Project leader Jun.-Prof. Laura Lukassen
Verbundvorhaben: MOUSE - Multiskalen- und multiphysikalische MOdelle Und Simulation für die WindEnergie; Teilvorhaben: Rechenintensive Methoden zur umfassenderen Beschreibung windenergierelevanter Fragestellungen
Period: 01.07.2022-30.06.2026
Fuding: BMWK (FKZ 03EE3067A)
Appropriated budget for University Oldenburg part: 1.628.058,80 €
(overall project budget 1.961.243,29 €)
Project partner:
- Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, ForWind – Center for Wind Energy Research, Oldenburg (Coordinator):
- Research Group Computational Fluid Dynamics for Wind Physics (CWP)
- Research Group Energy Meteorology (EnMet)
- Research Group Turbulence, Wind Energy and Stochastics (TWiSt)
- Research Group Wind Energy Systems (WE-Sys)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES), Oldenburg
In order to allow the extensive calculations within this project, a High Performance Computing Cluster at University Oldenburg will be extended within this project.
In the project part of the research group CWP, we investigate an improved description of the load dynamics of wind turbines from fluid-structure interaction simulations and atmospheric simulations.