Feb. 1, 2009 until Mar. 31, 2014
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
within the framework of "KLIMZUG - Managing Climate Change in the Regions for the Future".
The main focus of current research is the joint project:
nordwest2050: Perspectives for Climate-Adapted Innovation Processes in the Metropolitan Region in north-western Germany
Within the context of this joint project, a number of project segments are being carried out under the direction of Professor Klaus Fichter:
- Co-ordination and elaboration of the study Theoretical Foundations for Successful Climate Adaptation Strategies, in co-operation with the Chair of General Business Studies, Management and Sustainability (Professor Reinhard Pfriem), the Chair of Ecological Economics (Professor Bernd Siebenhüner), and the Chair of Production Engineering of the University of Bremen (Professor Arnim von Gleich) [more…]
- The conceptualization, realization and evaluation of a statistical survey of the entrepreneurial risks and opportunities that climate change holds for companies, conducted among 4000 businesses in the Metropolitan Region in north-western Germany [more…]
- Case studies and identification of best practice examples for corporate climate adaptation strategies [more…]
- Development of a methodology for the analysis of the innovation potential regarding the goals of the joint project [more…]
- Development of a methodology for “model-oriented integrated roadmapping” and generation of the associated guidelines, in co-operation with the Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability, Berlin, and the Production Engineering Chair of the University of Bremen, (Prof. von Gleich). [more...]
More about nordwest2050 on
Further information also on video.