Systems and is funded by the DAAD. Cooperating partners are the University Oldenburg (Chair of Business Information Systems I / VLBA) and two cuban Universities (Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, CUJAE, Havanna and Universidad Central de las Villas (UCLV) Santa Clara).

Project duration: August 2008 - December 2010

Institutions: CENTOS

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Developing Sustainability

Interdisciplinary research network with universities in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Funding body: DAAD

Main focus: (Further) Development of inter-disciplinary teaching programs, research activities and institution building regarding sustainability at all partner institutions

Project duration: August 2009 - December 2013

Institutions: COAST

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Institutionally and technologically consistent energy strategies for a centralized or decentralized oriented energy policy in Germany

Funding body: BMBF

Main focus: Development of a differentiated understanding of decentralization and centralization regarding network expansion and electricity generation. The development of technologically, economically and institutionally consistent energy strategies for the transformation of the German energy system. A deeper understanding of the limits, possibilities and interdependencies of decentralized and centralized design options of the energy transition. A contribution for the further social and political dialogue.

Project duration: October 2013 - September 2016

Institutions: CENTOS

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eCoInnovate IT

Sustainable consumption of information and communication technologies in the digital society – dialogue and transformation through open innovation

Funding: Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony and the Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung)

Main focus: We aim at integrating various actors (companies, consumers, politicians) in the development of sustainable products, services, business models and legal frameworks. The outcome of the project will be available to open public through the publication of best practices, manuals, recommendations or checklists. Above that, pilot projects involving regional actors will be organised.

Duration: 15.02.2015 - 14.05.2018

Institution: CENTOS

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Environmental Information Systems Knowledge Exchange Project

Funding body: n/a

Main focus: Research and education exchange between the University of Oldenburg and the Nelson Mandela University (South Africa) in the field of environmental information systems and sustainability reporting.

Project duration: May 2011 - April 2013

Institutions: CENTOS

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Enhancing Learning in ENPI Countries through Clean Technologies and Research Related Activities

Funding body: EU - Erasmus Mundus Action 2

Main focus: The ELECTRA project attempts to bring closer cooperation between EU and ENPI countries so as to increase research and produce multiplier effects in areas related to Green Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development.

Project duration: 2013 - 2016

Institutions: CENTOS

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EMIS Subsahara

Enhancing Learning in ENPI Countries through Clean Technologies and Research Related Activities

Funding body: BMBF, DAAD

Main focus: Together with three partner universities in Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania, we are going to develop curricula for Study Programmes of Sustainable and Environmental Informatics. The development of curricula will be based upon surveys involving local enterprises as well as alumni of the respective universities, in order to create meaningful contents that accomodate both the importance of sustainable production and the employability of the graduates of the programme.

Project duration: January 2013 - December 2014

Institutions: CENTOS

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BlueGreen Coastal Energy Community

Funding body: EU - Interreg IV B

Main focus: Deployment of a Sustainable Supply Chain Management business model to build efficient bioenergy value chains in five north European countries

Project duration: October 2008 - September 2012

Institutions: COAST, CENTOS, ICBM

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Funding body: Land Niedersachsen

Main focus: Das Projekt adressierte die Konzeption und prototypische Implementierung von Software-Werkzeugen, die kommunalplanerische Entscheidungsprozesse mit einer Systembetrachtung der Energieversorgung koppeln und deren Auswirkungen simulativ ermitteln. Dadurch wurde eine Überprüfung der Effekte planerischer Entscheidungen und kommunaler Vorgaben auf die Energieversorgung ermöglicht und die Voraussetzung für eine Optimierung geschaffen. Der Main focus in diesem Projekt lag auf der Stromversorgung.

Project duration: 01.07.2010 - 30.06.2013

Institutions: CEM

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Transformative potential of energy cooperatives

Funding body: BMBF

Main focus: The overarching aim of EnGeno is to assess and describe the transformative potential of ECs within the energy system as a whole at the level of staff (employees), organisational structure and the energy system itself as well as to devise and, in specific cases, to use and disseminate information and advisory material.

