Stud.IP / Timetable


Student Council of Physics

+49 441 798 3476 (during the meetings)

W02 1-161

Social media



Student council meeting

Date for winter term 2024/25

Every Tuesday, 2 pm – 4 pm

W02 1-161


Here are further information on Stud.IP (in German):

IT-Dienste: Stud.IP Informationen

At further problems with Stud.IP please contact the "IT-Beratung" in the libraries

IT-Beratung Uni Oldenburg

or write a mail to the Servicedesk or call there:

+49 441 798-5555

Please contact the servicedesk mainly via mail because there is currently just one line available. Please leave your phone number for calling you back.

Stud.IP / Timetable

Campusmanagement system Stud.IP

StudIP is the study management center of Oldenburg University; you have gotten your account information (format abcd1234) with your starting documents. On the website you can access your inbox and organize your timetable. Additionally, the system manages exam registration, grade assignment, registration to group workrooms and more.

Here the link to Stud.IP (it's easiest to look for ""):
Campusmanagement system Stud.IP

Study information / Curriculum

Here you can find all sides of all bachelor-courses in physics, in case you already want to inform yourself:

Bachelor Physics

Fachschaft Physik (Changed: 15 Oct 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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