

  • [misc] bibtex
    D. Inc. Docker.
  • [misc] bibtex
    T. L. Foundation, Production-Grade Container Orchestration.
  • [article] bibtex
    C. Anderson, "Docker [Software engineering]" IEEE Software, vol. 32, iss. 3.
    doi: 10.1109/MS.2015.62
  • [book] bibtex
    D. Vohra, Kubernetes Microservices with Docker, Berkeley, CA: Apress.
  • [book] bibtex
    J. Nickoloff and S. Kuenzli, Docker in Action, Manning Publications.
  • [book] bibtex
    I. Miell and A. H. Sayers, Docker in Practice, Manning Publications.
  • [book] bibtex
    M. Luksa, Kubernetes in Action, Manning Publications.
(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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