Physiological Proteomics of Roseobacter

Physiological Proteomics of Roseobacter

Proteomics of Roseobacter

Members of the Roseobacter clade (roseobacters) belong to the most widely distributed microbes in marine environments, in particular in pelagic zones. The global success of the roseobacters is reflected by their remarkable range of physiological capacities, including aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis, CO oxidation, sulfur metabolism, aerobic aromatic compound degradation, symbiosis and secondary metabolite production. Due to their recognized role as important mediators in the global element cycles in the marine water column, several roseobacters are currently genome sequenced, providing the basis for subsequent functional studies to unravel the molecular physiological mechanisms of their success in the marine environment.

Current research efforts in this newly launched project include:

  • metabolic reconstruction from completely sequenced genomes, in particular Phaeobacter gallaeciensis and Roseobacter litorali;
  • chemostat and fermenter cultivation;
  • differential proteomics to elucidated catabolic pathways, regulatory circuits and surface attachment.


DSMZ (H.P. Klenk), G2L Göttingen (R. Daniel), HZI Braunschweig (I. Wagner-Döbler), ICBM University Oldenburg (M. Simon, T. Brinkhoff), TU Braunschweig (D. Jahn, D. Schomburg)

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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