I'm a freshie, help!


Student Council of Physics

+49 441 798 3476 (during the meetings)

W02 1-161

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Student council meeting

Date for winter term 2024/25

Every Tuesday, 2 pm – 4 pm

W02 1-161

I'm a freshie, help!

I'm a freshie, help!

First principle: DON’T PANIC!

A new stage of life, everything so exciting and new, living alone for the first time, becoming independent, finally studying at a big university, what’s fun. 

During this process, some will encounter problems they have not experienced before. These can be different things, whether it is private life, family or your studies.  In general, it can be said, that many students doubt their decision in the duration of their studies. Doubts are normal, you are not on your own! Whether it is a specific module with an exam you did not pass or feeling overwhelmed by the content within the first weeks. 


Exams can be repeated and usually content only settles with time. That’s an experience you’ll make yourself in higher semesters. The important thing is to manage the start of your studies, since it affects many aspects of life. 

Since the Bologna-reform many criticize studiabillty, especially in the beginning stages of degree programms in physics. We will stand by your side to help you with a good start into your studies.

You are attending a lecture and do not immediately understand something?


… and keep in mind the second principle: ASK QUESTIONS!

First semester students initially have quite a high threshold to ask questions in lectures and even tutorials. Even though these are specifically made to ask questions. So, ASK QUESTIONS! Every lecturer and tutor will be happy. Don’t expect the perfect answer immediately. Even professors don’t know everything and sometimes need to look something up. As soon as you haven’t understood smething entirely: SPEAK UP!

You are in a lecture with approximately 100 other students, the probability that more students than just you did not understand is quite high. Ask for an alternative explanation, if you can’t ask specific questions. But give your lecturers some feedback, as often as you can. 

Exams are nearing and you wonder how you are supposed to memorize so much stuff in such a short time?


Learn in groups, help your fellow students, ask higher semesters, ask your lecturers, ask US! Physics studies can’t be done alone and once you ask for help, you will receive it.

You notice something in terms of study that can be improve? Come up to us, talk to one another, talk to your lecturers, be active and get involved, shape your studies yourself! School is over, the force is with you. :) 


Especially regarding education studies: For years there’s been a lack of teachers in physics in Lower Saxony! One of the reasons why physics can be combined with virtually any second subject. Oldenburg is an excellent choice as a facility as well. With Prof. Michael Komorek and his colleagues there is a dedicated Team in didactics in physics. Content from experimental physics lectures starting with the third semester will be repeated here and build upon.

There are many exciting working groups for physicists and EP-students as well. Among them are the excellence cluster „Hearing4all”, which does research on Acoustics and Hearing, as well as different experimentalist, e.g. on wind energy and theoretical groups on Quantum Biology. You can read up on them yourself on the website of the Institute. 

P.S.: Always remember DON’T PANIC! You are physicists, we find solutions for problems, we never even knew. 


(Changed: 15 Oct 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p52865en
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