Project duration: October 2013 - September 2016

Institutions: CENTOS

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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence 'Europeanising Coastal Regions' (EuCoRe)

Funding body: EU

Main focus: Das Jean Monnet-Spitzenforschungszentrum "Europäisierung von Küstenregionen" zielt auf Aktivitäten einer international vernetzten Lehre, die Studierende und andere Interessierte für Fragen der europäischen Küstenraumentwicklung qualifiziert. Das Zentrum ist Plattform für inter- und transdisziplinäre Arbeiten zur Analyse und Entwicklung von Küstenräumen im Zuge der fortschreitenden europäischen Integration. Es leistet damit wichtige Beiträge zu Diskussionen um ein nachhaltiges Küstenraummanagement mit europäischem Zuschnitt.

Duration: 2015 - 2018

Institutions: COAST, ICBM, IBU

eureka SD

Enhancing University Research and Education in Areas Useful for Sustainable Development

Funding body: EU - Erasmus Mundus Action 2

Main focus: Eureka SD is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project coordinated by the University of Oldenburg. It offers 315 mobilities for students and staff to undertake periods of study, teaching, research or training at partner universities located in the participating European and Latin American countries. Each mobility will have a strong focus on topics related to sustainable development.

Project duration: July 2013 - July 2017

Institutions: CENTOS

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Flood Resilient Areas by Multy-layEred Safety

Funding body: European Union

Main focus: FRAMES addresses the shared territorial challenge that on-going climate change results in increasing sea levels and extreme rainfall patterns for areas and communities in the North Sea Region. We use the Multi-Layer Safety (MLS) concept as a starting point. The MLS concept is a policy strategy that integrates measures for: prevention, mitigation via spatial planning and emergency response. These layers are traditionally managed by different authorities and sectors, but through MLS, the barriers are lifted and the stakeholders jointly apply the most effective combination of solutions.

Duration: 2016 - 2019

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Groen Gas

Eliminating the bottlenecks in the process chain of Biogas production

Funding body: EU - Interreg IV A

Main focus at the University of Oldenburg: Sustainability assessment

Project duration: 01. February 2011 – 30. June 2014

Institutions: COAST

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Gute Küste

Gute Küste Niedersachsen - Reallabore für einen ökosystemstärkenden Küstenschutz an der niedersächsischen Küste

Funding body: MWK

Main focus: Im Fokus steht die Entwicklung eines ökosystemstärkenden Küstenschutzes.  U.a. werden in Reallaboren die Küstenforschungsinstitute methodisch gemeinsam mit lokalen Akteurinnen und Akteuren Handlungs- und Managementmöglichkeiten zum ökosystemstärkenden Küstenschutz erarbeiten und testen.

Duration: 2020 - 2024

Institutions:  Ökologische Ökonomie, ICBM


Hansa Energy Corridor

Development of a transnational energy-excellence-region with German and Dutch actors from academia, business and politics on various energy-related topics

Funding body: EU - Interreg IV A

Main focus at the University of Oldenburg: Wind and bio energy

Project duration: until March 2013

Institutions: COAST

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Hydrothermale Karbonisierung

Lower Saxony produces carbon - innovation network for hydrothermal carbonization (HTC)

Funding body: EFRE

Main focus: Production of biochar from biomass by using Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC)

Lautzeit: April 2011 - March 2014

Institutions: ForWind, ZENARiO

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Funding body: the European regional development fund(EFRE)

Main focus: IT-for-Green aims at increasing the environmental friendliness of companies and their processes by means of ICT. In this context, CEMIS are to be regarded essential for supporting the sustainability integration.

Project duration: 01.04.2011 - 31.10.2014

Institutions: CENTOS

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The Board Game on Climate Change

Funding body: n/a

Main focus: Within KEEP COOL each player takes a role within global climate politics. You have to put through economic interests, e.g. of the USA and its partners or of the Developing Countries. Yet you must not forget the strong lobby groups in your country like the oil industry or environmental groups as they also decide whether you win or loose.

Project duration: n/a

Institutions: CENTOS

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Funding body: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety

Main focus: Das Kernanliegen des KLEVER-Projektes besteht darin, auf der Grundlage modellbasierter Untersuchungen zu den Auswirkungen sich ändernder Rahmenbedingungen geeignete Maßnahmenoptionen für eine zukunftsfähige und nachhaltige Anpassung der Entwässerung und des Binnenhochwasserschutzes zu entwickeln.

