Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

CV Dr. Sahithya Phani Babu Vemulapalli


since 2021 NMR Facility Manager, ICBM-MPI Bridging Group for Marine Geochemistry, ICBM, University of Oldenburg, Germany
2017-2021 Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany


2011-2017  PhD, Center for NMR & Structural Chemistry, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India   


2017-2021  Postdoctoral Fellowship, Max Planck Society, Germany
2013-2016 Senior Research Fellowship, Counsil of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
2011-2013 Junior Research Fellowship, Counsil of Scientific and Industrial Research, India


Best Student Oral Award

7th Asia Pacific NMR Symposium & 23rd Conference of National Magnetic Resonance Society India, Indian Institute of Science, India.

Best Poster Award

A Tributary Symposium on 100 Years of Chemical Bonding (by G. N. Lewis), CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, India.

Best Seminar Award

Scientific Seminar Competition on Global Warming, Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences, India.

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