

  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Go to document
    J. Wettinger, U. Breitenbücher, and F. Leymann, "Standards-Based DevOps Automation and Integration Using TOSCA" in Proc. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, Washington, DC, USA, 2014.
    doi: 10.1109/UCC.2014.14
  • [book] bibtex
    L. Bass, I. Weber, and L. Zhu, DevOps: A Software Architect's Perspective, 1st editio ed., Addison-Wesley Professional.
  • [book] bibtex
    M. Hüttermann, DevOps for Developers, Apress.
  • [article] bibtex
    M. Callanan and A. Spillane, "DevOps: Making It Easy to Do the Right Thing" IEEE Software, vol. 33, iss. 3.
    doi: 10.1109/MS.2016.66
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