Duration: 01.11.2015 - 31.10.2018

Institution: n/a

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KLIFF-IMPLAN – Klimafolgenforschung in Niedersachsen, Forschungs- und Querschnittsthema 2: IMPLAN – IMplementierung von Ergebnissen aus KLIFF in der räumlichen PLANung in Niedersachsen

Funding body: Niedersächsischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur aus Mitteln der Stiftung Volkswagenwerk

Main focus: IMPLAN ist ein querschnittsorientiertes Forschungsthema im durch niedersächsische Landesmittel geförderten Forschungsverbund „KLIFF – Klimafolgenforschung in Niedersachsen“. Ziel von IMPLAN ist es, die Ergebnisse der übrigen KLIFF-Forschungsthemen im Dialog mit Expertinnen und Experten aus Raumwissenschaften und Planungspraxis hinsichtlich ihrer raumplanerischen Relevanz zu analysieren. Darauf aufbauend sollen konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für den Umgang mit den Folgen des Klimawandels in der niedersächsischen Landes- und Regionalplanung erarbeitet werden.

Project duration: January 2009 - May 2014

Institutions: ZENARiO, ICBM

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Entwicklung eines Schutzkonzeptes für Kornweihen im Nationalpark "Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer" - eine Studie zur Habitatwahl, Brut- und Nahrungsökologie einer gefährdeten Greifvogelart

Funding body: Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Niedersächsische Wattenmeerstiftung und Nationalparkverwaltung Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer

Main focus: Kornweihen gehören zu den seltensten und am stärksten bedrohten Brutvögeln in Deutschland. Dem niedersächsischen Wattenmeer kommt dabei eine besondere Bedeutung zu, denn nahezu der gesamte deutsche Brutbestand der Kornweihe brütet auf den Ostfriesischen Inseln. Zu wissen, wie Kornweihen in ihrem Lebensraum Wattenmeer "funktionieren", ist von grundlegender Bedeutung für den Erhalt der Brutpopulation und für die Erarbeitung eines wirkungsvollen Schutzkonzeptes.

Project duration: 2009 - 2016

Institutions: CEM

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Local World of Social Cohesion

Funding body: European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration

Main focus: The focus of LOCALISE's research lies on the organisational challenges of an integrated social and employment policy.

Project duration: 2011 - 2014

Institutions: ZENARiO

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Macroplastics Pollution in the Southern North Sea – Sources, Pathways and Abatement Strategies

Funding body: Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony

Main focus: Marine litter pollution has become a growing global issue which has already shown to have significant impacts on marine ecosystems. The research project presented here aims to acquire solid, scientific knowledge and an understanding of current and future distribution patterns of plastic litter along the coast and shorelines of north-west Germany, including the East Frisian Islands. It also aims to identify potential litter sources and polluters. The ultimate goal is to collaboratively develop mitigation strategies for this environmental problem.

Duration: 2016 – 2020

Institution: ICBM

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Mapping and Communicating Marine Energy Potentials

Funding body: EU - INTERREG IV B

Main focus: MAP-MEP aims to increase awareness of marine energy potentials in the North Sea by means of targeted information and editing of existing data. Therefore the data and results from energy-related INTERREG projects as well as other sources for the public sector and other interested parties are prepared. MAP-MEP wants to promote a dialogue on possible future energy partnerships throughout the North Sea region, which takes into account all forms of energy. This information will be visualized in a WebGIS module in the long term.

Project duration: July 2014 – June 2015

Institutions: COAST

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Marine Spacial Planning Research Network

Funding body: various

Main focus: The Marine Spatial Planning Research Network is an informal grouping of scientists, policy-makers and practitioners who wish to contribute to the development of marine spatial planning through academic-based research. The network is interested in evaluating the varying approaches that are being applied in different contexts, and exploring new ideas and techniques for taking MSP forward.

Project duration: since 2012

Institutions: COAST

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New opportunities for a sustainable food system through transformative enterprise models

Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the framework programme FONA (Research for Sustainable Development) and the funding measure “Sustainable Economics” (SÖF)

Main focus: This project focuses on the potentials for transformation towards a sustainable food production by taking into consideration the following questions when analyzing initiatives:

  • How can these transformative economic systems initiate innovation instead of remaining a niche player?
  • How can we evaluate their contribution as pioneers of transformation?
  • Do these initiatives have the potential to change the established food system bottom-up?

Project duration: April 2015 - March 2018

Institutions: CENTOS

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Entwicklung nachhaltiger Anpassungsstrategien für die Infrastrukturen der Wasserwirtschaft unter den Bedingungen des klimatischen und demographischen Wandels tige Landnutzung in Küstenregionen in Zeiten des beschleunigten Klimawandels entwickeln, bewerten und in der Praxis umsetzen

Funding body: BMBF

Main focus: Anpassungsstrategien der Wasserwirtschaft an den Klimawandel

Project duration: 2013 - 2016

Institutions: CENTOS, ZENARiO

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NEMo is an acronym (in german) for “Sustainable satisfaction of mobility demands in rural regions”

Funding body: VolkswagenStiftung

Main focus: NEMo will create new mobility services, where citizens become mobility provider. For example, individuals could additionally operate rarely served stops of public transport with their own car to pick up other people. A higher person utilization of private cars can close supply gaps and reduce the total volume of traffic and its negative environmental impacts.

Duration: 01.03.2016 bis 28.02.2019

Institution: CENTOS

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Network for Joint Fuel Cell Research with Estonia

Funding body: BMBF

Main focus: The goal is to intensify the cooperation between German and Estonian research organizations for fuel cell research. Fuel cells are expected to play an important role as efficient energy converter in a sustainable energy supply. In the NETonia project, novel electrocatalytically active, durable and cost effective functionalized graphene-based catalysts will be synthesized that are needed for high performance and long-term durability of fuel cell systems.

Duration: 01.04.2016 bis 31.03.2018

Institution: CENTOS

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Network for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Times of Climate Change

Funding body: German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety and co-financed by the Metropolitan Region Bremen-Oldenburg in the Northwest e.V. as well as the city of Oldenburg

Main focus: NIK's goal is to cooperate with regional actors in identifying innovative solutions for adapting to the consequences of climate change and supporting ideas for start-ups. The focus of the work is on expanding existing innovation centers and business incubators by adding consulting services concerning climate change and adaptation.

Project duration: 01.07.2013 - 30.09.2016

Institutions: CENTOS

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Nordwest 2050

Perspectives for Climate-Adapted Innovation Processes in the Metropolitan Region in north-western Germany

Funding body: BMBF

Main focus: This practice-oriented research project aims to increase the ability of the Metropolitan Area Bremen-Oldenburg to deal with climate change in selected fields and to implement measures into regional planning and development processes. The Northwest German region is among the selected model regions in Germany that are supported by “Creating Climate Change-Ready Regions (KLIMZUG)”.

Project duration: 01.02.2009 - 31.03.2014

Institutions: CENTOS

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A North Sea Perspective on Shipping, Energy and Environment Aspects in MSP

Funding body: EU-INTERREG VB NSR

Main focus: Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) is a societal process to balance different and competing user interest as well as environmental protection aims. NorthSEE launches a sea-basin wide coordination process among MSP authorities in the North Sea Region (NSR). NorthSEE aims to achieve a greater coherence in MSP across the NSR for three transnational topics: environmental aspects, shipping routes and energy infrastructure. Current and future synergies and mismatches of national planning solutions and approaches will be identified and planning solutions for selected sites with incompatibilities will be developed.

Project duration: January 2016 to December 2018

Institutions: COAST

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North Sea STAR

Spreading Transnational Results (2012-2014)

Funding body: EU - ESPON

Main focus: The ESPON Targeted Analysis project North Sea STAR analyses the experience of energy-focused INTERREG projects in the North Sea Region.

Project duration: September 2012 - February 2014

Institutions: COAST

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PC - Power Cluster

Developing the North Sea offshore energy region

Funding body: EU - Interreg IV B

Main focus: Use of the wind energy potential of the open North Sea

Project duration: July 2008 – June 2011

Institutions: COAST, ForWind, ZENARiO

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European network for innovative recovery strategies of rare earth and other critical metals from electric and electronic waste (ReCreew)

Funding body: EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020

Main focus: ReCreew is a COST Action which aims to create a European network for innovative CM recovery in order to support the supply of European industries while reducing environmental hazards on global scale.

Duration: 25.03.2015 - 24.03.2019

Institution: CENTOS

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Promotion Systems for Sustainability Business Start-ups

Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of "Eco - Innovera"

Main focus: The project examines the current support for sustainable business start-ups and new business in the field of environmental technologies and "green" products and services. The research centers on the support and funding opportunities offered by universities, innovation centers and business incubators, business promotion agencies, financial institutions and other conveyors available along the business life cycle, from the initial business idea to market success. One main question is to what extent these funding opportunities are likely to meet the special requirements of "green" start-ups needs.

Project duration: 01.02.2013 - 31.01.2016

Institutions: CENTOS

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Smart Nord

Intelligente Netze Norddeutschland

Funding body: Niedersächsische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur

Main focus: Erstellung von Beiträgen zur koordinierten, dezentralen Bereitstellung von Wirkleistung, Regelleistung und Blindleistung in den Verteilnetzen.

Project duration: March 2012 – February 2014

Institutions: CENTOS

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SSP: Speichern statt Pumpen

Funding body: Bundesamt für Naturschutz aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit

Main focus: Ziel des Projektes ist es, regionale klimawandelbedingte Veränderungen im niedersächsischen Küstenbereich sowie deren Folgen für das regionale Wassermanagement zu identifizieren und alternative Handlungsoptionen aufzuzeigen.

Project duration: 01.02.2009 - 28.02.2010

Institutions: COAST

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Funding body: Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, und Reaktorsicherheit: Nationale Klimaschutz Initiative

Main focus: StartUp4Climate is the world's first national start-up initiative for a green, low-carbon economy. Its goal is to mobilize the potential of new start-ups for climate mitigation in Germany. This will allow previously unexploited potential for decarbonization to be tapped.

Project duration: 01.07.2013 - 28.02.2017

Institutions: CENTOS

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Transfer of Appropriate Requirements for Global Education and Technology

Funding body: EU - Erasmus Mundus Action 2

Main focus:Target is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project coordinated by the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. This multicountry project support the development of Higher Education in Central Asia as a top priority and will help to develop the economic situation and increase the life standard as a side effect.

Project duration: September 2010 – June 2014

Institutions: CENTOS

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Transfer of Appropriate Requirements for Global Education and Technology II

Funding body: EU - Erasmus Mundus Action 2

Main focus:Target is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project coordinated by the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. It was elaborated based on the success of Target project and as a follow-up. This multicountry project support the development of Higher Education in Central Asia as a top priority and will help to develop the economic situation and increase the life standard as a side effect.

Project duration: September 2011 – June 2015

Institutions: CENTOS

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Vector borne infections: risk based and cost efficient surveillance systems

Funding body: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Main focus: In consequence of globalisation and climate change, vector-born diseases constantly gain importance in Europe. The aim of the EU-research project VICE is the development of a computer-based surveillance system that allows a continuous estimation of the outbreak risk of such diseases. Thus, in times of high outbreak risk fast and specific preventive actions are possible.

Project duration: April 2012 - March 2015

Institutions: ZENARiO

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Funding body: EU - Interreg IV B

Main focus: WaterCap baut auf den Ergebnissen vorangegangener Interreg-Nordsee Projekte auf und entwickelt sie weiter. Dabei stehen wasserbezogene Themenbereiche beispielsweise in Bezug auf Menge und Qualität, eine Impaktanalyse von Klimaveränderungen auf den Wasserkreislauf und die Entwicklung von Anpassungsstrategien im Vordergrund. Die gemeinsamen Erkenntnisse werden an europäische Entscheidungsträger aus Politik und Wirtschaft kommuniziert.

Project duration: October 2011 - March 2013

Institutions: COAST

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Wege zum nachhaltigen Konsum -Energie, Ernährung

Funding body: BMBF

Main focus: Neuere ökonomische Ansätze zur Entwicklung nachfrage- und angebotsseitigen Wandels im Bereich des nachhaltigen Konsums

Project duration: 01.03.2007 - 31.07.2010

Institutions: CENTOS

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